Table openpetra_trunk.public.a_motivation_detail
Used as a subdvision of motivation group. Details of the reason money has been received, where it is going (cost centre and account), and fees to be charged on it.

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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
a_ledger_number_i int4 10 0
a_ep_account.a_ledger_number_i a_ep_account_fk4 R
a_ep_match.a_ledger_number_i a_ep_match_fk1 R
a_gift_detail.a_ledger_number_i a_gift_detail_fk2 R
a_motivation_detail_fee.a_ledger_number_i a_motivation_detail_fee_fk1 R
a_recurring_gift_detail.a_ledger_number_i a_recurring_gift_detail_fk2 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_project_ledger_number_i p_proposal_motivation_fk1 R
s_group_motivation.a_ledger_number_i s_group_motivation_fk2 R
a_cost_centre.a_ledger_number_i a_motivation_detail_fk3 R
a_account.a_ledger_number_i a_motivation_detail_fk2 R
a_motivation_group.a_ledger_number_i a_motivation_detail_fk1 R
This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files
a_motivation_group_code_c varchar 16
a_ep_account.a_motivation_group_code_c a_ep_account_fk4 R
a_ep_match.a_motivation_group_code_c a_ep_match_fk1 R
a_gift_detail.a_motivation_group_code_c a_gift_detail_fk2 R
a_motivation_detail_fee.a_motivation_group_code_c a_motivation_detail_fee_fk1 R
a_recurring_gift_detail.a_motivation_group_code_c a_recurring_gift_detail_fk2 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_project_motivation_group_c p_proposal_motivation_fk1 R
s_group_motivation.a_motivation_group_code_c s_group_motivation_fk2 R
a_motivation_group.a_motivation_group_code_c a_motivation_detail_fk1 R
This defines a motivation group.
a_motivation_detail_code_c varchar 16
a_ep_account.a_motivation_detail_code_c a_ep_account_fk4 R
a_ep_match.a_motivation_detail_code_c a_ep_match_fk1 R
a_gift_detail.a_motivation_detail_code_c a_gift_detail_fk2 R
a_motivation_detail_fee.a_motivation_detail_code_c a_motivation_detail_fee_fk1 R
a_recurring_gift_detail.a_motivation_detail_code_c a_recurring_gift_detail_fk2 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_project_motivation_detail_c p_proposal_motivation_fk1 R
s_group_motivation.a_motivation_detail_code_c s_group_motivation_fk2 R
This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group.
a_motivation_detail_audience_c varchar 160  √  null This is a long description and is 80 characters long.
a_motivation_detail_desc_c varchar 160 This is a long description and is 80 characters long.
a_account_code_c varchar 16
a_account.a_account_code_c a_motivation_detail_fk2 R
This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against
a_cost_centre_code_c varchar 24
a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c a_motivation_detail_fk3 R
This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to
a_motivation_status_l bool 1 true Defines whether the motivation code is still in use
a_mailing_cost_n numeric 24,10  √  0 This is a number of currency units
a_bulk_rate_flag_l bool 1 false Used to get a yes no response from the user
a_next_response_status_c varchar 24  √  null This defines what should happen next
a_activate_partner_flag_l bool 1 false Used to get a yes no response from the user
a_number_sent_i int4 10  √  0 The number of items sent out in a mailing
a_number_of_responses_i int4 10  √  0 The number of items returned from a mailing
a_target_number_of_responses_i int4 10  √  0 The target number of items returned from a mailing
a_target_amount_n numeric 24,10  √  0 This is a number of currency units
a_amount_received_n numeric 24,10  √  0 This is a number of currency units
p_recipient_key_n numeric 10 0
p_partner.p_partner_key_n a_motivation_detail_fk4 R
This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the ledger id followed by a computer generated six digit number.
a_autopopdesc_l bool 1  √  false A flag to automatically populate the description in the gift comment
a_receipt_l bool 1  √  true Whether receipts should be printed
a_tax_deductable_l bool 1  √  true Whether this gift is tax deductable
a_motivation_detail_desc_local_c varchar 160  √  null This is a long description and is 80 characters long in the local language.
a_short_code_c varchar 8  √  null A short code for the motivation which can then be used on receipts
a_restricted_l bool 1  √  false Indicates whether or not the motivation has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_motivation
a_export_to_intranet_l bool 1  √  true Whether or not gifts with this motivation should be exported to the worldwide Intranet (to help distinguish non-gifts like sales)
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_motivation_detail_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_motivation_detail_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 274 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
a_ledger_number_i + a_motivation_group_code_c + a_motivation_detail_code_c Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc a_motivation_detail_pk
a_ledger_number_i + a_motivation_group_code_c + a_motivation_detail_code_c Performance Asc/Asc/Asc inx_a_ep_account_fk4_ref0
a_ledger_number_i + a_motivation_group_code_c Performance Asc/Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fk1_key2
a_ledger_number_i + a_account_code_c Performance Asc/Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fk2_key3
a_ledger_number_i + a_cost_centre_code_c Performance Asc/Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fk3_key4
p_recipient_key_n Performance Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fk4_key5
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fkcr_key6
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_fkmd_key7
a_ledger_number_i + a_motivation_group_code_c + a_motivation_detail_code_c Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc inx_a_motivation_detail_pk1

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