Table openpetra_trunk.public.pm_short_term_application
Table for short term applications.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
p_partner_key_n numeric 10 0
pm_general_application.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk1 R
This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number.
pm_application_key_i int4 10 0
pm_general_application.pm_application_key_i pm_short_term_application_fk1 R
Key to uniquely identify application
pm_registration_office_n numeric 10 0
pm_general_application.pm_registration_office_n pm_short_term_application_fk1 R
Partner key of office by which application was entered.
pm_st_app_date_d date 13 Date of application
pm_st_application_type_c varchar 32
pm_st_basic_outreach_id_c varchar 32 TODO: this field is a combination of registration office and application number. might not be needed???
pm_st_basic_delete_flag_l bool 1  √  false This field will not appear on the screen but will be updated when someone chooses to delete a record. Rather that an actual deletion, the record will be 'marked' for deletion after an agreed upon interval.
pm_st_booking_fee_received_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if the booking fee has been paid.
pm_st_program_fee_received_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if the program fee has been paid.
pm_st_application_on_hold_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if the application is on hold.
pm_st_application_hold_reason_c varchar 40  √  null Comment on why the application is on hold.
pm_st_scholarship_amount_n numeric 24,10  √  0 Enter the amount of the scholarship.
pm_st_scholarship_approved_by_c varchar 40  √  null Indicate who authorized the scholarship.
pm_st_scholarship_review_date_d date 13  √  null Indicates the date of the review of the scholarship.
pm_st_scholarship_period_c varchar 18  √  null Length of time the scholarship period covers.
pm_st_leadership_rating_c varchar 2  √  null
pt_leadership_rating.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk3 R
Indicates the leadership rating of the applicant.
pm_confirmed_option_code_c varchar 26  √  null Indicates the outreach code of the confirmed option.
pm_option1_code_c varchar 26  √  null Indicates the outreach code of the first outreach choice.
pm_option2_code_c varchar 26  √  null Indicates the outreach code of the second outreach choice.
pm_st_outreach_only_flag_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if for outreach only.
pm_st_confirmed_option_n numeric 10  √  null
p_unit.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk16 R
Indicates the confirmed outreach option.
pm_st_option1_n numeric 10  √  null
p_unit.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk17 R
Indicates the first outreach choice.
pm_st_option2_n numeric 10  √  null
p_unit.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk18 R
Indicates the second outreach choice.
pm_st_current_field_n numeric 10  √  null
p_unit.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk19 R
Indicates the current field.
pm_arrival_details_status_c varchar 24  √  'no'::character varying Indicates the status of given arrival details (not known, being planned,...).
pt_arrival_point_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_arrival_point.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk4 R
This code indicates the arrival point of the congress attendee.
pt_travel_type_to_cong_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_travel_type.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk8 R
This code indicates the type of travel to the congress..
pm_arrival_d date 13  √  null Date of arrival at the conference.
pm_arrival_hour_i int4 10  √  0 The hour of arrival.
pm_arrival_minute_i int4 10  √  0 The minutes of arrival.
pm_to_cong_travel_info_c varchar 32  √  null Information concerning flight or bus numbers.
pm_arrival_transport_needed_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if transport from arrival point to congress needs to be arranged by Registrar.
pm_arrival_exp_d date 13  √  null Date of expected arrival at the conference (if no transport from arrival point is needed).
pm_arrival_exp_hour_i int4 10  √  0 The hour of expected arrival (if no transport from arrival point is needed).
pm_arrival_exp_minute_i int4 10  √  0 The minutes of expected arrival (if no transport from arrival point is needed).
pm_arrival_comments_c varchar 160  √  null Gives further comments on arrival information.
pm_departure_details_status_c varchar 24  √  'no'::character varying Indicates the status of given departure details (undetermined, being planned,...).
pt_departure_point_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_arrival_point.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk5 R
This code indicates the departure point of the congress attendee.
pt_travel_type_from_cong_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_travel_type.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk9 R
This code indicates the type of travel from the congress.
pm_departure_d date 13  √  null Date of departure from the conference.
pm_departure_hour_i int4 10  √  0 The hour of departure.
pm_departure_minute_i int4 10  √  0 The minutes of departure.
pm_from_cong_travel_info_c varchar 32  √  null Information concerning flight or bus numbers.
pm_departure_transport_needed_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if transport from congress to departure point needs to be arranged by Registrar.
pm_departure_exp_d date 13  √  null Date of expected departure from the conference (if no transport to departure point is needed).
pm_departure_exp_hour_i int4 10  √  0 The hour of expected departure (if no transport to departure point is needed).
pm_departure_exp_minute_i int4 10  √  0 The minutes of expected departure (if no transport to departure point is needed).
pm_departure_comments_c varchar 160  √  null Gives further comments on departure information.
pm_transport_interest_l bool 1  √  false Applicant is interested if there would be a transport possibility from/to arrival/departure point.
pm_contact_number_c varchar 60  √  null Gives a phone number/email where the applicant (or registering person) can be contacted.
pm_st_recruit_efforts_c varchar 16  √  null
p_acquisition.p_acquisition_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk21 R
This is the efforts that recruited the applicant for the event.
pm_st_pre_congress_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_congress_code.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk10 R
This code indicates what role they have during pre-congress.
pm_st_congress_code_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_congress_code.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk11 R
Indicates the role for the Congress.
pm_st_special_applicant_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_special_applicant.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk2 R
Indicates any special information about the applicant.
pm_outreach_role_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_congress_code.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk12 R
The role a participant has during a outreach
pm_st_party_contact_n numeric 10  √  null
p_partner.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk6 R
This field is the partner key of the party contact person.
pm_st_party_together_c varchar 32  √  null
pt_party_type.pt_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk7 R
Indicates what parts of the outreach the party stays together.
pm_st_fg_leader_l bool 1  √  false Indicates if the person is a leader of a fellowship group.
pm_st_fg_code_c varchar 32  √  null A free form field for group codes.
pm_st_outreach_special_cost_i int4 10  √  0 Special Costs related to the outreach.
pm_st_cngrss_special_cost_i int4 10  √  0 Special Costs related to the congress.
pm_st_field_charged_n numeric 10
p_unit.p_partner_key_n pm_short_term_application_fk20 R
This field idenifies the field to be charged for the costs.
pm_st_congress_language_c varchar 20  √  null
p_language.p_language_code_c pm_short_term_application_fk13 R
This is the language spoken by the applicant at the Congress.
pm_st_country_pref_c varchar 2  √  null Indicates how important the country preference is.
pm_st_activity_pref_c varchar 2  √  null Indicates how important the activity preference is.
pm_st_comment_c varchar 148  √  null Comments pertaining to the outreach. (Made obsolete: use pm_general_application.pm_comment_c)
s_date_created_d date 13  √  ('now'::text)::date
s_created_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c pm_short_term_application_fkcr R
s_date_modified_d date 13  √  null
s_modified_by_c varchar 20  √  null
s_user.s_user_id_c pm_short_term_application_fkmd R
s_modification_id_c varchar 150  √  null

