Table openpetra_trunk.public.p_country
List of countries with their codes

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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
p_country_code_c varchar 8
a_currency.p_country_code_c a_currency_fk1 R
a_ledger.a_country_code_c a_ledger_fk2 R
p_address_layout.p_country_code_c p_address_layout_fk1 R
p_formality.p_country_code_c p_formality_fk2 R
p_location.p_country_code_c p_location_fk1 R
p_partner_interest.p_country_c p_partner_interest_fk3 R
p_unit.p_country_code_c p_unit_fk3 R
pm_formal_education.p_country_code_c pm_formal_education_fk2 R
pm_passport_details.p_passport_nationality_code_c pm_passport_details_fk3 R
This is a code which identifies a country. It is the ISO code (ISO 3166)
p_country_name_c varchar 80 The name of the country
p_nationality_name_c varchar 80 The nationality of people in this country
p_undercover_l bool 1  √  false Describes if the country is politically sensitive.
p_internat_telephone_code_i int4 10  √  0 The telephone code needed to dial into a country
p_internat_postal_type_code_c varchar 16  √  null
p_international_postal_type.p_internat_postal_type_code_c p_country_fk1 R
p_internat_access_code_c varchar 8  √  null The code needed to dial out of a country.
p_time_zone_minimum_n numeric 6,2  √  0 Number of hours +/- GMT
p_time_zone_maximum_n numeric 6,2  √  0 Number of hours +/- GMT
p_deletable_l bool 1 true This defines if the country code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes
p_address_order_i int4 10  √  0 Tab order of the city, county, and post code fields on the Partner Edit screen
p_country_name_local_c varchar 80  √  null The name of the country in the Local language
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c p_country_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c p_country_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 236 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
p_country_code_c Primary key Asc p_country_pk
p_internat_postal_type_code_c Performance Asc inx_p_country_fk1_key1
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_p_country_fkcr_key2
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_p_country_fkmd_key3
p_country_code_c Must be unique Asc inx_p_country_pk0

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