Table openpetra_trunk.public.a_ep_transaction
the transactions from the recently imported bank statements; they should help to identify the other party of the transaction (donor, etc) and the purpose of the transaction

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Primary key columns
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
a_statement_key_i int4 10
a_ep_statement.a_statement_key_i a_ep_transaction_fk1 R
this transaction belongs to that statement
a_order_i int4 10 to complete the primary key
a_detail_key_i int4 10 (-1) a transaction can be split in order to support mixed GL and Gift records
a_number_on_paper_statement_i int4 10  √  (-1) can be different from order, since the paper statements can have different order than the electronic statement
a_match_text_c varchar 200  √  null this is a calculated text that uniquely identifies this transaction so that it can be recognised next month. TODO: should have a link table a_ep_match between a_ep_transaction and a_ep_match_detail
a_account_name_c varchar 160  √  null This can be a summary of title, first name, last name etc. of the other party
a_title_c varchar 64  √  null
a_first_name_c varchar 64  √  null
a_middle_name_c varchar 64  √  null
a_last_name_c varchar 64  √  null the name of the other party
p_branch_code_c varchar 20  √  null The bank code/branch code/sort code of the other party.
p_bic_c varchar 22  √  null BIC (Bank Identifier Code)/SWIFT code of the other party
a_bank_account_number_c varchar 40  √  null The account number in the bank of the other party
a_iban_c varchar 128  √  null The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the other party.
a_transaction_type_code_c varchar 40  √  null This can be recurring income, recurring payment, income, payment, direct debit, etc.
a_transaction_amount_n numeric 24,10 0 The amount in the currency of the bank account
a_description_c varchar 512  √  null This description was given when the transfer was initiated
a_date_effective_d date 13 ('now'::text)::date The date when this transaction became valid or available
a_ep_match_key_i int4 10  √  null
a_ep_match.a_ep_match_key_i a_ep_transaction_fk2 R
set this value to the match (either new match or set automatically)
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_ep_transaction_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_ep_transaction_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 0 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
a_statement_key_i + a_order_i + a_detail_key_i Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc a_ep_transaction_pk
a_statement_key_i Performance Asc inx_a_ep_transaction_fk1_key1
a_ep_match_key_i Performance Asc inx_a_ep_transaction_fk2_key2
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_ep_transaction_fkcr_key3
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_ep_transaction_fkmd_key4
a_statement_key_i + a_order_i + a_detail_key_i Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc inx_a_ep_transaction_pk0

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