Viewing Issues ( 1 - 19 ) |
| P | ID | # | Category | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary |
| | 0000397 | 1 | [] PartnerEdit | feature | resolved (wbrowa) | 2011-11-09 | Partner Edit Screen: Implement 'Relationships' Tab |
| | 0000472 | 3 | [Personnel Module] Individual Data | feature | resolved (christiankatict) | 2011-11-09 | Personnel / Individual Data: Implementation Start |
| | 0000494 | 1 | [] PartnerEdit | feature | resolved (wbrowa) | 2011-11-09 | Partner Edit Screen: Implement 'Subscriptions' Tab |
| | 0000382 | 2 | [] PartnerEdit | feature | resolved (wbrowa) | 2011-11-08 | Partner Edit Screen: Implement 'Subscriptions' Tab |
| | 0000095 | 2 | [Client GUI] Forms | major | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-11-02 | yaml WinForms layout generator: Tab Order |
| | 0000343 | 1 | [Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-22 | Date cannot be changed if you change between two gifts ... |
| | 0000381 | 1 | [] ICH | feature | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2011-10-20 | Finance Module: Implementation of ICH (Int. Clearing House) Sub-Module - Phase 1 |
| | 0000367 | 1 | [] Gift Entry | minor | resolved (mshobohm) | 2011-10-18 | Add donor/recipient history |
| | 0000492 | 1 | [Finance Module] GL Setup | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-14 | when creating a new ledger the start period should default to the first period |
| | 0000422 | 1 | [Partner Module] PartnerFind | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-06 | "no partner to display" message in window for extended partner information |
| | 0000388 | 1 | [Partner Module] PartnerFind | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-06 | click on button "clear" for search criteria throws a NullReferenceException |
| | 0000104 | 2 | [Partner Module] PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-06 | empty address of new partner |
| | 0000411 | 2 | [Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-06 | ComboBox description does not show up during initial edit when there is only one item in the list |
| | 0000487 | 1 | [Finance Module] Gift Entry | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-06 | import gifts from bank statement: after returning from partner find, the calling window is not maximized anymore |
| | 0000483 | 1 | [Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-10-04 | GL batch: cannot open export screen |
| | 0000481 | 1 | [ Installer] Server on RedHat/CentOS | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-09-29 | add support for CentOS, and tidy up the server scripts. add setup script |
| | 0000480 | 1 | [Partner Module] Import/Export | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-09-27 | no permissions for importing partner ext file |
| | 0000476 | 1 | [Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-09-24 | after importing a GL Batch, it cannot be posted because transaction amount in base currency is 0 |
| | 0000475 | 1 | [Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2011-09-24 | when trying to import a GL batch an exception is thrown, invalid path |