Table openpetra_trunk.public.p_unit
Details of a unit. This is an organizational unit such as an om field, department, local cost center, etc.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
p_partner_key_n numeric 10
a_ep_match.a_key_ministry_key_n a_ep_match_fk10 R
a_transaction.a_key_ministry_key_n a_transaction_fk5 R
p_family.p_field_key_n p_family_fk2 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_area_partner_key_n p_area_fk1 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_field_partner_key_n p_field_fk1 R
p_foundation_proposal_detail.p_key_ministry_key_n p_proposal_ministry_fk1 R
p_partner_field_of_service.p_field_key_n p_partner_field_of_service_fk2 R
p_partner_interest.p_field_key_n p_partner_interest_fk2 R
p_partner_ledger.p_partner_key_n p_partner_ledger_fk1 R
p_partner_set.p_unit_key_n p_partner_set_fk1 R
p_person.p_field_key_n p_person_fk4 R
pc_attendee.pc_home_office_key_n pc_attendee_fk3 R
pc_conference.pc_conference_key_n pc_conference_fk1 R
pc_extra_cost.pc_authorising_field_n pc_extra_cost_fk3 R
pm_general_application.pm_gen_app_poss_srv_unit_key_n pm_general_application_fk3 R
pm_general_application.pm_registration_office_n pm_general_application_fk2 R
pm_short_term_application.pm_st_confirmed_option_n pm_short_term_application_fk16 R
pm_short_term_application.pm_st_current_field_n pm_short_term_application_fk19 R
pm_short_term_application.pm_st_field_charged_n pm_short_term_application_fk20 R
pm_short_term_application.pm_st_option1_n pm_short_term_application_fk17 R
pm_short_term_application.pm_st_option2_n pm_short_term_application_fk18 R
pm_staff_data.pm_office_recruited_by_n pm_staff_data_fk2 R
pm_staff_data.pm_receiving_field_n pm_staff_data_fk4 R
pm_staff_data.pm_receiving_field_office_n pm_staff_data_fk5 R
um_job.pm_unit_key_n um_job_fk1 R
um_unit_ability.p_partner_key_n um_unit_ability_fk1 R
um_unit_cost.p_partner_key_n um_unit_cost_fk1 R
um_unit_evaluation.p_partner_key_n um_unit_evaluation_fk1 R
um_unit_language.p_partner_key_n um_unit_language_fk1 R
um_unit_structure.um_child_unit_key_n um_unit_structure_fk2 R
um_unit_structure.um_parent_unit_key_n um_unit_structure_fk1 R
um_unit_vision.p_partner_key_n um_unit_vision_fk1 R
p_partner.p_partner_key_n p_unit_fk1 R
This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number.
p_unit_name_c varchar 160  √  null
p_description_c varchar 1000  √  null
u_unit_type_code_c varchar 24  √  null
u_unit_type.u_unit_type_code_c p_unit_fk2 R
um_minimum_i int4 10  √  0 Indicates the minimum number of staff required. (Computed from um_jobs.)
um_maximum_i int4 10  √  0 Indicates the maximum number of staff required. (Computed from um_jobs.)
um_present_i int4 10  √  0 Indicates the present number on staff. (Computed from um_jobs.)
um_part_timers_i int4 10  √  0 Number of part-timers acceptable. (Computed from um_jobs.)
p_outreach_code_c varchar 26  √  null todo
p_outreach_cost_n numeric 24,10 0 This is the cost of the outreach/Event
p_outreach_cost_currency_code_c varchar 16  √  null
a_currency.a_currency_code_c p_unit_fk4 R
This is the currency that is used for the outreach cost.
p_country_code_c varchar 8  √  '99'::character varying
p_country.p_country_code_c p_unit_fk3 R
This is a code which identifies a country. It is the ISO code
p_primary_office_n numeric 10 0
p_partner.p_partner_key_n p_unit_fk7 R
The partner key of the office that will be this field's primary office..
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c p_unit_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c p_unit_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 3.805 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
p_partner_key_n Primary key Asc p_unit_pk
u_unit_type_code_c Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fk2_key1
p_country_code_c Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fk3_key2
p_outreach_cost_currency_code_c Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fk4_key3
p_primary_office_n Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fk7_key4
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fkcr_key5
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_p_unit_fkmd_key6
p_partner_key_n Must be unique Asc inx_p_unit_pk0
p_outreach_code_c + p_partner_key_n Performance Asc/Asc p_outreach_k0

Close relationships  within of separation: