Table openpetra_trunk.public.a_sub_system
Subsystems to the general ledger which can be added and removed independantly. Eg GL, AP, AR, GR

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
a_sub_system_code_c varchar 24
a_special_trans_type.a_sub_system_code_c a_special_trans_type_fk1 R
a_system_interface.a_sub_system_code_c a_system_interface_fk2 R
a_transaction_type.a_sub_system_code_c a_transaction_type_fk3 R
Defines a sub system of accounts
a_sub_system_name_c varchar 64 Name of a sub system
a_setup_sub_system_process_c varchar 24 The filename of the process to call
a_sub_system_to_call_c varchar 24  √  null The filename of the process to call
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_sub_system_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c a_sub_system_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 3 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
a_sub_system_code_c Primary key Asc a_sub_system_pk
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_sub_system_fkcr_key1
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_a_sub_system_fkmd_key2
a_sub_system_code_c Must be unique Asc inx_a_sub_system_pk0

Close relationships  within of separation: