Viewing Issues( 1 - 179 ) |
| P | ID | # |  |
Category | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary |
|  | 0002140 | 1 | |
[Personnel Module] Individual Data | minor | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-20 | Individual Data -> Skills: FK Constraint error if either of the two Skills Maintain Tables hold no values |
|  | 0001254 | 2 | |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-20 | 1343 Addresses - Postcode Regions |
|  | 0002149 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-20 | You can't type a currency code |
|  | 0002142 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-20 | GL Batch - Batch description is allowed to be blank |
|  | 0002141 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-20 | GL Journal - Cancelling a journal with validation errors causes grief |
|  | 0002050 | 3 | 2 |
[Conference Module] Reports | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-20 | Arrivals Listing report + 13 (!) other Conference reports: Reports try to access old (removed) database field "pm_arrival_exp_d" |
|  | 0002134 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-19 | GL Transaction - Transaction can end up with 0 base amount |
|  | 0002127 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-19 | GL Transaction - Allows negative amounts |
|  | 0002126 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-19 | GL Transaction - Debit Amount validation message appears when it shouldn't |
|  | 0000439 | 7 | |
[Finance Module] Setup Screens | major | tested (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-18 | Exception not caught when trying to create duplicate entries |
|  | 0000520 | 4 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | tested (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-18 | the fee codes of payable and receivable fees must be unique |
|  | 0001321 | 3 | 1 |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | minor | tested (matthiasschwarz) | 2013-09-18 | Setup Screens (in general): Why are there two New Record Buttons? |
|  | 0001966 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Setup Screens | major | tested (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-18 | maintain email destinations |
|  | 0000131 | 4 | |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | feature | tested (Pokorra) | 2013-09-18 | Allow deleting special Types from the demo database |
|  | 0002087 | | |
PartnerEdit | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-17 | Partner Edit - Saving after deleting an Interests record gives error |
|  | 0002089 | | |
PartnerEdit | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-17 | Partner Interest screen saving fails when interest added for "Field" that is not of type UNIT |
|  | 0002092 | | |
Setup Screens | major | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-17 | Saving of conference master fails if discounts are entered but discount criteria records missing |
|  | 0002061 | 1 | |
Controls | minor | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-17 | Maintain Early and Late Registrations - Clicking New Gives Error About Date |
|  | 0002099 | 3 | |
[System Manager] security | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-17 | Updating user permissions does not take effect until user logs out |
|  | 0002086 | 1 | |
[System Manager] security | major | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-16 | In dialog 'Maintain Users' users are not sorted alphabetically but according to when they were entered |
|  | 0002060 | | |
Controls | minor | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-16 | Maintain Conference Standard Costs - Saving When Currency Textbox is Empty Gives Error |
|  | 0002091 | 1 | |
[Partner Module] PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-16 | Partner Edit - Top Part: 'No Solicitations' CheckBox obscured for PERSON, general: Layout a bit jumbled |
|  | 0001320 | 3 | 1 |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | major | tested (christiankatict) | 2013-09-13 | Maintain Countries |
|  | 0001900 | 4 | |
[System Manager] security | minor | approved (Pokorra) | 2013-09-13 | trying to change the module permissions of an existing user fails on saving |
|  | 0002088 | 2 | |
PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-13 | Add New Person - Pasting Partner Key and clicking OK gives error |
|  | 0002059 | 1 | |
Extracts | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-13 | Clicking on 'Donor by Miscellaneous' Extract in the Finance-General Ledger Menu Gives Error |
|  | 0002058 | 1 | |
Extracts | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-13 | Clicking on 'Donor by Amount' Extract in the Finance-General Ledger Menu Gives Error |
|  | 0002057 | 1 | |
Extracts | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-13 | Clicking on 'Donor by Motivation' Extract in the Finance-General Ledger Menu Gives Error |
|  | 0002056 | 1 | |
Extracts | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-13 | Clicking on 'Donor by Field' Extract in the Finance-General Ledger Menu Gives Error |
|  | 0002055 | 1 | |
Extracts | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-13 | Clicking on 'Recipient by Field' Extract in the Finance-General Ledger Menu Gives Error |
|  | 0001983 | 1 | |
[Client GUI] Controls | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-11 | SourceGrid does not work correctly when SHIFT+mouse_clicked |
|  | 0000742 | 2 | |
[Partner Module] PartnerEdit | minor | closed (matthiasschwarz) | 2013-09-11 | Save button enabled by switching to address tab |
|  | 0001788 | | |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-11 | country setup screen: country 99 violates validation |
|  | 0001507 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (robertpickett) | 2013-09-11 | GL Batch, Analysis Attributes - Picklist includes inactive values |
|  | 0001876 | 3 | |
[Partner Module] PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-10 | Partner Edit: Validation missing for Partner Details of a Church |
|  | 0002052 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Setup | major | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-10 | Currency Setup - Confusing decimals field |
|  | 0001460 | 2 | |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | major | resolved (alwynpaul) | 2013-09-10 | Setting Up a Unit: Unit Hierarchy Set-Up offered, but not working |
|  | 0001322 | 2 | |
[Partner Module] Setup Screens | major | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-09-10 | Partner Setup Screens - Deletable |
|  | 0001918 | 3 | |
PartnerEdit | major | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-10 | Exception when deleting newly created duplicate language record |
|  | 0002045 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-10 | Detail Report - Grand total doesn't include total of last account in report |
|  | 0002039 | 2 | |
Reports | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-10 | Recipient Gift statement report |
|  | 0002046 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-10 | Detail Report - Debit & Credit columns in different positions to Account Detail report by default |
|  | 0002051 | | |
Login | major | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-10 | cannot login as sysadmin due to missing permissions on partner module |
|  | 0002043 | 1 | |
Controls | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-10 | Currency textboxes no longer update currency format on leaving the box |
|  | 0001524 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-09 | 2157 Delete Conference |
|  | 0001527 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-09 | 2164 Outreach Supplements (Create/Update/Delete) |
|  | 0001522 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-09 | 2153 Select Conference |
|  | 0002049 | | |
Gift Entry | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-06 | Gift Amount Field not being Populated Correctly |
|  | 0002042 | 2 | 1 |
[Finance Module] Budget | crash | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-06 | Maintain budget: Creation of budget failed with unhandled exception |
|  | 0001192 | | |
[TEST Partner] PartnerEdit | feature | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-06 | 1021 Maintain Interests |
|  | 0002047 | | |
GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-06 | Recurring GL Batch Submit Does Not Include Analysis Attributes Table Contents |
|  | 0001451 | 1 | |
[Reporting] GUI | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Reports - Hourglass should become pointer when over Cancel button |
|  | 0002011 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | AP Account Detail Report - Each account repeated 4 times |
|  | 0001041 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Detail - Would be good if date could default to same date as batch rather than current date |
|  | 0001070 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Import - Crashes badly if file is in use by another application |
|  | 0001345 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Batch Export - Unhandled exception if blank batch number entered |
|  | 0001344 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | GL Batch/Gift Batch Export - No date validation |
|  | 0001343 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Batch Export - Summary Export doesn't work |
|  | 0001341 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Batch Export - Ignores Recipient & Field fields |
|  | 0001342 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Batch Export - Field Find screen should be restricted to UNIT Partners |
|  | 0001333 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | GL Batch/Gift Batch Export - Should be available from main menu |
|  | 0002029 | 1 | |
Import/Export | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Gift Batch export / import sets exchange rate to ten billion |
|  | 0000136 | 1 | |
[Client/Server communication] .net remoting | major | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-09-05 | cannot change own password because of exception when checking for permissions |
|  | 0000690 | | |
[Internationalisation] translations | minor | resolved (joejoe2010) | 2013-09-05 | make appear extra information about string on launchpad |
|  | 0001065 | 1 | |
PartnerEdit | feature | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-09-05 | Complete validation criteria for Subscriptions |
|  | 0001620 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Reports | feature | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | 2504 Surplus/Deficit |
|  | 0001609 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Reports | feature | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | 177 Total giving for selected Recipients |
|  | 0001908 | 1 | 1 |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | GL-Batch Column heading wrong |
|  | 0001849 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | GL Batch Import - Batches and journals are not required to be in balance |
|  | 0001437 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-05 | Maintain Budget - Screen needs to be wider by default |
|  | 0001444 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-05 | Maintain Budget - Unhandled exception when moving from Split to Adhoc |
|  | 0001469 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-05 | Import Budget - Doesn't support correct import format |
|  | 0001995 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Payments - Journal Description in payment batch set to "TODO" |
|  | 0001994 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-09-05 | Payments - Unhandled exception when entering unrecognizable date |
|  | 0001328 | 2 | |
Setup Screens | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-04 | Setup Screens: Add Delete Button |
|  | 0001989 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-09-04 | When there are multiple rows that fail to delete due to outstanding references the message to the user sounds like a 'problem' |
|  | 0001526 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-09-04 | 2161 Standard Costs (Create/Update/Delete) |
|  | 0001958 | 1 | |
GUI | feature | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-03 | Visual indicator needed to highlight inactive records/fields in a form |
|  | 0002021 | | |
Budget | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-09-03 | When No Budgets Exist Auto Generate Budget Screen Fails in Various Ways |
|  | 0002037 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Setup | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-09-02 | better errorhandling importing account hierarchy from yml file with broken attribute |
|  | 0002036 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-09-02 | import GL Batch csv data directly from spreadsheet Excel/Calc via clipboard |
|  | 0002038 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-09-02 | GL Batches reversal implementation |
|  | 0001525 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-08-30 | 2159 Edit Conference Master Settings |
|  | 0002034 | | |
[Reporting] GUI | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-29 | Export reports as xlsx file |
|  | 0002033 | | |
[Reporting] GUI | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-29 | send report as Excel xlsx file |
|  | 0002032 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Bank Interface | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-22 | update problems when selecting a matched gift |
|  | 0002028 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] PeriodAndYearEnd | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | fixing the NUnit tests for financial period end and year end |
|  | 0002025 | | |
[Finance Module] PeriodAndYearEnd | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | month end: unposted gift batch leads to exception |
|  | 0002026 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] PeriodAndYearEnd | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | month end: unclean handling of transactions |
|  | 0002027 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Budget | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | budget import of sample file fails on German system |
|  | 0002024 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Bank Interface | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | when filtering for bank statements by date, add a refresh button |
|  | 0002022 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Bank Interface | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | if the motivation group is empty, creating a gift batch leads to crash instead of verification message |
|  | 0002023 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-08-17 | exporting gl batch: throws exception if path to csv file does not exist |
|  | 0001974 | | 1 |
[Conversion] field mapping | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-08-12 | Budget types: Create mapping |
|  | 0002018 | 2 | |
[Conference Module] Setup | major | resolved (petes05) | 2013-08-12 | the server is referenced from the client |
|  | 0002013 | | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-08-05 | On some user controls the delete button is enabled when loading an empty grid |
|  | 0001960 | | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-08-05 | Two small bugs discovered in the new delete button code |
|  | 0002019 | 1 | |
[Partner Module] PartnerFind | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-08-05 | Main Menu -> Personnel Module: Partner Find screen should be available |
|  | 0002016 | 1 | |
GUI | feature | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-07-31 | Users confused about 'large grey coloured areas' in Grids: replace with white coloured areas |
|  | 0001999 | | |
PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-07-26 | Detail panels of personnel data screens wrongly hidden if list empty |
|  | 0001968 | 3 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (petes05) | 2013-07-23 | Invoice Edit - Unhandled exception on saving new invoice |
|  | 0001528 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-07-22 | 2167 Early and Late Registration (Create/Update/Delete) |
|  | 0001529 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-07-22 | 2170 Child Discounts (Create/Update/Delete) |
|  | 0002014 | | |
[Conference Module] Conference Management | minor | resolved (petes05) | 2013-07-22 | validation in Ict.Petra.Shared currently references Ict.Petra.Server |
|  | 0001523 | | |
[Conference Module] Setup | feature | resolved (petes05) | 2013-07-22 | 2155 Create Conference |
|  | 0001467 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-18 | Export Budget - Unhandled exception (looks like it is running gift export code) |
|  | 0002006 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-12 | GL Batch - Account displayed incorrectly for transactions for inactive accounts |
|  | 0002002 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-12 | GL Batch - Strange appearance of transaction tab on posted batches |
|  | 0002001 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-12 | GL Batch - Debit & Credit totals on transaction tab not refreshed in Posted batches |
|  | 0001325 | 2 | 1 |
[Personnel Module] Setup Screens | major | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-07-10 | Maintain Driver Status |
|  | 0001985 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-07-10 | Miscellaneous small bugs found while Alan tested the Delete button functionality on many screens |
|  | 0001986 | 1 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | major | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-07-10 | On screens that have multi-row selection and a table with a DeletableFlag it is possible to delete the record |
|  | 0001987 | 1 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-07-10 | None of the Windows Forms templates use Catalog.GetString with PLEASE ENTER DESCRIPTION |
|  | 0001979 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-09 | GL Batch,- Journal date effective sometimes not displayed |
|  | 0000671 | 1 | |
[Client GUI] Controls | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-09 | txtPetraDate validation should be disabled for posted GL batches |
|  | 0000852 | | |
Database Structure | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-07-08 | Remove database fields from application records that are no longer needed |
|  | 0000412 | 2 | |
[Conference Module] Reports | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-07-08 | FRoleDiscountAccommodationPost is not used for calculating the costs of a conference |
|  | 0001940 | | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-07-05 | Local Data tab on Partner Edit screen does not display the grid cells correctly |
|  | 0001948 | | |
[Partner Module] PartnerEdit | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-07-05 | Editing Local data on Partner Edit screen results in strange unique constraint error |
|  | 0001981 | | |
Budget | feature | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-04 | Update Budget Type Code Table to Safe Values |
|  | 0001466 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-07-03 | Import Budget - Unhandled exception if importing a file that is open in another application |
|  | 0001904 | 1 | |
[Personnel Module] Individual Data | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-06-26 | Trying to Delete Passport Detail immediately after adding: Exception thrown |
|  | 0001950 | | |
[Personnel Module] Individual Data | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-06-26 | Individual Data -> Languages: Attemt to Delete a record *always* throws Exception |
|  | 0001961 | | |
Combined (user) Controls | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-06-24 | AutoPopulated
ComboBox Control cannot be set to suppress chage detection --> Save
button always gets enabled even if not wanted! |
|  | 0001455 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - Cannot cope with ledgers that have more than 12 periods |
|  | 0001465 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - Need warning for inactive cost centres and accounts |
|  | 0001464 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - Unhandled exception when entering a budget for the same account twice |
|  | 0001454 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - No validation on period when using "Inflate n" |
|  | 0001445 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - Grid not sorted correctly by default |
|  | 0001439 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | Maintain Budget - Strange interactions between different budget types |
|  | 0001944 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-21 | GL Transactions - Delete All button is enabled on Posted batches |
|  | 0001945 | | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | minor | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-20 | GL Transactions - Delete button disabled when it shouldn't be |
|  | 0001929 | 2 | |
Setup Screens | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | We get a concurrency problem when saving records in the DeleteRows test in Daily Exchange Rate |
|  | 0001941 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | major | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | Local Data Field Setup screen does not work right when deleting rows |
|  | 0001901 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | When asking for confirmation to delete a record the default button should be Button2 |
|  | 0001942 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | Local Data Field Order screen no longer works correctly |
|  | 0001854 | 2 | 3 |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | Gift batch: Cannot adjust the exchange rate - changes cannot be saved |
|  | 0001935 | 2 | |
general tools | minor | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | Developers' Assistant: Add new Item to 'Miscellaneous' ComboBox for execution of 'nant test' |
|  | 0001943 | 2 | |
[Development Environment] Windows development | feature | resolved (alanjfpaterson) | 2013-06-20 | Developer's Assistant: Add 'External Links' |
|  | 0001463 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-11 | Maintain Budget - Unhandled exception displaying budget with type Adhoc |
|  | 0001453 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-10 | Maintain Budget - Tab order wrong when using budget type "Inflate Base" or "Ad hoc" |
|  | 0001438 | | |
[Finance Module] Budget | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-06-10 | Maintain Budget - Doesn't run Amount lostfocus event on Save |
|  | 0001339 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-05-31 | GL Export - Base currency export on a non-Base currency journal exports amounts in transaction currency |
|  | 0000853 | | |
database export/import | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-05-14 | Add import/export for job assignments |
|  | 0001926 | | |
Database Structure | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-05-14 | Remove table pt_leaving_code |
|  | 0001902 | 1 | |
GL Accounting | major | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-05-07 | Analysis attribute grid on GL Batch screen wrongly clears value after saving |
|  | 0001039 | | |
PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-05-02 | Double entry of same key causes exception but should instead trigger validation framework error |
|  | 0001905 | | |
[Personnel Module] Individual Data | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-05-01 | Personal Documents: Validation Error shown when 'New' is pressed |
|  | 0001456 | 1 | |
[Partner Module] PartnerEdit | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-04-30 | Partner Edit / Subscription Tab: Purpose of 'Gift Given By'? |
|  | 0001907 | 2 | 1 |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-22 | AP Problems in Standalone Version / SQLite (2) |
|  | 0001906 | 2 | 2 |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-22 | AP Problems in Standalone Version / SQLite |
|  | 0001896 | 3 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-13 | When posting a gift batch the generated GL transaction should be marked as system generated |
|  | 0001785 | 2 | |
[Application Server] general | feature | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-13 | there should be recurring checks be run for data consistency |
|  | 0001899 | | |
GL Accounting | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-04-12 | Save of transaction attributes only fails |
|  | 0001898 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-10 | Print donors of workers letter: when selecting donor, exception comes up |
|  | 0001897 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-10 | letters to donors of worker: error isolationlevel |
|  | 0001891 | 1 | |
GL Accounting | minor | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-04-10 | Support Key Ministry Field on Recurring GL Batch Screen |
|  | 0001888 | | |
GL Accounting | tweak | resolved (ctopenpetra) | 2013-04-08 | Remove GL Attributes tab and merge functionality into Transaction tab (same for Recurring) |
|  | 0001443 | 5 | |
[Mono GUI] Mono GUI | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-04-05 | Linux Client: collapsable panels don't work |
|  | 0001884 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Payments - Exchange Rate field not following OpenPetra standard |
|  | 0001883 | | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | minor | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Payments - Cheque number field doesn't disable for Cash Payments |
|  | 0001882 | | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Payments - Payment type doesn't default correctly |
|  | 0001887 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Supplier Transactions - Needs an amount due column |
|  | 0001886 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Supplier Transactions - Incorrect handling of payment rows in grid |
|  | 0001885 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Reprint Payment Report - Menu option disabled on main screen and not context sensitive on supplier transaction screen |
|  | 0001893 | 2 | |
[Finance Module] Gift | feature | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Recipient History does not show the donor |
|  | 0001449 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Income & Expense Report - Report fails if "from period" not same as "to period" |
|  | 0001448 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] GL Accounting | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Income & Expense Report - Reporting by Quarter fails |
|  | 0001450 | 1 | |
[Reporting] GUI | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Finance Reports - Problems with validation of combo's |
|  | 0001036 | 2 | |
[Client/Server communication] Logging | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | No error is raised when the Client log file cannot be accessed |
|  | 0001880 | 1 | |
[Finance Module] Accounts Payable | major | resolved (tim-ingham) | 2013-03-28 | Invoice Deletion - Not sure if it should be there and can cause unhandled exception |
|  | 0001895 | 1 | |
[Database and typed datastore] Code Generation | major | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-03-28 | Saving of Cacheable DataTables: TVerificationResultCollection returned from DB calls not returned to caller |
|  | 0001869 | 1 | |
[Database and typed datastore] Typed Data Access | feature | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-03-28 | DataStore: Number of SQL Parameters created in LoadViaForeignKey Method can be wrong |
|  | 0001868 | 1 | |
[Database and typed datastore] Typed Data Access | feature | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-03-28 | DataStore: Improve ability to programmatically count DB row references from referencing DB Tables |
|  | 0001894 | 1 | |
[Database and typed datastore] Typed Data Access | minor | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-03-26 | CountUsingTemplate returns the wrong number of rows |
|  | 0001870 | 1 | |
[Database and typed datastore] PostgreSQL | major | resolved (christiankatict) | 2013-03-26 | Very serious DateTime conversion problem with CreateOdbcParameter() and TPostgreSQL.ConvertOdbcParameters() - Time truncated |
|  | 0000996 | 1 | 2 |
[Personnel Module] Applications | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-03-25 | trying to save the application fails |
|  | 0001892 | | |
PartnerEdit | major | resolved (wbrowa) | 2013-03-25 | Saving fails after application was deleted |
|  | 0001890 | 2 | |
[Client GUI] Forms | minor | resolved (Pokorra) | 2013-03-21 | Assembly.LoadFrom does not work anymore after selecting a file for import |