Table contained 24.680 rows at Do Nov 10 18:00 MEZ 2011

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
p_partner_key_n + pm_application_key_i + pm_registration_office_n Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc pm_short_term_application_pk
pm_st_special_applicant_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk2_key1
pm_st_leadership_rating_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk3_key2
pt_arrival_point_code_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk4_key3
pt_departure_point_code_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk5_key4
pm_st_party_contact_n Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk6_key5
pm_st_party_together_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk7_key6
pt_travel_type_to_cong_code_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk8_key7
pt_travel_type_from_cong_code_c Performance Asc inx_ort_term_application_fk9_key8
p_partner_key_n + pm_st_app_date_d + pm_st_application_type_c + pm_st_basic_outreach_id_c Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc inx_pm_short_term_application_nk0
p_partner_key_n + pm_application_key_i + pm_registration_office_n Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc inx_pm_short_term_application_pk0
pm_st_pre_congress_code_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk10_key9
pm_st_congress_code_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk11_key10
pm_outreach_role_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk12_key11
pm_st_congress_language_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk13_key12
pm_st_country_pref_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk14_key13
pm_st_activity_pref_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk15_key14
pm_st_confirmed_option_n Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk16_key15
pm_st_option1_n Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk17_key16
pm_st_option2_n Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk18_key17
pm_st_current_field_n Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk19_key18
pm_st_field_charged_n Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk20_key19
pm_st_recruit_efforts_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fk21_key20
s_created_by_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fkcr_key21
s_modified_by_c Performance Asc inx_rt_term_application_fkmd_key22
p_partner_key_n Performance Asc partner_key_k2
pm_registration_office_n Performance Asc pm_registration_office_k1
p_partner_key_n + pm_st_app_date_d + pm_st_application_type_c + pm_st_basic_outreach_id_c Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc pm_short_term_application_nk

Close relationships  within of separation: