SchemaSpy Analysis of openpetra_trunk.public - ColumnsOpenPetra Version 3 Database | Generated by SchemaSpy |
Generated by SchemaSpy on Mi Nov 09 18:02 MEZ 2011 |
| ||||||
openpetra_trunk.public contains 4505 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Comments |
a_account | a_account_active_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Defines whether the acount is active or not | |
a_account | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_account | a_account_code_long_desc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_account | a_account_code_short_desc_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |
a_account | a_account_type_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Income, Expense, Asset, Liability, Equity. Suspense accounts are in a_suspense_account. | |
a_account | a_analysis_attribute_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Yes if the account has any analysis attributes. | |
a_account | a_budget_control_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_budget_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | The type of budget. See the a_budget_type table. | |
a_account | a_consolidation_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_debit_credit_indicator_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Defines if the the transcation is a debit or credit transaction | |
a_account | a_eng_account_code_long_desc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_account | a_eng_account_code_short_desc_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |
a_account | a_foreign_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used | |
a_account | a_foreign_currency_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_intercompany_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_account | a_posting_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
a_account | a_standard_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_system_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_account | a_valid_cc_combo_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'All'::character varying | Which type of cost centres may be combined with this account. | |
a_account | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Link to banking details to use for this account - only really used if this account is a bank account | |
a_account | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_account | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_account | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_account | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy | a_account_hierarchy_code_c | varchar | 16 | The code for the hierarchy | |||
a_account_hierarchy | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_account_hierarchy | a_root_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | The root account of the hierarchy, which is at the top of the hierarchy | |||
a_account_hierarchy | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_account_hierarchy | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | a_account_code_to_report_to_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | a_account_hierarchy_code_c | varchar | 16 | The code for the hierarchy | |||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | a_report_order_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Order to display the account or heading on the Balance Sheet and Income Statement report. | |
a_account_hierarchy_detail | a_reporting_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | The reporting account | |||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_account_hierarchy_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_account_property | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_account_property | a_property_code_c | varchar | 40 | Code for the property | |||
a_account_property | a_property_value_c | varchar | 200 | value of this property | |||
a_account_property | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_account_property | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property_code | a_description_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Description of this property | |
a_account_property_code | a_property_code_c | varchar | 40 | Code for the property | |||
a_account_property_code | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property_code | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_account_property_code | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property_code | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_account_property_code | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_period | a_accounting_period_desc_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_accounting_period | a_accounting_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The accounting period number. Must be less than or equal to 20 | ||
a_accounting_period | a_effective_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Deprecated - do not use any more | ||
a_accounting_period | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the period applies to. | ||
a_accounting_period | a_period_end_date_d | date | 13 | ||||
a_accounting_period | a_period_start_date_d | date | 13 | ||||
a_accounting_period | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_period | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_accounting_period | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_period | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_period | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_actuals_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_budget_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_deceased_address_text_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Text to put on receipt when addressing a deceased donor | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_donor_gift_statement_tx2_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Donor gift statement text 2 | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_donor_gift_statement_txt_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Donor gift statement text | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_donor_receipt_txt_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Text for the donor receipt heading. | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_donor_yearly_receipt_txt_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Text for the yearly donor receipt heading. | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_gift_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 2 | How many years to retain gift data. | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_hosa_statement_tx2_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Hosa (Home Office Statement of Accounts) statement text 2 | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_hosa_statement_tx3_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Hosa statement text 3 | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_hosa_statement_tx4_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Hosa statement text 4 | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_hosa_statement_txt_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Hosa statement text | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_number_fwd_posting_periods_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_number_of_accounting_periods_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_recipient_gift_statement_tx2_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Recipient gift statement text 2 | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_recipient_gift_statement_txt_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Recipient gift statement text | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_stewardship_report_tx2_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Stewardship Report text | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | a_stewardship_report_txt_c | varchar | 264 | √ | null | Stewardship Report text | |
a_accounting_system_parameter | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_accounting_system_parameter | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_attribute | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction analysis information must be stored against. | |||
a_analysis_attribute | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Analysis attributes cannot be deleted, because they are needed for existing transaction analysis attributes. But they can be deactivated. | |
a_analysis_attribute | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | A code indicating the type of analysis. Valid analysis types are stored in the a_analysis_type table. | |||
a_analysis_attribute | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Cost Centre to which the attribute relates | |
a_analysis_attribute | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The number of the ledger in which the analysis attribute is used. | ||
a_analysis_attribute | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_attribute | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_analysis_attribute | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_attribute | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_attribute | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_store_table | a_store_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
a_analysis_store_table | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_store_table | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_analysis_store_table | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_store_table | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_store_table | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_type | a_analysis_element_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The name of the field within a table which will be used as the analysis attribute | |
a_analysis_type | a_analysis_mode_l | bool | 1 | true | Shows what type of analysis attribute it is | ||
a_analysis_type | a_analysis_store_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_type | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_analysis_type | a_analysis_type_description_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_analysis_type | a_system_analysis_type_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | To indicate whether the user or system has set up the analysis type. | |
a_analysis_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_analysis_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_analysis_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_analysis_attribute_value_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_ap_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Accounts Payable Sequence Number | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The detail number within the invoice/ accounts payable. | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the attribute value is associated with. | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_anal_attrib | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document | a_ap_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference to the AP Account to debit/credit when posting/paying the document. | |
a_ap_document | a_ap_number_i | int4 | 10 | A unique key (together with the ledger number) to identify this document. | |||
a_ap_document | a_credit_note_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | A flag to indicate if this document is an invoice or a credit note. | ||
a_ap_document | a_credit_terms_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Credit terms allowed for this invoice. | |
a_ap_document | a_date_entered_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | The date when this document was entered into the system. | ||
a_ap_document | a_date_issued_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | The date when this document was issued. | ||
a_ap_document | a_discount_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The number of days that the discount is valid for (0 for none). | |
a_ap_document | a_discount_percentage_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The percentage discount you get for early payment of this document in the case that it is an invoice. | |
a_ap_document | a_document_code_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | The code given on the document itself (be it invoice or credit note). This will have to be unique for each supplier. | |
a_ap_document | a_document_status_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | The current status of the invoice. The value can (for now) be one of: OPEN, APPROVED, POSTED, PARTPAID, or PAID. | |
a_ap_document | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The exchange rate to the base currency at the time that the document was issued. | |
a_ap_document | a_last_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The number of the last item for this document. This is used simply to quickly get the next number if items are added. | ||
a_ap_document | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the ledger for this invoice. | |||
a_ap_document | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Some kind of other reference needed. | |
a_ap_document | a_total_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The total amount of money that this document is worth. | ||
a_ap_document | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Reference to the supplier that sent this invoice. | |||
a_ap_document | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_document | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_detail | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference to the account to use for this detail | |
a_ap_document_detail | a_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The amount of money this detail is worth. | |
a_ap_document_detail | a_ap_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the document | |||
a_ap_document_detail | a_approval_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date when this detail was approved. | |
a_ap_document_detail | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Reference to the cost centre to use for this detail. | |
a_ap_document_detail | a_detail_approved_l | bool | 1 | false | Indicates if this detail has been approved or not. | ||
a_ap_document_detail | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | A unique number for this detail for its document. | |||
a_ap_document_detail | a_item_ref_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Some other reference to the item. | |
a_ap_document_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the ledger | |||
a_ap_document_detail | a_narrative_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | A narrative about what this is. | |
a_ap_document_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_document_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_payment | a_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The amount of money that was paid | |
a_ap_document_payment | a_ap_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Accounts Payable Sequence Number | ||
a_ap_document_payment | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the attribute value is associated with. | ||
a_ap_document_payment | a_payment_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Unique number to identify each payment batch. | ||
a_ap_document_payment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_payment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_document_payment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_payment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_document_payment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_payment | a_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The amount of money that was paid | |
a_ap_payment | a_bank_account_c | varchar | 16 | Bank account from which to make the payment | |||
a_ap_payment | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The exchange rate to the base currency at the time of payment. | |
a_ap_payment | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ap_payment | a_method_of_payment_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Method that was used to make the payment - cheque, cash, ep, credit card, etc. | |
a_ap_payment | a_payment_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date that the payment for an accounts payable was made. | |
a_ap_payment | a_payment_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Unique number to identify each payment batch. | ||
a_ap_payment | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The source or reference for the accounts payable payment. This could be a cheque number. | |
a_ap_payment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_payment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_payment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_payment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_payment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_payment | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This is the system user id of the person who made the payment. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | The currency code to use for this supplier. | |||
a_ap_supplier | a_default_ap_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | The default AP Account to use when paying this supplier. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_bank_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference to default bank account to use to pay supplier with. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_cost_centre_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference to the default cost centre to use for invoice details. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_credit_terms_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Default credit terms to use for invoices from this supplier. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_discount_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Default number of days in which the discount percentage has effect. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_discount_percentage_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | Default percentage discount to receive for early payments. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_default_exp_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference to the default expense Account to use for invoice details. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_payment_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | The default type of payment to use when paying this supplier. | |
a_ap_supplier | a_preferred_screen_display_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Number of months to display invoices and credit notes | |
a_ap_supplier | a_supplier_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | What type of supplier this is - normal, credit card, maybe something else. | |
a_ap_supplier | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Reference to the partner key for this supplier | |||
a_ap_supplier | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_supplier | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ap_supplier | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_supplier | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ap_supplier | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article | a_ar_article_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that uniquely identifies the item; can also be a code of a group of equally priced items | |||
a_ar_article | a_ar_category_code_c | varchar | 100 | this article belongs to a certain category (catering, hospitality, store, fees) | |||
a_ar_article | a_ar_description_c | varchar | 300 | √ | null | description of this article | |
a_ar_article | a_ar_local_description_c | varchar | 300 | √ | null | description of this article in the local language | |
a_ar_article | a_ar_specific_article_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | describes whether this describes a specific item, e.g. book, or a group of equally priced items | |
a_ar_article | a_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 100 | this article falls into a special tax/VAT category | |||
a_ar_article | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_article | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article_price | a_ar_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | the value of the item in base currency | |||
a_ar_article_price | a_ar_article_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the item to be sold or service to be charged | |||
a_ar_article_price | a_ar_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | date from which this price is valid | |||
a_ar_article_price | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | the currency in which the price is given | |||
a_ar_article_price | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article_price | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_article_price | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article_price | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_article_price | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_category | a_ar_category_code_c | varchar | 100 | categories help to specify certain discounts and group articles etc | |||
a_ar_category | a_ar_description_c | varchar | 300 | √ | null | description of this category | |
a_ar_category | a_ar_local_description_c | varchar | 300 | √ | null | description of this category in the local language | |
a_ar_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_default_discount | a_ar_category_code_c | varchar | 100 | refers to a certain category (catering, hospitality, store, fees) | |||
a_ar_default_discount | a_ar_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | this default discount is only applied during this time period | |||
a_ar_default_discount | a_ar_date_valid_to_d | date | 13 | √ | null | this default discount is only applied during this time period; can be null for ongoing default discounts | |
a_ar_default_discount | a_ar_discount_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the discount | |||
a_ar_default_discount | a_ar_discount_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | this clearly specifies which version of the discount is meant | |||
a_ar_default_discount | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_default_discount | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_default_discount | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_default_discount | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_default_discount | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | flag that prevents this discount from being used, to avoid too long lists in comboboxes etc | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_absolute_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | the absolute amount that is charged if this discount applies; e.g. 3 books for 5 Pound | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_adhoc_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | this discount has only be created on the fly and should not be reusable elsewhere | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_article_code_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | this discount applies if the article code matches | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_children_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | this discount applies for a children (e.g. meals) | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | date from which this discount is valid | |||
a_ar_discount | a_ar_discount_absolute_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | the absolute discount that is substracted from the article price; can be negative as well | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_discount_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the discount | |||
a_ar_discount | a_ar_discount_percentage_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | 0 | discount percentage; can be negative for expensive rooms etc | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_early_booking_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies when the booking has been done so many days before the stay (using ph_booking.ph_confirmed_d and ph_in_d) | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_early_payment_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies when the payment has been received within the given number of days after the invoice has been charged | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_minimum_number_of_items_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies for all of the items if at least this number of items is bought at the same time | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_minimum_number_of_nights_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies for all of the nights if the individual or group stays at least for the given amount of nights; this is needed because 100 people staying for one night do cost more than 50 people staying for 2 nights | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_number_of_items_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies for this number of items that are bought at the same time | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_number_of_nights_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this discount applies for this number of nights that the individual or group stays; this is needed because 100 people staying for one night do cost more than 50 people staying for 2 nights | |
a_ar_discount | a_ar_whole_room_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | this discount applies when a whole room is booked rather than just a bed | |
a_ar_discount | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | the currency in which the absolute discount or amount is given | |||
a_ar_discount | p_partner_type_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | this discounts applies to partners of this type | |
a_ar_discount | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_discount | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount_per_category | a_ar_category_code_c | varchar | 100 | refers to a certain category (catering, hospitality, store, fees) | |||
a_ar_discount_per_category | a_ar_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | date is only required for foreign key; this applies to all of that discount code; therefore the primary key of this table does not include the date | |||
a_ar_discount_per_category | a_ar_discount_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the discount | |||
a_ar_discount_per_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount_per_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_discount_per_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount_per_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_discount_per_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | the currency of the total amount | |||
a_ar_invoice | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | √ | null | this is the date when the invoice was charged | |
a_ar_invoice | a_key_i | int4 | 10 | Key to uniquely identify invoice | |||
a_ar_invoice | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ar_invoice | a_offer_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | refers to the offer that was created for this invoice; it is basically an archived copy of the invoice, and the invoice might actually be different from the offer (e.g. hospitality: different number of people, etc.); table ph_booking always refers to the invoice, and the invoice refers to the offer; there is no requirement for an offer to exist, it can be null | |
a_ar_invoice | a_special_tax_rate_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | this describes whether it is e.g. the standard, reduced or zero rate of VAT | |
a_ar_invoice | a_special_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | if a_taxing_c has the value SPECIAL, then this tax applies (defined by tax type code, tax rate code, and date valid from | |
a_ar_invoice | a_special_tax_valid_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | this describes when this particular percentage rate has become valid by law | |
a_ar_invoice | a_status_c | varchar | 32 | an invoice can have these states: OFFER, CHARGED, PARTIALLYPAID, PAID | |||
a_ar_invoice | a_taxing_c | varchar | 20 | 'DEFAULT'::character varying | this defines whether no tax is applied to this invoice (NONE), or if a SPECIAL tax is applied, or if the DEFAULT tax defined for each article; this should work around issues of selling to businesses or customers abroad | ||
a_ar_invoice | a_total_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The total amount of money that this invoice is worth; this includes all discounts, even the early payment discount; if the early payment discount does not apply anymore at the time of payment, this total amount needs to be updated | |
a_ar_invoice | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This is the partner who has to pay the bill; can be null for cash payments; could also be another field | |
a_ar_invoice | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_invoice | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_ar_article_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that uniquely identifies the item; can also be a code of a group of equally priced items | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_ar_article_price_d | date | 13 | Reference to the price that should be used for this article in this invoice, by date; without discounts, just for single item | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_ar_number_of_item_i | int4 | 10 | defines the number of the article items that is bought | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_ar_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Reference for this invoice detail; for a non specific article that could give more details (e.g. which book of type small book) | |
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_calculated_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The total amount of money that this invoice detail is worth; includes the discounts | |
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | the currency of the total amount | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | A unique number for this detail for its invoice. | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_invoice_key_i | int4 | 10 | this invoice detail belongs to the invoice with this key | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_tax_rate_code_c | varchar | 16 | this describes whether it is e.g. the standard, reduced or zero rate of VAT | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | The tax type is always the same, e.g. VAT | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | a_tax_valid_from_d | date | 13 | we need to be able to pick a rate that was valid in the past or will be valid in the future | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | a_ar_discount_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the discount | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | a_ar_discount_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | this clearly specifies which version of the discount is meant | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | A unique number for this detail for its invoice. | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | a_invoice_key_i | int4 | 10 | Key to uniquely identify invoice | |||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_detail_discount | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | a_ar_discount_code_c | varchar | 100 | code that identifies the discount | |||
a_ar_invoice_discount | a_ar_discount_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | this clearly specifies which version of the discount is meant | |||
a_ar_invoice_discount | a_invoice_key_i | int4 | 10 | Key to uniquely identify invoice | |||
a_ar_invoice_discount | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ar_invoice_discount | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_batch | a_batch_control_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Raw total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. Entered by the user. | |
a_batch | a_batch_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw credit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_batch | a_batch_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw debit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies the batch. | ||
a_batch | a_batch_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This identifies which accounting period that the batch belongs to. | ||
a_batch | a_batch_running_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Running total amount of the batch calculated as transactions are enterd. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_batch | a_batch_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'Unposted'::character varying | Has this batch been posted yet? | |
a_batch | a_batch_year_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of the accounting year | |
a_batch | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_batch | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch was created. | ||
a_batch | a_last_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the batch belongs to. | ||
a_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_budget | a_budget_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_budget | a_budget_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Has the budget been posted to the general ledger master and account files. | |
a_budget | a_budget_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | See a_budget_type table. Indicates the method used for creating the budget. | |||
a_budget | a_comment_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | A comment for this specific budget item and revision | |
a_budget | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_budget | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_budget | a_revision_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | A budget can have several revisions per year | ||
a_budget | a_year_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The year that this budget applies to | ||
a_budget | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_budget | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_budget | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_budget | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_period | a_budget_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Budget amount in base currency | |
a_budget_period | a_budget_last_year_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Will cease to be used once a_budget_base_n is used | |
a_budget_period | a_budget_next_year_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Will cease to be used once a_budget_base_n is used | |
a_budget_period | a_budget_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_budget_period | a_budget_this_year_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Will cease to be used once a_budget_base_n is used | |
a_budget_period | a_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_budget_period | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_period | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_budget_period | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_period | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_period | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_revision | a_description_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | A description of this revision of the budget | |
a_budget_revision | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_budget_revision | a_revision_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | A budget can have several revisions per year | ||
a_budget_revision | a_year_i | int4 | 10 | The year that this budget applies to | |||
a_budget_revision | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_revision | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_budget_revision | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_revision | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_revision | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_type | a_budget_process_to_call_c | varchar | 80 | The Petra programme filename of the process to call | |||
a_budget_type | a_budget_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | The type. Adhoc, Split, Same, Inflate. | |||
a_budget_type | a_budget_type_description_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
a_budget_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_budget_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_budget_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | a_date_effective_from_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the exchange rate becomes effective | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | a_from_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines the currency being exchanged | |||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | a_rate_of_exchange_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | a_time_effective_from_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | System generated time stamp. | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | a_to_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines which currency is being changed to | |||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_corporate_exchange_rate | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_active_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
a_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner but reflected as a character rather than a numeric | |||
a_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
a_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_to_report_to_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre the cost centre summarises to. | |
a_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'Local'::character varying | Type of cost centre (Foreign or Local) | |
a_cost_centre | a_key_focus_area_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key Focus Area that this cost centre relates to | |
a_cost_centre | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger in which the cost centre is used. | ||
a_cost_centre | a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
a_cost_centre | a_project_constraint_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_cost_centre | a_project_constraint_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre | a_project_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_cost_centre | a_system_cost_centre_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_cost_centre | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_cost_centre | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre_types | a_cc_description_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | The description of the cost centre type | |
a_cost_centre_types | a_cost_centre_type_c | varchar | 16 | 'Local'::character varying | Type of cost centre (Defaults: Foreign or Local) | ||
a_cost_centre_types | a_deletable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Can this cost centre type be deleted by the user? | |
a_cost_centre_types | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_cost_centre_types | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre_types | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_cost_centre_types | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre_types | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_cost_centre_types | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | a_applied_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | a_credit_note_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the credit note. | |||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | a_invoice_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the invoice. | |||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | Reference to the ledger number. | |||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_crdt_note_invoice_link | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_currency | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_currency | a_currency_name_c | varchar | 64 | This is the name of the currency | |||
a_currency | a_currency_symbol_c | varchar | 8 | This is the symbol used to show a currency. Eg $US or £ | |||
a_currency | a_display_format_c | varchar | 40 | '->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99'::character varying | The format in which to display and accept input on a currency (decimal values) | ||
a_currency | a_in_emu_l | bool | 1 | false | Indicates whether currency is part of the european exchange rate mechanism/ European Monetary Union | ||
a_currency | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | Country code | |||
a_currency | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_currency | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_currency | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_currency | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_currency | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_currency_language | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_currency_language | a_decimal_label_plural_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The currency decimal label when the amount is > 1 | |
a_currency_language | a_decimal_label_singular_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The currency decimal label when the amount is 1 | |
a_currency_language | a_decimal_options_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Describes what to do with the decimal when representing it as text. Not to display, display as text or as a numeric | |
a_currency_language | a_special_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This is needed to determine the gender in some languages. | |
a_currency_language | a_unit_label_plural_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The currency unit label when the amount is > 1 | |
a_currency_language | a_unit_label_singular_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The currency unit label when the amount is 1 | |
a_currency_language | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | This is the code used to identify a language. | |||
a_currency_language | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_currency_language | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_currency_language | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_currency_language | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_currency_language | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | a_date_effective_from_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the exchange rate becomes effective | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | a_from_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines the currency being exchanged | |||
a_daily_exchange_rate | a_rate_of_exchange_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | a_time_effective_from_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The date and time | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | a_to_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines which currency is being changed to | |||
a_daily_exchange_rate | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_daily_exchange_rate | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_email_destination | a_conditional_value_c | varchar | 40 | If this value matches that in the email program then use the partner kay associated with this value. | |||
a_email_destination | a_file_code_c | varchar | 40 | A code to describe the file which is to be distributed via email. | |||
a_email_destination | p_email_address_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | ||
a_email_destination | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
a_email_destination | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_email_destination | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_email_destination | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_email_destination | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_email_destination | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_account | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | The GL account for the bank account | |||
a_ep_account | a_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | The bank account whose settings are defined here | |||
a_ep_account | a_confidential_gift_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | if this is true, all gifts to this bank account get this flag set | |
a_ep_account | a_exportfile_path_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | This tells the plugin where to write any generated files for this bank account | |
a_ep_account | a_importfile_path_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | This tells the plugin where to find the statement files for this bank account | |
a_ep_account | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The bank account has to be assigned to a ledger | ||
a_ep_account | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines a default motivation detail within a motivation group. | |
a_ep_account | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines a default motivation group. | |
a_ep_account | a_plugin_filename_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | This can be either the name of an executable or a DLL that is able to process the country (or bank) specific bank statements | |
a_ep_account | a_plugin_parameters_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Other parameters for the plugin can be stored here | |
a_ep_account | a_tax_deductable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether the gifts to this bank account are tax deductable | |
a_ep_account | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_account | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_account | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_account | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_account | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_document_payment | a_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The amount of money that was paid | |
a_ep_document_payment | a_ap_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Accounts Payable Sequence Number | ||
a_ep_document_payment | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the attribute value is associated with. | ||
a_ep_document_payment | a_payment_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Unique number to identify each payment batch. | ||
a_ep_document_payment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_document_payment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_document_payment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_document_payment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_document_payment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |
a_ep_match | a_action_c | varchar | 40 | What to do with this match: gift, GL, or discard | |||
a_ep_match | a_admin_charge_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | NOT USED AT ALL | |
a_ep_match | a_charge_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | To determine whether an admin fee on the transaction should be overwritten if it normally has a charge associated with it. Used for both local and ilt transaction. | |
a_ep_match | a_comment_one_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_ep_match | a_comment_three_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_ep_match | a_comment_two_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_ep_match | a_confidential_gift_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Defines whether the donor wishes the recipient to know who gave the gift | ||
a_ep_match | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner. | |
a_ep_match | a_detail_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | the match can be applied to split gifts as well | |
a_ep_match | a_ep_match_key_i | int4 | 10 | this is a sequence to easily identify which transaction has been matched and how | |||
a_ep_match | a_gift_comment_one_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_ep_match | a_gift_comment_three_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_ep_match | a_gift_comment_two_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_ep_match | a_gift_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units in the entered Currency | ||
a_ep_match | a_home_admin_charges_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ep_match | a_ilt_admin_charges_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ep_match | a_key_ministry_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Key ministry to which this transaction applies (just for fund transfers) | |
a_ep_match | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The four digit ledger number of the gift. | ||
a_ep_match | a_match_text_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | this is a separated list of all the recurring details of a_ep_transaction (ie. name, bank account, sort code, IBAN, amount, description) | |
a_ep_match | a_method_of_giving_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Defines how a gift is given. | |
a_ep_match | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. Eg cash, Cheque etc | |
a_ep_match | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |
a_ep_match | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines a motivation group. | |
a_ep_match | a_narrative_c | varchar | 240 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | a_receipt_letter_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | a_recent_match_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | The date when this match was recently applied; useful for purging old entries | ||
a_ep_match | a_recipient_ledger_number_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | The partner key of the commitment field (the unit) of the recipient of the gift. This is not the ledger number but rather the partner key of the unit associated with the ledger. | |
a_ep_match | a_reference_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_ep_match | a_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the gift has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_gift | |
a_ep_match | a_tax_deductable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether this gift is tax deductable | |
a_ep_match | p_donor_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the donor. | ||
a_ep_match | p_donor_short_name_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | short name of the donor; will be used for generating export files | |
a_ep_match | p_mailing_code_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Mailing Code of the mailing that the gift was a response to. | |
a_ep_match | p_recipient_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The partner key of the recipient of the gift. | ||
a_ep_match | p_recipient_short_name_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | short name of recipient | |
a_ep_match | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_match | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_match | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_payment | a_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The amount of money that was paid | |
a_ep_payment | a_bank_account_c | varchar | 16 | Bank account from which to make the payment | |||
a_ep_payment | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ep_payment | a_payment_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Unique number to identify each payment batch. | ||
a_ep_payment | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The source or reference for the accounts payable payment. This could be a cheque number. | |
a_ep_payment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_payment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_payment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_payment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_payment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_payment | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This is the system user id of the person who made the payment. | |
a_ep_statement | a_bank_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | The bank account for creating GL transactions against | |
a_ep_statement | a_bank_account_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | this is the bank account that this statement is for; this is necessary because you can have several accounts at the same bank | |
a_ep_statement | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines the currency of the transactions on this statement | |||
a_ep_statement | a_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | The date of this statement | ||
a_ep_statement | a_end_balance_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | The end balance of the bank account after the statement | |
a_ep_statement | a_filename_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the name of the file that this statement was read from; this can be used to prevent duplicate import of bank statements | |
a_ep_statement | a_id_from_bank_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the ID that the bank uses for this statement; it can be used to find the paper version of the bank statement | |
a_ep_statement | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The four digit ledger number of the gift. | ||
a_ep_statement | a_statement_key_i | int4 | 10 | auto generated unique identifier for bank statements | |||
a_ep_statement | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_statement | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_statement | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_statement | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_statement | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_account_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This can be a summary of title, first name, last name etc. of the other party | |
a_ep_transaction | a_bank_account_number_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The account number in the bank of the other party | |
a_ep_transaction | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | The date when this transaction became valid or available | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_description_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | This description was given when the transfer was initiated | |
a_ep_transaction | a_detail_key_i | int4 | 10 | (-1) | a transaction can be split in order to support mixed GL and Gift records | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_ep_match_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | set this value to the match (either new match or set automatically) | |
a_ep_transaction | a_first_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_iban_c | varchar | 128 | √ | null | The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the other party. | |
a_ep_transaction | a_last_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | the name of the other party | |
a_ep_transaction | a_match_text_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | this is a calculated text that uniquely identifies this transaction so that it can be recognised next month. TODO: should have a link table a_ep_match between a_ep_transaction and a_ep_match_detail | |
a_ep_transaction | a_middle_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_number_on_paper_statement_i | int4 | 10 | √ | (-1) | can be different from order, since the paper statements can have different order than the electronic statement | |
a_ep_transaction | a_order_i | int4 | 10 | to complete the primary key | |||
a_ep_transaction | a_statement_key_i | int4 | 10 | this transaction belongs to that statement | |||
a_ep_transaction | a_title_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The amount in the currency of the bank account | ||
a_ep_transaction | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This can be recurring income, recurring payment, income, payment, direct debit, etc. | |
a_ep_transaction | p_bic_c | varchar | 22 | √ | null | BIC (Bank Identifier Code)/SWIFT code of the other party | |
a_ep_transaction | p_branch_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The bank code/branch code/sort code of the other party. | |
a_ep_transaction | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ep_transaction | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ep_transaction | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_payable | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_fees_payable | a_charge_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a the max or min amount charged dependent on the charge option. The value is the number of currency units. | |
a_fees_payable | a_charge_option_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
a_fees_payable | a_charge_percentage_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | 0 | ||
a_fees_payable | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner but reflected as a character rather than a numeric | |||
a_fees_payable | a_dr_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account for the DR side of the financial transaction. | |||
a_fees_payable | a_fee_code_c | varchar | 16 | Identifies a specific fee. | |||
a_fees_payable | a_fee_description_c | varchar | 48 | √ | null | explain what this fee is for. | |
a_fees_payable | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_fees_payable | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_payable | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_fees_payable | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_payable | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_payable | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_receivable | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_fees_receivable | a_charge_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a the max or min amount charged dependent on the charge option in number of currency units | |
a_fees_receivable | a_charge_option_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
a_fees_receivable | a_charge_percentage_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | 0 | ||
a_fees_receivable | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner but reflected as a character rather than a numeric | |||
a_fees_receivable | a_dr_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account for the DR side of the financial transaction. | |||
a_fees_receivable | a_fee_code_c | varchar | 16 | Identifies a specific fee. | |||
a_fees_receivable | a_fee_description_c | varchar | 48 | √ | null | Description of what this admin charge is for. | |
a_fees_receivable | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_fees_receivable | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_receivable | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_fees_receivable | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_receivable | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_fees_receivable | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form | a_form_code_c | varchar | 20 | The code which defines the type of form described in the table | |||
a_form | a_form_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Description of the form | |
a_form | a_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | The name of the form being created for the form code. | |||
a_form | a_form_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | If there are several types of form then it can be specified here. Eg an annual receipt and an individual receipt. | |||
a_form | a_lines_on_page_i | int4 | 10 | 66 | The total number of lines that can be displayed on the page | ||
a_form | a_minimum_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The minimum amount that is acceptable on a receipt | |
a_form | a_number_of_details_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of repeating lines that will be displayed on each page of a form. | |
a_form | a_options_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Allows the exclusion of certain records from a report | |
a_form | a_print_in_bold_l | bool | 1 | false | Is the report to be formatted to print in bold or not. | ||
a_form | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_form | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_form | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_form | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element | a_column_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | The column that the element is to be displayed at on the form. | ||
a_form_element | a_form_code_c | varchar | 20 | The code which defines the type of form described in the table | |||
a_form_element | a_form_element_type_code_c | varchar | 40 | The code of an element type that can be possitioned for use on a form. | |||
a_form_element | a_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | The name of the form being created for the form code. | |||
a_form_element | a_form_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Unique identifier of each form element within a form | ||
a_form_element | a_length_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | The display length for the element. e.g. it may be necessary to truncate fields. | ||
a_form_element | a_literal_text_c | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Text to be displayed if the element is defined as a literal. | |
a_form_element | a_row_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | The row on the page that the element is to be displayed at. | ||
a_form_element | a_skip_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This stores the number of characters to skip prior to printing. It can be used to spread a description over two lines. | |
a_form_element | a_when_print_c | varchar | 40 | Indicates when the element is printed. This would indicate detail lines, first, last page etc. | |||
a_form_element | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_form_element | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element_type | a_default_length_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | ||
a_form_element_type | a_form_code_c | varchar | 20 | The code which defines the type of form described in the table | |||
a_form_element_type | a_form_element_type_code_c | varchar | 40 | The code of an element type that can be positioned for use on a form. | |||
a_form_element_type | a_form_element_type_desc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Description of Element Type | |
a_form_element_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_form_element_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_form_element_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_freeform_analysis | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Analysis attribute values cannot be deleted, because they are needed for existing transaction analysis attributes. But they can be deactivated. | |
a_freeform_analysis | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_freeform_analysis | a_analysis_value_c | varchar | 80 | Value of analysis code | |||
a_freeform_analysis | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Ledger Number | ||
a_freeform_analysis | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_freeform_analysis | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_freeform_analysis | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_freeform_analysis | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_freeform_analysis | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_frequency | a_frequency_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
a_frequency | a_frequency_description_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
a_frequency | a_number_of_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_frequency | a_number_of_hours_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_frequency | a_number_of_minutes_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_frequency | a_number_of_months_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_frequency | a_number_of_years_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_frequency | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_frequency | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_frequency | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_frequency | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_frequency | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_general_ledger_master | a_closing_period_actual_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Special period for the year end close journal. | |
a_general_ledger_master | a_closing_period_actual_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Special period for the year end close journal. | |
a_general_ledger_master | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_general_ledger_master | a_glm_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_general_ledger_master | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_general_ledger_master | a_start_balance_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Starting Balance in the ledger currency | |
a_general_ledger_master | a_start_balance_foreign_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | a_start_balance_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Starting Balance (Int'l) | |
a_general_ledger_master | a_year_i | int4 | 10 | The year is a number starting from 0 (the year of the installation and first accountings). | |||
a_general_ledger_master | a_ytd_actual_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_general_ledger_master | a_ytd_actual_foreign_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | a_ytd_actual_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Total for the current year, 2nd (int'l) base currency. | |
a_general_ledger_master | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_general_ledger_master | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_actual_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of ledger currency units | |
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_actual_foreign_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_actual_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Not supported in Openpetra anymore ... | |
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_budget_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of ledger currency units | |
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_budget_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Not supported in Openpetra anymore ... | |
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_glm_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_general_ledger_master_period | a_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_general_ledger_master_period | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_general_ledger_master_period | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | a_admin_charge_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | NOT USED AT ALL | |
a_gift | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_gift | a_date_entered_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | |||
a_gift | a_first_time_gift_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag to indicate Donors first gift | |
a_gift | a_gift_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_gift | a_home_admin_charges_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_gift | a_ilt_admin_charges_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_gift | a_last_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies the last gift detail entered | ||
a_gift | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files. The four digit ledger number of the gift. | ||
a_gift | a_method_of_giving_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Defines how a gift is given. | |
a_gift | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. Eg cash, Cheque etc | |
a_gift | a_receipt_letter_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | a_receipt_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Gift Receipt Number | |
a_gift | a_receipt_printed_l | bool | 1 | false | Indicates whether or not the receipt has been printed for this gift | ||
a_gift | a_reference_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_gift | a_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the gift has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_gift | |
a_gift | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Bank or credit card account used for making this gift transaction. | ||
a_gift | p_donor_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the donor. | ||
a_gift | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_gift | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_gift | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_batch | a_bank_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | bank account code which this batch is for | |||
a_gift_batch | a_bank_cost_centre_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre is applied to the bank | |||
a_gift_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | gift batch description | |
a_gift_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Gift batch number | ||
a_gift_batch | a_batch_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The accounting period that the batch belongs to. Must be less than or equal to 20. | ||
a_gift_batch | a_batch_status_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'Unposted'::character varying | Status of a gift batch: unposted, posted, cancelled. | |
a_gift_batch | a_batch_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | total for the gift batch | |
a_gift_batch | a_batch_year_i | int4 | 10 | The financial year that the batch belongs to. | |||
a_gift_batch | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_gift_batch | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange | ||
a_gift_batch | a_gift_type_c | varchar | 16 | 'Gift'::character varying | What type of gift is this? a gift or a gift in kind generally | ||
a_gift_batch | a_gl_effective_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Effective date when posted to the general ledger. | ||
a_gift_batch | a_hash_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | hash total for the gift batch | |
a_gift_batch | a_last_gift_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | last gift number of the batch | |
a_gift_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | ledger number | ||
a_gift_batch | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. EgCash, Cheque etc | |
a_gift_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_gift_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_batch | s_modification_date_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | date of user entry or last modification. | |
a_gift_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_detail | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Number of the gift batch containing this detail. | ||
a_gift_detail | a_charge_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | To determine whether an admin fee on the transaction should be overwritten if it normally has a charge associated with it. Used for both local and ilt transaction. | |
a_gift_detail | a_comment_one_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_gift_detail | a_comment_three_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_gift_detail | a_comment_two_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_gift_detail | a_confidential_gift_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Defines whether the donor wishes the recipient to know who gave the gift | ||
a_gift_detail | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner. | |
a_gift_detail | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a gift detail within a gift transaction. When a donor gives a donation to multiple recipients (a split gift), a gift detail record is created for each recipient. | ||
a_gift_detail | a_gift_amount_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units in the International Currency | |
a_gift_detail | a_gift_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units of the ledger base currency. | |
a_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_one_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_three_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_two_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_gift_detail | a_gift_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units in the entered Currency | ||
a_gift_detail | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a gift transaction within a gift batch. | ||
a_gift_detail | a_ich_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes the ICH process number | ||
a_gift_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The four digit ledger number of the gift. | ||
a_gift_detail | a_modified_detail_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether this gift detail has a matching inverse detail record because a modification was made | |
a_gift_detail | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |||
a_gift_detail | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines a motivation group. | |||
a_gift_detail | a_recipient_ledger_number_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The partner key of the commitment field (the unit) of the recipient of the gift. This is not the ledger number but rather the partner key of the unit associated with the ledger. | ||
a_gift_detail | a_tax_deductable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether this gift is tax deductable | |
a_gift_detail | p_mailing_code_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Mailing Code of the mailing that the gift was a response to. | |
a_gift_detail | p_recipient_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The partner key of the recipient of the gift. | ||
a_gift_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_gift_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_gift_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ich_stewardship | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner but reflected as a character rather than a numeric | |||
a_ich_stewardship | a_date_processed_d | date | 13 | This is the date the stewardship was processed. | |||
a_ich_stewardship | a_direct_xfer_amount_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Direct Transfer amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship in international currency. | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_direct_xfer_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Direct Transfer amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_expense_amount_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Expense amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship in international currency | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_expense_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Expense amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_ich_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes the ICH process number | ||
a_ich_stewardship | a_income_amount_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Income amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship in International Currency | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_income_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Income amount for foreign cost centre's stewardship | |
a_ich_stewardship | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_ich_stewardship | a_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | ||
a_ich_stewardship | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ich_stewardship | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ich_stewardship | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ich_stewardship | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ich_stewardship | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_journal | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch the journal belongs to. | ||
a_journal | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the journal comes into effect. | ||
a_journal | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the journal was created. | ||
a_journal | a_exchange_rate_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The time component of the exchange rate. | ||
a_journal | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange from the transaction currency (in a_transaction_currency_c) to the ledger base currency. | ||
a_journal | a_journal_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is the number of currency units in the currency of the transaction. | ||
a_journal | a_journal_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units in the currency of the transaction. | ||
a_journal | a_journal_description_c | varchar | 160 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_journal | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | Identifies a journal within a batch | |||
a_journal | a_journal_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | ||
a_journal | a_journal_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'Unposted'::character varying | Has a journal been posted yet | |
a_journal | a_last_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The number of the last transaction within the journal. | ||
a_journal | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The journal belongs to this ledger. | ||
a_journal | a_reversed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not a journal has been reversed. | |
a_journal | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Indicates the sub system of accounts that the journal belongs to. Eg. GL, AP, GR | |||
a_journal | a_transaction_currency_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_journal | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Which type of journal is this? Eg. STD, ALLOC, REALLOC, REVAL. | |
a_journal | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_journal | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_journal | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_journal | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_journal | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_key_focus_area | a_key_focus_area_c | varchar | 40 | Name of Key Focus Area | |||
a_key_focus_area | a_key_focus_area_comment_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Comment | |
a_key_focus_area | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_key_focus_area | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_key_focus_area | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_key_focus_area | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_key_focus_area | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_actuals_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 11 | ||
a_ledger | a_bank_accounts_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_base_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used | |
a_ledger | a_branch_processing_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | THis defines whether or not the ledger ha made up of separate branches/departments that are self contained (should balance). | |
a_ledger | a_budget_control_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_ledger | a_budget_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_calendar_mode_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
a_ledger | a_consolidation_ledger_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the ledger is just for storing consolidated accounts (rather than a 'real' ledger). | |
a_ledger | a_cost_of_sales_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | This identifies a country. It uses the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements. | |
a_ledger | a_creditor_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_current_accounting_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | deprecated; not used at the moment; please use a_current_period_i | ||
a_ledger | a_current_financial_year_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_current_period_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_date_cr_dr_balances_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_debtor_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_delete_ledger_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_discount_allowed_pct_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_discount_received_pct_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_fa_depreciation_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_fa_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_fa_pl_on_sale_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_fa_prov_for_depn_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_forex_gains_losses_account_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_ledger | a_gift_data_retention_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 2 | How many years to retain gift data. | |
a_ledger | a_ilt_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_ledger | a_ilt_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | The account for inter-ledger transfers. | |
a_ledger | a_ilt_processing_centre_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this ledger an ILT processing centre (ie, clearinghouse status) | |
a_ledger | a_installation_id_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Defines which installation is running on this database | |
a_ledger | a_intl_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency to use as a second ('international') base currency. | |
a_ledger | a_last_ap_dn_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_last_ap_inv_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is the last batch number used within a ledger | ||
a_ledger | a_last_gift_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of the last gift batch to be created. | |
a_ledger | a_last_gift_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_header_p_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | last used cashbook payment header number | ||
a_ledger | a_last_header_r_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_ich_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes the Last used ICH process number | ||
a_ledger | a_last_po_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_po_rec_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_last_po_ret_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_last_rec_gift_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of the last gift batch to be created. | |
a_ledger | a_last_recurring_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_so_del_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_last_so_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_last_so_ret_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_last_special_gift_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_ledger_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is the ledger name | |
a_ledger | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files .It is created from the first 4 digits of a partner key of type ledger. | ||
a_ledger | a_ledger_status_l | bool | 1 | true | Defines if the ledger is in use | ||
a_ledger | a_max_gift_aid_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_ledger | a_min_gift_aid_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_ledger | a_new_financial_year_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_number_fwd_posting_periods_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_number_of_accounting_periods_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | ||
a_ledger | a_number_of_gifts_to_display_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_ledger | a_periods_per_financial_year_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | deprecated; not used at the moment; please use a_number_of_accounting_periods_i | |
a_ledger | a_po_accrual_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_profit_loss_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |
a_ledger | a_provisional_year_end_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This flag is set between the completion of the last month of the year and the year itself. In this state some activities are disabled and some others are enabled. | |
a_ledger | a_purchase_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_recalculate_all_periods_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | When recalculating the account report structure this indicates that all periods should be recalculated. | |
a_ledger | a_recalculate_gl_master_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_ret_earnings_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_sales_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_so_accrual_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_stock_accrual_gl_account_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_stock_adj_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_stock_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_suspense_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_system_interface_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_excl_incl_indicator_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_excl_incl_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_gl_account_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_input_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_input_gl_cc_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_output_gl_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_terms_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | a_transaction_account_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_year_end_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_ledger | a_year_end_process_status_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | How far along is the year end process. | |
a_ledger | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Partner key which links the ledger to the partner type record where the type is a ledger. | |
a_ledger | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ledger | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger_init_flag | a_init_option_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
a_ledger_init_flag | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_ledger_init_flag | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger_init_flag | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_ledger_init_flag | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger_init_flag | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_ledger_init_flag | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_giving | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Shows whether this code is active | |
a_method_of_giving | a_method_of_giving_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines how a gift is given | |||
a_method_of_giving | a_method_of_giving_desc_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_method_of_giving | a_recurring_method_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if this method of giving is used by recurring gifts | ||
a_method_of_giving | a_tax_rebate_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if this method of giving involves a tax rebate | ||
a_method_of_giving | a_trust_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if the method of giving involves a trust | ||
a_method_of_giving | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_giving | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_method_of_giving | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_giving | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_giving | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_payment | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Shows whether this code is active | |
a_method_of_payment | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | This is how the partner paid. EgCash, Cheque etc | |||
a_method_of_payment | a_method_of_payment_desc_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_method_of_payment | a_method_of_payment_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_payment | a_process_to_call_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | The filename of the process to call | |
a_method_of_payment | a_special_method_of_pmt_l | bool | 1 | false | |||
a_method_of_payment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_payment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_method_of_payment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_payment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_method_of_payment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_motivation_detail | a_activate_partner_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_motivation_detail | a_amount_received_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_motivation_detail | a_autopopdesc_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | A flag to automatically populate the description in the gift comment | |
a_motivation_detail | a_bulk_rate_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_motivation_detail | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_motivation_detail | a_export_to_intranet_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether or not gifts with this motivation should be exported to the worldwide Intranet (to help distinguish non-gifts like sales) | |
a_motivation_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_motivation_detail | a_mailing_cost_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_detail_audience_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |||
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_detail_desc_c | varchar | 160 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_detail_desc_local_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long in the local language. | |
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines a motivation group. | |||
a_motivation_detail | a_motivation_status_l | bool | 1 | true | Defines whether the motivation code is still in use | ||
a_motivation_detail | a_next_response_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This defines what should happen next | |
a_motivation_detail | a_number_of_responses_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of items returned from a mailing | |
a_motivation_detail | a_number_sent_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of items sent out in a mailing | |
a_motivation_detail | a_receipt_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether receipts should be printed | |
a_motivation_detail | a_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the motivation has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_motivation | |
a_motivation_detail | a_short_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | A short code for the motivation which can then be used on receipts | |
a_motivation_detail | a_target_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_motivation_detail | a_target_number_of_responses_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The target number of items returned from a mailing | |
a_motivation_detail | a_tax_deductable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether this gift is tax deductable | |
a_motivation_detail | p_recipient_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the ledger id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
a_motivation_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_motivation_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail_fee | a_fee_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_motivation_detail_fee | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
a_motivation_detail_fee | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_motivation_detail_fee | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_motivation_detail_fee | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail_fee | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_motivation_detail_fee | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail_fee | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_detail_fee | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_group | a_group_status_l | bool | 1 | true | Defines whether the motivation group is still in use | ||
a_motivation_group | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_motivation_group | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines a motivation group. | |||
a_motivation_group | a_motivation_group_desc_local_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long in the local language. | |
a_motivation_group | a_motivation_group_description_c | varchar | 100 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_motivation_group | a_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the motivation has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_motivation | |
a_motivation_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_motivation_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_motivation_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | a_date_effective_from_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the exchange rate becomes effective | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | a_from_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines the currency being exchanged | |||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | a_rate_of_exchange_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The rate of exchange | |
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | a_time_effective_from_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | System generated date/time stamp. | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | a_to_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | Defines which currency is being changed to | |||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_corp_ex_rate | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_attribute_value_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Cost Centre to which the attribute relates | |
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_prev_year_trans_anal_attrib | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_control_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Raw total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. Entered by the user. | |
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw credit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw debit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The accounting period that the batch belongs to. Must be less than or equal to 20. | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_running_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Running total amount of the batch calculated as transactions are enterd. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'Posted'::character varying | Has this batch been posted yet? | |
a_previous_year_batch | a_batch_year_i | int4 | 10 | The financial year that the batch belongs to. | |||
a_previous_year_batch | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_last_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_previous_year_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the batch belongs to. | ||
a_previous_year_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_previous_year_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_base_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_exchange_rate_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The date and time | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange from the journal currency (in a_transaction_currency_c) to the ledger base currency. | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_description_c | varchar | 160 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | Identifies a journal within a batch | |||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_journal_status_c | varchar | 24 | 'Unposted'::character varying | Has a journal been posted yet | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_last_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_previous_year_journal | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_previous_year_journal | a_reversed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not a journal has been reversed. | |
a_previous_year_journal | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_previous_year_journal | a_transaction_currency_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_previous_year_journal | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_previous_year_journal | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_journal | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_previous_year_journal | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_journal | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_journal | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_amount_in_base_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_amount_in_intl_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The transaction amount in the second base currency. | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_analysis_indicator_l | bool | 1 | false | |||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_debit_credit_indicator_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The detail (within the header) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_header_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The header (eg, cashbook #) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_narrative_c | varchar | 240 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_primary_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_primary_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_reconciled_status_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if the transaction has been reconciled or not | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_source_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | To flag a transaction as having come from a source ledger and been processed in an ilt processing centre | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_source_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Transaction key which initiated an ILT transaction | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_sub_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_system_generated_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Was this transaction generated automatically by the system? | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_to_ilt_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the ILT transaction has been transferred to transaction for ILT file. | |
a_previous_year_transaction | a_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_transaction_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the transaction took place | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | a_transaction_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Has a transaction been posted yet | |
a_previous_year_transaction | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_previous_year_transaction | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_processed_fee | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | Number of the gift batch containing this detail. | |||
a_processed_fee | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | Cost centre code which the fee will be charged against. | |||
a_processed_fee | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | Identifies a gift detail within a gift transaction. When a donor gives a donation to multiple recipients (a split gift), a gift detail record is created for each recipient. | |||
a_processed_fee | a_fee_code_c | varchar | 16 | the fee which the calculated amounts are stored against. | |||
a_processed_fee | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | Identifies a gift transaction within a gift batch. | |||
a_processed_fee | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_processed_fee | a_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Period number | ||
a_processed_fee | a_periodic_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Total Amount of the fee for the given period. | ||
a_processed_fee | a_processed_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date admin fee calculations have been run to fee total has been created as a transaction in the general ledger. | |
a_processed_fee | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_processed_fee | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_processed_fee | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_processed_fee | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_processed_fee | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_processed_fee | s_timestamp_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | System generated time stamp. | |
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_control_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is a number of currency units | |
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_period_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | |
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_running_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_batch_status_c | varchar | 24 | 'Unposted'::character varying | identifies the status of a batch | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_date_batch_last_run_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_frequency_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_last_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_recurring_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_batch | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This identifies who the current user is | |
a_recurring_gift | a_active_l | bool | 1 | true | Whether the recurring gift should be made | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_charge_status_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Status of the credit card transaction | |
a_recurring_gift | a_debit_day_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The day of the month to make the recurring gift | |
a_recurring_gift | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_last_debit_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The last date that a successfull direct debit or credit card charge occurred for this gift | |
a_recurring_gift | a_last_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies the last gift detail entered | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_method_of_giving_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Defines how a gift is given | |
a_recurring_gift | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. Eg cash, Cheque etc | |
a_recurring_gift | a_receipt_letter_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift | a_reference_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_recurring_gift | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Bank or credit card account to use for making this gift transaction. | ||
a_recurring_gift | p_donor_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
a_recurring_gift | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_gift | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_bank_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | bank account code which this batch is for | |||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_bank_cost_centre_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre is applied to the bank | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | gift batch description | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Gift batch number | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_batch_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | total for the gift batch | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_gift_type_c | varchar | 16 | 'Gift'::character varying | What type of gift is this? a gift or a gift in kind generally | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_hash_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | hash total for the gift batch | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_last_gift_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | last gift number of the batch | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | ledger number | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. EgCash, Cheque etc | |
a_recurring_gift_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Number of the gift batch containing this detail. | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_charge_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | To determine whether an admin fee on the transaction should be overwritten if it normally has a charge associated with it. Used for both local and ilt transaction. | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_comment_one_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_comment_three_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_comment_two_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Used to decide whose reports will see this comment | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_confidential_gift_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Defines whether the donor wishes the recipient to know who gave the gift | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a gift | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_end_donations_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date that donor wants to stop giving this recurring donation | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_gift_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This is the amount in transaction currency. This field should be renamed to a_gift_transaction_amount_n, to be in analogy to a_gift_detail.a_gift_transaction_amount_n | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_one_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_three_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_gift_comment_two_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a gift transaction within a gift batch. | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines a motivation group. | |||
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_recipient_ledger_number_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_start_donations_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date that donor wants to begin giving this recurring donation | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | a_tax_deductable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Whether this gift is tax deductable | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | p_mailing_code_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Mailing Code | |
a_recurring_gift_detail | p_recipient_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_gift_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_description_c | varchar | 160 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_period_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | |
a_recurring_journal | a_journal_status_c | varchar | 40 | 'Unposted'::character varying | identifies the status of a batch | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_last_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_recurring_journal | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_journal | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is how the partner paid. Eg cash, Cheque etc | |
a_recurring_journal | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_recurring_journal | a_transaction_currency_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_recurring_journal | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_recurring_journal | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_journal | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_journal | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_journal | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_journal | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_attribute_value_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Cost Centre to which the attribute relates | |
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_recurring_transaction | a_amount_in_base_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_analysis_indicator_l | bool | 1 | false | |||
a_recurring_transaction | a_base_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_recurring_transaction | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_debit_credit_indicator_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
a_recurring_transaction | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The detail (within the header) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The rate of exchange | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_header_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The header (eg, cashbook #) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Journal number that transaction belongs to | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_method_of_payment_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_narrative_c | varchar | 240 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_period_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_reconciled_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if the transaction has been reconciled or not | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_reference_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Defines a sub system of accounts | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_sub_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the transaction took place | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Has a transaction been posted yet | |
a_recurring_transaction | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_recurring_transaction | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_special_trans_type | a_spec_trans_process_to_call_c | varchar | 80 | The filename of the process to call | |||
a_special_trans_type | a_spec_trans_undo_process_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Process to call to undo the work of the special transaction process, if needed | |
a_special_trans_type | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_special_trans_type | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_special_trans_type | a_transaction_type_description_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_special_trans_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_special_trans_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_special_trans_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_special_trans_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_special_trans_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_sub_system | a_setup_sub_system_process_c | varchar | 24 | The filename of the process to call | |||
a_sub_system | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_sub_system | a_sub_system_name_c | varchar | 64 | Name of a sub system | |||
a_sub_system | a_sub_system_to_call_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | The filename of the process to call | |
a_sub_system | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_sub_system | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_sub_system | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_sub_system | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_sub_system | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_suspense_account | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_suspense_account | a_suspense_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies an account which will be treated as a suspense account. | |||
a_suspense_account | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_suspense_account | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_suspense_account | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_suspense_account | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_suspense_account | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_system_interface | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_system_interface | a_set_up_complete_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
a_system_interface | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_system_interface | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_system_interface | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_system_interface | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_system_interface | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_system_interface | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_table | a_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | flag that prevents this rate from being used, e.g. if it has been replaced by another rate | |
a_tax_table | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_tax_table | a_tax_rate_code_c | varchar | 16 | this describes whether it is e.g. the standard, reduced or zero rate of VAT | |||
a_tax_table | a_tax_rate_description_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |
a_tax_table | a_tax_rate_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Tax rate | |
a_tax_table | a_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | The tax type is always the same, e.g. VAT | |||
a_tax_table | a_tax_valid_from_d | date | 13 | this describes when this particular percentage rate has become valid by law | |||
a_tax_table | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_table | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_tax_table | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_table | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_table | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_type | a_tax_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | This is whether it is GST, VAT | |||
a_tax_type | a_tax_type_description_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a short description which is 32 characters long | |
a_tax_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_tax_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_tax_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_control_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Raw total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. Entered by the user. | |
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw credit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Raw debit total amount of the batch. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The accounting period that the batch belongs to. Must be less than or equal to 20. | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_running_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | Running total amount of the batch calculated as transactions are enterd. If the journals within the batch have different currencies, this is just a raw numeric sum of all the journal amounts. It does not reflect a monetary value in a specific currency. | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_batch_status_c | varchar | 24 | 'Unposted'::character varying | Has this batch been posted yet? | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_date_of_entry_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_last_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The ledger that the batch belongs to. | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_batch | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_base_currency_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the batch comes into effect | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_exchange_rate_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The date and time | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_exchange_rate_to_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | The rate of exchange | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_credit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_debit_total_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_description_c | varchar | 160 | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | Identifies a journal within a batch | |||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_period_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This defines which accounting period is being used | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_journal_status_c | varchar | 24 | 'Unposted'::character varying | Has a journal been posted yet | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_last_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_reversed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not a journal has been reversed. | |
a_this_year_old_journal | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_transaction_currency_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
a_this_year_old_journal | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_journal | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_amount_in_base_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_amount_in_intl_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The transaction amount in the second base currency. | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_analysis_indicator_l | bool | 1 | false | |||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_debit_credit_indicator_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The detail (within the header) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_header_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The header (eg, cashbook #) that the transaction is associated with. | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_ich_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes the ICH process number | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_narrative_c | varchar | 240 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_primary_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_primary_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_reconciled_status_l | bool | 1 | false | Shows if the transaction has been reconciled or not | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_source_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | To flag a transaction as having come from a source ledger and been processed in an ilt processing centre | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_source_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Transaction key which initiated an ILT transaction | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_sub_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_system_generated_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Was this transaction generated automatically by the system? | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_to_ilt_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the ILT transaction has been transferred to transaction for ILT file. | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_transaction_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the transaction took place | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | a_transaction_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Has a transaction been posted yet | |
a_this_year_old_transaction | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_this_year_old_transaction | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_attribute_value_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Cost Centre to which the attribute relates | |
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_thisyearold_trans_anal_attrib | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_attribute_value_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_analysis_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Cost Centre to which the attribute relates | |
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_trans_anal_attrib | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | a_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_transaction | a_amount_in_base_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_transaction | a_amount_in_intl_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The transaction amount in the second base currency. | |
a_transaction | a_analysis_indicator_l | bool | 1 | false | Used to get a yes no response from the user | ||
a_transaction | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
a_transaction | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to | |||
a_transaction | a_debit_credit_indicator_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
a_transaction | a_detail_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The detail (within the header) that the transaction is associated with. [NOT USED] | |
a_transaction | a_header_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The header (eg, cashbook #) that the transaction is associated with. [NOT USED] | |
a_transaction | a_ich_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes the ICH process number | ||
a_transaction | a_journal_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
a_transaction | a_key_ministry_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Key ministry to which this transaction applies (just for fund transfers) | |
a_transaction | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_transaction | a_narrative_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | a_primary_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against [NOT USED] | |
a_transaction | a_primary_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to [NOT USED] | |
a_transaction | a_reconciled_status_l | bool | 1 | false | shows if the transaction has been reconciled or not | ||
a_transaction | a_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Reference number/code for the transaction | |
a_transaction | a_source_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | To flag a transaction as having come from a source ledger and been processed in an ilt processing centre | |
a_transaction | a_source_reference_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Transaction key which initiated an ILT transaction | |
a_transaction | a_sub_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | a_system_generated_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Was this transaction generated automatically by the system? | |
a_transaction | a_to_ilt_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the ILT transaction has been transferred to transaction for ILT file. | |
a_transaction | a_transaction_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
a_transaction | a_transaction_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | Date the transaction took place | ||
a_transaction | a_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
a_transaction | a_transaction_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Has a transaction been posted yet | |
a_transaction | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_transaction | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction_type | a_balancing_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction_type | a_credit_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_transaction_type | a_debit_account_code_c | varchar | 16 | This identifies the account the financial transaction must be stored against | |||
a_transaction_type | a_last_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_transaction_type | a_last_recurring_journal_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a journal within a batch | ||
a_transaction_type | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | ||
a_transaction_type | a_special_transaction_type_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this transaction type a special transaction type or not? | |
a_transaction_type | a_sub_system_code_c | varchar | 24 | Defines a sub system of accounts | |||
a_transaction_type | a_transaction_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
a_transaction_type | a_transaction_type_description_c | varchar | 64 | This is a short description which is 32 charcters long | |||
a_transaction_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_transaction_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_transaction_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | This identifies which cost centre an account is applied to. A cost centre can be a partner but reflected as a character rather than a numeric | |||
a_valid_ledger_number | a_ilt_processing_centre_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | The ledger through which inter ledger transactions are routed for processing. | |
a_valid_ledger_number | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files .It is created from the first 4 digits of a partner key of type ledger. | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
a_valid_ledger_number | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract | m_extract_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifier for the extract | ||
m_extract | p_location_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
m_extract | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
m_extract | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created the linked location | ||
m_extract | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
m_extract | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
m_extract | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
m_extract | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_master | m_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
m_extract_master | m_extract_desc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description for the extract | |
m_extract_master | m_extract_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifier for the extract | ||
m_extract_master | m_extract_name_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Short name for the extract to be used in filenames | |
m_extract_master | m_extract_type_code_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Indicate the extract type. Which function was the extract created through? | |
m_extract_master | m_frozen_l | bool | 1 | false | The user can set the frozen field when the extract should not be updated. | ||
m_extract_master | m_key_count_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
m_extract_master | m_last_ref_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_master | m_manual_mod_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Who made the last manual modification ? | |
m_extract_master | m_manual_mod_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the extract was manually modified | |
m_extract_master | m_manual_mod_l | bool | 1 | false | Indicates that the extract has been edited by a user | ||
m_extract_master | m_public_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
m_extract_master | m_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the extract has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_extract | |
m_extract_master | m_template_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this extract just a template that has not yet been run? | |
m_extract_master | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_master | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
m_extract_master | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_master | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_master | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_parameter | m_extract_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifier for the extract | ||
m_extract_parameter | m_parameter_code_c | varchar | 50 | Extract Parameter Code | |||
m_extract_parameter | m_parameter_value_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Extract Parameter Value | |
m_extract_parameter | m_value_index_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Index for Parameter Value. Only relevant if a parameter is a list of values in which case a new index is used for each list item. | ||
m_extract_parameter | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_parameter | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
m_extract_parameter | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_parameter | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_parameter | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_type | m_code_c | varchar | 50 | Extract Type Code | |||
m_extract_type | m_description_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Description of Extract Type | |
m_extract_type | m_function_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Function that is run to create the extract (4GL function, Delphi, etc.) | |
m_extract_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
m_extract_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
m_extract_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_acquisition | p_acquisition_code_c | varchar | 16 | This code identifies the method of aquisition. | |||
p_acquisition | p_acquisition_description_c | varchar | 160 | This describes the method of aquisition. | |||
p_acquisition | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the acquisition code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_acquisition | p_recruiting_effort_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This defines if the acquisition code listed represents a recruiting effort. | |
p_acquisition | p_valid_acquisition_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Defines if the acquisition code is still for use | |
p_acquisition | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_acquisition | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_acquisition | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_acquisition | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_acquisition | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_action | p_action_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for the action | |||
p_action | p_action_descr_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Description of the action | |
p_action | p_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this action currently in progress? | |
p_action | p_process_code_c | varchar | 60 | Process that this action is part of | |||
p_action | p_system_action_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this a system defined action (as opposed to a user defined one)? | |
p_action | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_action | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_action | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_action | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_action | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_element | p_address_element_code_c | varchar | 24 | This Code is used to identify the address element. | |||
p_address_element | p_address_element_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_address_element | p_address_element_field_name_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Address element field name | |
p_address_element | p_address_element_text_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | This is usually a . or a ; or a , etc | |
p_address_element | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_element | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_address_element | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_address_element | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_address_element | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout | p_address_layout_code_c | varchar | 32 | 'SmlLabel'::character varying | |||
p_address_layout | p_address_line_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_address_layout | p_address_line_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_address_layout | p_address_prompt_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | This field is a short description of the Address Line Code record | |
p_address_layout | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | ||||
p_address_layout | p_locked_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | System flag indicates a lock is on the record | |
p_address_layout | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_address_layout | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout_code | p_code_c | varchar | 32 | Address Layout Code | |||
p_address_layout_code | p_comment_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | Comment for Address Layout Code | |
p_address_layout_code | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Description for Address Layout Code | |
p_address_layout_code | p_display_index_i | int4 | 10 | Index for Display Order (to determine the display position of the layout in a list) | |||
p_address_layout_code | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout_code | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_address_layout_code | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout_code | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_address_layout_code | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_line | p_address_element_code_c | varchar | 24 | This Code is used to identify the address element. | |||
p_address_line | p_address_element_position_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This is the column number where the element field or text should be placed. | ||
p_address_line | p_address_line_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_address_line | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_address_line | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_address_line | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_address_line | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_address_line | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_title_override | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | '99'::character varying | This is the code used to identify a language. | ||
p_addressee_title_override | p_title_c | varchar | 64 | The partner's title | |||
p_addressee_title_override | p_title_override_c | varchar | 64 | The title to override the partner | |||
p_addressee_title_override | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_title_override | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_addressee_title_override | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_title_override | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_title_override | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_type | p_addressee_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_addressee_type | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the adressee type code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_addressee_type | p_description_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
p_addressee_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_addressee_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_addressee_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_bank | p_bic_c | varchar | 22 | √ | null | BIC (Bank Identifier Code)/SWIFT code. The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions. BICs either have 8 or 11 characters. | |
p_bank | p_branch_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The bank code/branch code/sort code (synonymous country-specific terms) for identifying a bank branch with a number/code. | |
p_bank | p_branch_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_bank | p_contact_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Generally the contact person for the unit who will be addressed in any correspondence | |
p_bank | p_credit_card_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this a credit card type (eg. VISA)? | |
p_bank | p_ep_format_file_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | The format file to be used for electronic payment | |
p_bank | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
p_bank | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_bank | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_bank | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_bank | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_bank | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | p_account_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | The full name used for authorizing a transaction with this banking entity. | |
p_banking_details | p_bank_account_number_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The account number in the bank | |
p_banking_details | p_bank_key_n | numeric | 10 | Link to p_bank to see what details the bank has. | |||
p_banking_details | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | A sequence key for the banking details. | |||
p_banking_details | p_banking_type_i | int4 | 10 | The type of banking: BANK ACCOUNT, CREDIT CARD, etc. | |||
p_banking_details | p_comment_c | varchar | 510 | √ | null | This is the finance details comment. | |
p_banking_details | p_expiry_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When this expires | |
p_banking_details | p_first_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | p_iban_c | varchar | 128 | √ | null | The IBAN (International Bank Account Number). IBAN is a standardised international format for entering account details which consists of the country code, the local bank code, the (payee) account number and a control number. | |
p_banking_details | p_last_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | p_middle_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | p_security_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Credit Card Security Code | |
p_banking_details | p_title_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | p_valid_from_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When the credit card is valid from | |
p_banking_details | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_banking_details | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | The banking details to link with | |||
p_banking_details_usage | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | The partner to link with | |||
p_banking_details_usage | p_type_c | varchar | 32 | Reference to the usage type. | |||
p_banking_details_usage | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_banking_details_usage | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | p_type_c | varchar | 32 | This identifies the usage type. | |||
p_banking_details_usage_type | p_type_description_c | varchar | 120 | This describes the usage type. | |||
p_banking_details_usage_type | pc_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | pc_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date where the record was set to unassignable. | |
p_banking_details_usage_type | pc_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this usage type be assigned? | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_details_usage_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_type | p_check_procedure | varchar | 50 | √ | null | A procedure to check the fields... | |
p_banking_type | p_description_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | What it means | |
p_banking_type | p_id_i | int4 | 10 | The ID of this type | |||
p_banking_type | p_type_c | varchar | 24 | Human readable form of this type | |||
p_banking_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_banking_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_banking_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_business | p_business_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_business | p_business_description_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
p_business | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the business code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_business | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_business | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_business | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_business | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_business | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_church | p_accomodation_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_church | p_accomodation_size_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_church | p_accomodation_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'OTHER'::character varying | ||
p_church | p_approximate_size_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of people in regular attendance. | |
p_church | p_church_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_church | p_contact_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Generally the contact person for the unit who will be addressed in any correspondence | |
p_church | p_denomination_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'UNKNOWN'::character varying | ||
p_church | p_map_on_file_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Paper (Digital?) Map of church is on file at Site | |
p_church | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_church | p_prayer_group_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_church | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_church | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_church | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_church | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_church | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute | p_active_l | bool | 1 | true | allowed to use this attribute for new contacts? | ||
p_contact_attribute | p_contact_attribute_code_c | varchar | 32 | Contact Attribute Code | |||
p_contact_attribute | p_contact_attribute_descr_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a contact attribute description. | |
p_contact_attribute | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_contact_attribute | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | p_active_l | bool | 1 | true | allowed to use this attribute detail for new contacts? | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | p_comment_c | varchar | 8000 | √ | null | Contact attribute detail comment | |
p_contact_attribute_detail | p_contact_attr_detail_code_c | varchar | 32 | code for attribute detail | |||
p_contact_attribute_detail | p_contact_attr_detail_descr_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is a contact attribute detail description. | |
p_contact_attribute_detail | p_contact_attribute_code_c | varchar | 32 | Contact Attribute Code | |||
p_contact_attribute_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_contact_attribute_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_country | p_address_order_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Tab order of the city, county, and post code fields on the Partner Edit screen | |
p_country | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | This is a code which identifies a country. It is the ISO code (ISO 3166) | |||
p_country | p_country_name_c | varchar | 80 | The name of the country | |||
p_country | p_country_name_local_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | The name of the country in the Local language | |
p_country | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the country code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_country | p_internat_access_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | The code needed to dial out of a country. | |
p_country | p_internat_postal_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
p_country | p_internat_telephone_code_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The telephone code needed to dial into a country | |
p_country | p_nationality_name_c | varchar | 80 | The nationality of people in this country | |||
p_country | p_time_zone_maximum_n | numeric | 6,2 | √ | 0 | Number of hours +/- GMT | |
p_country | p_time_zone_minimum_n | numeric | 6,2 | √ | 0 | Number of hours +/- GMT | |
p_country | p_undercover_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Describes if the country is politically sensitive. | |
p_country | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_country | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_country | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_country | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_country | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | p_customised_closing_text_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | p_customised_greeting_text_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_customised_greeting | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
p_data_label | p_char_length_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Maximum length of data string if data type is set to character. | |
p_data_label | p_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used (if data type is currency) | |
p_data_label | p_data_type_c | varchar | 40 | Data Type (char | integer | float | currency | boolean | date | time | partnerkey | lookup) | |||
p_data_label | p_description_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Description (Help Text) for the label that the user will see | |
p_data_label | p_displayed_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | If TRUE then this data label will be displayed. Gives a chance to hide but keep labels for historical reasons. | |
p_data_label | p_editable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | if FALSE then the values will be displayed but are not editable. | |
p_data_label | p_entry_mandatory_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | If TRUE then a value for this label has to be set | |
p_data_label | p_group_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Data Label Group | |
p_data_label | p_key_i | int4 | 10 | A sequence key for data labels. | |||
p_data_label | p_lookup_category_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | If a lookup category is selected then the values can be chosen from a drop down box | |
p_data_label | p_not_displayed_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Data label will not be displayed any longer from this date on. | |
p_data_label | p_not_editable_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Data label values will not be editable any longer from this date on. | |
p_data_label | p_num_decimal_places_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Number of decimal places if data type is set to numeric. | |
p_data_label | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the data label has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_data_label | |
p_data_label | p_text_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Label Text | |
p_data_label | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup | p_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if this value is active (i.e. can be used) | |
p_data_label_lookup | p_category_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for Lookup Category | |||
p_data_label_lookup | p_value_code_c | varchar | 80 | Code for Lookup Value | |||
p_data_label_lookup | p_value_desc_c | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Description for Lookup Value | |
p_data_label_lookup | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label_lookup | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup_category | p_category_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for Lookup Category | |||
p_data_label_lookup_category | p_category_desc_c | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Description for Lookup Category | |
p_data_label_lookup_category | p_extendable_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if values for this category can be added on the fly | |
p_data_label_lookup_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label_lookup_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_lookup_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_use | p_data_label_key_i | int4 | 10 | A sequence key for data labels. | |||
p_data_label_use | p_idx1_i | int4 | 10 | Label Index (for sorting of labels). | |||
p_data_label_use | p_use_c | varchar | 40 | Use of Data Label ( Person | Family | Church | Organisation | Bank | Unit | Venue | Personnel | LongTermApp | ShortTermApp ) | |||
p_data_label_use | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_use | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label_use | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_use | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_use | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_application | p_data_label_key_i | int4 | 10 | A sequence key for data labels. | |||
p_data_label_value_application | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_bool_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Label value for type Boolean. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_char_c | varchar | 8192 | √ | null | Label value for type Character. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Currency. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Label value for type Date. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_int_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Integer. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_lookup_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Label value for type Lookup Value. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_num_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Numeric. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Partner Key. | |
p_data_label_value_application | p_value_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Time. | |
p_data_label_value_application | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | ||
p_data_label_value_application | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | |||
p_data_label_value_application | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_application | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label_value_application | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_application | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_application | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | p_data_label_key_i | int4 | 10 | A sequence key for data labels. | |||
p_data_label_value_partner | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_bool_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Label value for type Boolean. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_char_c | varchar | 8192 | √ | null | Label value for type Character. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_currency_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Currency. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Label value for type Date. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_int_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Integer. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_lookup_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Label value for type Lookup Value. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_num_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Numeric. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Partner Key. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | p_value_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Label value for type Time. | |
p_data_label_value_partner | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_data_label_value_partner | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_denomination | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the denomination code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_denomination | p_denomination_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_denomination | p_denomination_name_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
p_denomination | p_valid_denomination_l | bool | 1 | true | Defines if a denomination is still valid for use | ||
p_denomination | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_denomination | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_denomination | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_denomination | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_denomination | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_email | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the email code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_email | p_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_email | p_email_address_c | varchar | 80 | ''::character varying | |||
p_email | p_valid_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
p_email | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_email | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_email | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_email | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_email | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_family | p_different_surnames_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag is set if there are different surnames entered for husband and wife | |
p_family | p_family_members_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag is set if there are family members with their own records in the p_person table. IMPORTANT: Don't rely on this flag anymore but determine this state on-the-fly! Reason: The value of this field isn't maintained reliably any more and the field will be removed in a future version of the DB! | |
p_family | p_family_name_c | varchar | 120 | √ | null | ||
p_family | p_field_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | This is the partner key of the field in which the partner (should be a Worker or ExWorker is serving. | |
p_family | p_first_name_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | ||
p_family | p_marital_status_c | varchar | 4 | √ | 'U'::character varying | ||
p_family | p_marital_status_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_family | p_marital_status_since_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_family | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_family | p_title_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | How the family is to be addressed | |
p_family | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_family | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_family | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_family | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_family | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_file_info | p_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comment for the user | |
p_file_info | p_file_name_c | varchar | 1024 | √ | null | File name this file can be found under in given volume or path | |
p_file_info | p_file_type_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Information about the file type | |
p_file_info | p_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_file_info | p_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Internal name of the file, different from actual file name | |
p_file_info | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with (needed for performance reasons) | |||
p_file_info | p_path_c | varchar | 4096 | √ | null | Path this file can be found in (use either volume or path) | |
p_file_info | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the file info has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_file_info. | |
p_file_info | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_file_info | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_file_info | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_file_info | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_file_info | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_file_info | s_volume_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Volume this file can be found in (use either volume or path) | |
p_first_contact | p_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this contact code still active (ie. should it be shown on picklists)? | |
p_first_contact | p_first_contact_code_c | varchar | 60 | ||||
p_first_contact | p_first_contact_descr_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | ||
p_first_contact | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_first_contact | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_first_contact | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_first_contact | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_first_contact | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | p_body_name_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
p_form_letter_body | p_body_text_c | varchar | 30000 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | p_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | p_owner_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | p_physical_file_c | varchar | 48 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_form_letter_body | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_body | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_design | p_address_layout_code_c | varchar | 32 | ||||
p_form_letter_design | p_body_name_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_design | p_description_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The description of this form letter design. | |
p_form_letter_design | p_design_name_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
p_form_letter_design | p_formality_level_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | |||
p_form_letter_design | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_design | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_form_letter_design | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_design | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_design | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_insert | m_extract_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifier for the extract | ||
p_form_letter_insert | p_body_name_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
p_form_letter_insert | p_insert_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | This field should never be displaywed using the default format statement. | |
p_form_letter_insert | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_form_letter_insert | p_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Surrogate key | ||
p_form_letter_insert | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_insert | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_form_letter_insert | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_insert | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_form_letter_insert | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | p_addressee_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_formality | p_complimentary_closing_text_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | This is a code which identifies a country. It is taken from the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements. | |||
p_formality | p_formality_level_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | |||
p_formality | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | '99'::character varying | This is the code used to identify a language. | ||
p_formality | p_personal_pronoun_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | p_salutation_text_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | p_title_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_formality | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_formality | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | p_contact_partner_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Not part of original specification - provided in case contact does ever need to be a full Partner. | |
p_foundation | p_key_contact_email_c | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Contact email address | |
p_foundation | p_key_contact_name_c | varchar | 70 | √ | null | Name of the contact for this Foundation | |
p_foundation | p_key_contact_phone_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Contact's phone number | |
p_foundation | p_key_contact_title_c | varchar | 70 | √ | null | The contact person's title. | |
p_foundation | p_owner_1_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Financial Development person who handles appeals to this foundation. Anyone else must get permission from the owner to contact the foundation. | |
p_foundation | p_owner_2_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | A second F.D. person who may do business with the foundation. | |
p_foundation | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | ORGANISATION key of the foundation. | |||
p_foundation | p_proposal_formatting_c | varchar | 700 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | p_proposal_submission_type_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | A lookup table would go with this. e.g. EMAIL, LETTER. | |
p_foundation | p_review_frequency_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | (Monthly | Quarterly | Annually) These are the only ones we use now. | |
p_foundation | p_special_instructions_c | varchar | 700 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | p_special_requirements_c | varchar | 700 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | p_submit_frequency_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | (Annually | Bi-Annually | No Restrictions) This is a static list. | |
p_foundation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_foundation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_deadline | p_deadline_day_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The day number | |
p_foundation_deadline | p_deadline_month_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The month number | |
p_foundation_deadline | p_foundation_deadline_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_deadline | p_foundation_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_deadline | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_deadline | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_foundation_deadline | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_deadline | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_deadline | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_amount_approved_n | numeric | 19,2 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_amount_granted_n | numeric | 19,2 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_amount_requested_n | numeric | 19,2 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_date_granted_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_foundation_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal | p_foundation_proposal_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal | p_partner_submitted_by_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The F.D. person who sent the proposal | |
p_foundation_proposal | p_proposal_notes_c | varchar | 700 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_proposal_status_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | p_submitted_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_foundation_proposal | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_area_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The area that the project or key ministry is for | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_field_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The field that the project or key ministry is for if it applies | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_foundation_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_foundation_proposal_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_key_ministry_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Used when the proposal is for a key ministry | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_project_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Ledger is part of the primary key for motivations. | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_project_motivation_detail_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Used when the proposal is for a project | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_project_motivation_group_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Used when the proposal is for a project | |
p_foundation_proposal_detail | p_proposal_detail_id_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_detail | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | p_status_code_c | varchar | 30 | ||||
p_foundation_proposal_status | p_status_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_foundation_proposal_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_interest | p_category_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Interest category | |
p_interest | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
p_interest | p_interest_c | varchar | 20 | Unique key for the table | |||
p_interest | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_interest | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_interest | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_interest | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_interest | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | p_category_c | varchar | 20 | Unique key for the table | |||
p_interest_category | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | p_level_descriptions_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | Description of all the interest intensity levels. Leave empty if levels not needed. | |
p_interest_category | p_level_range_high_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | p_level_range_low_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_interest_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_interest_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_international_postal_type | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the international postal type code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_international_postal_type | p_description_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
p_international_postal_type | p_internat_postal_type_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_international_postal_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_international_postal_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_international_postal_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_international_postal_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_international_postal_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_label | p_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_label | p_description_c | varchar | 70 | ||||
p_label | p_gap_columns_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_label | p_gap_lines_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_label | p_height_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_label | p_labels_across_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_label | p_labels_down_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_label | p_start_column_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_label | p_start_line_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_label | p_width_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_label | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_label | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_label | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_label | s_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies the form | |||
p_label | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_label | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_language | p_congress_language_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicates whether or not the language is one that is 'officially' used at conferences. These are the languages for which translation could be provided. | |
p_language | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | This defines if the language code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | |
p_language | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | This is the code used to identify a language. | |||
p_language | p_language_description_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
p_language | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_language | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_language | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_language | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_language | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_location | p_address_3_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This is the third element of an address (if required) | |
p_location | p_building_1_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The name of the building | |
p_location | p_building_2_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The name of the building (continued) | |
p_location | p_city_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This can be a post town or city | |
p_location | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | This is a code which identifies a country. It is taken from the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements. | |
p_location | p_county_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This can be a county (UK), a state (US), province (CDN), canton (CH) etc. | |
p_location | p_geo_accuracy_i | int4 | 10 | √ | (-1) | The accuracy of the stored geo data; -2: server did not respond; -1: not processed yet; 0: Unknown Location; 1: Country level accuracy; 2: Region; 3: Sub-Region; 4: Town/City/Village; 5: Post code; 6: Street; 7: Intersection; 8: Address level accuracy | |
p_location | p_geo_km_x_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The distance in km of this location to the location 0 if location 0 was on the same longitude; this is for improving query performance | |
p_location | p_geo_km_y_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The distance in km of this location to the location 0 if location 0 was on the same latitude; this is for improving query performance | |
p_location | p_geo_latitude_n | numeric | 9,6 | √ | null | The latitude of the location; a number between -90 and +90; precision is 6 digits (11cm) | |
p_location | p_geo_longitude_n | numeric | 9,6 | √ | null | The longitude of the location; a number between -180 and +180; precision is 6 digits (11cm) | |
p_location | p_locality_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This is the first element of an address | |
p_location | p_location_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_location | p_postal_code_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the national post code | |
p_location | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the location has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_location. | |
p_location | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created this location, it will help to merge addresses when doing imports | ||
p_location | p_street_name_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The name of the street that the house is located on | |
p_location | p_suburb_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The name of the suburb | |
p_location | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_location | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_location | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_location | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_location | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_location_type | p_assignable_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
p_location_type | p_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_location_type | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
p_location_type | p_description_c | varchar | 60 | ||||
p_location_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_location_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_location_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_location_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_location_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_mailing | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |
p_mailing | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines a motivation group. | |
p_mailing | p_mailing_attributed_amount_n | numeric | 19,2 | √ | 0 | Gift amount attributed to this mailing | |
p_mailing | p_mailing_code_c | varchar | 50 | Mailing Code | |||
p_mailing | p_mailing_cost_n | numeric | 19,2 | √ | 0 | Cost of Mailing | |
p_mailing | p_mailing_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date Of Mailing | |
p_mailing | p_mailing_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Mailing Description | |
p_mailing | p_viewable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if the mailing is viewable in comboboxes where the user can select it | |
p_mailing | p_viewable_until_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date until this mailing is viewable for users (if p_viewable_l is set) | |
p_mailing | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_mailing | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_mailing | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_mailing | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_mailing | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_field | p_merge_field_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the field in the Word document which will be filled with the data | |||
p_merge_field | p_merge_field_position_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Position to define order of merge fields | |
p_merge_field | p_merge_form_name_c | varchar | 16 | Name of Merge Form | |||
p_merge_field | p_merge_parameters_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | List of parameters required to create the actual insert | |
p_merge_field | p_merge_type_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Type of this field. This defines the parameters which are required to generate the insert | |
p_merge_field | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_field | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_merge_field | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_field | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_field | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_form | p_merge_form_description_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | Form description | |
p_merge_form | p_merge_form_name_c | varchar | 16 | Name of Merge Form | |||
p_merge_form | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_form | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_merge_form | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_form | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_merge_form | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | p_contact_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the method of contact code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_method_of_contact | p_description_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | p_method_of_contact_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
p_method_of_contact | p_valid_method_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
p_method_of_contact | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_method_of_contact | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_method_of_contact | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_occupation | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the occupation code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_occupation | p_occupation_code_c | varchar | 32 | 'UNKNOWN'::character varying | |||
p_occupation | p_occupation_description_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
p_occupation | p_valid_occupation_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
p_occupation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_occupation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_occupation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_occupation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_occupation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_organisation | p_business_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'UNKNOWN'::character varying | ||
p_organisation | p_contact_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Generally the contact person for the unit who will be addressed in any correspondence | |
p_organisation | p_foundation_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_organisation | p_organisation_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_organisation | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_organisation | p_religious_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_organisation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_organisation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_organisation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_organisation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_organisation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner | p_acquisition_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This code identifies the method of aquisition. | |
p_partner | p_addressee_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'DEFAULT'::character varying | This is a sub-class of the partner class. | |
p_partner | p_anonymous_donor_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Yes if the donor wants to remain anonymous. Names of anonymous donors will not appear on recipient gift statements. | |
p_partner | p_child_indicator_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Inicates if this partner has been assigned as a child unit to another unit. | |
p_partner | p_comment_c | varchar | 10000 | √ | null | Additional information about the partner that is important to store in the database. | |
p_partner | p_deleted_partner_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Yes if this partner has been deleted. | |
p_partner | p_email_gift_statement_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag whether to include this partner when running the Recipient Gift Email report | |
p_partner | p_finance_comment_c | varchar | 510 | √ | null | This is the finance details comment. | |
p_partner | p_first_contact_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | How did this Partner first hear about us? | |
p_partner | p_first_contact_freeform_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | How did this Partner first hear about us (freetext)? | |
p_partner | p_group_id_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The group of Petra users that the partner record is restricted to if p_restricted_i is 1. | |
p_partner | p_intranet_id_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Intranet ID. Needed for making the link to the International Website, e.g. for using the Online Address Book. | |
p_partner | p_key_information_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Important information about this partner that users need to be aware of. | |
p_partner | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | '99'::character varying | Identifies the preferred language of the partner. | |
p_partner | p_no_solicitations_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Yes if not ok to solicit the partner for funds. | |
p_partner | p_partner_class_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | This defines what type of partner this is. The classes that may be assigned are PERSON, FAMILY, CHURCH, ORGANISATION, UNIT, VENUE and BANK. | |
p_partner | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner | p_partner_short_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Name of the person or organisation. If a person, more name info is stored in p_person. | |
p_partner | p_partner_short_name_loc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | An alternative name for a partner - mainly for entering the local language equivalent. | |
p_partner | p_previous_name_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_partner | p_printed_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Partner name how it should appear as printed version (to be used if mechanism to build short name from first and last name does not work e.g. in case of different surnames for husband and wife) | |
p_partner | p_receipt_each_gift_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Flags whether each gift given by a user is receipted | |
p_partner | p_receipt_letter_frequency_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | How often the partner receives a receipt letter. | |
p_partner | p_restricted_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Restricts use of the partner record to the user in p_user_id_c if 2 or the group in p_group_id_c if 1. | |
p_partner | p_status_change_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | This is the date the status of the partner was last updated. | |
p_partner | p_status_change_reason_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Why was the status changed? | |
p_partner | p_status_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This code describes the status of a partner. Eg, Active, Deceased etc | |
p_partner | p_timezone_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Timezone that applies to the partner (address does not necessarily determine that). This refers to data in the International Address Book. | |
p_partner | p_user_id_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The Petra user that the partner record is restricted to if p_restricted_i is 2. | |
p_partner | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_action | p_action_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Action to be applied to Partner | |
p_partner_action | p_action_complete_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When was the action completed? | |
p_partner_action | p_action_complete_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Has the action already been completed? | |
p_partner_action | p_action_freeform_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Action to be applied to Partner (freetext) | |
p_partner_action | p_action_number_i | int4 | 10 | Sequential identifier for this action for this partner | |||
p_partner_action | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Part of FK link to p_partner_reminder so can link this action to a reminder | |
p_partner_action | p_group_to_perform_action_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Which group should perform this action? | |
p_partner_action | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which action applies | |||
p_partner_action | p_perform_by_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date by which action should be performed. Reminders could be set up based on this | |
p_partner_action | p_process_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Process that the action is part of | |
p_partner_action | p_reminder_id_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Part of FK link to p_partner_reminder so can link this action to a reminder | |
p_partner_action | p_user_that_performed_action_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Who actually performed this action? | |
p_partner_action | p_user_to_perform_action_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Who should perform this action? | |
p_partner_action | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_action | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_action | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_action | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
p_partner_action | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_action | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute | p_code_c | varchar | 24 | The attribute type that is assigned here. | |||
p_partner_attribute | p_comment_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Any comment to explain this attribute value, or some additional info that may be required. | |
p_partner_attribute | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_attribute | p_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | A normal sequence so that each partner can have more than one value for any particular attribute type. | ||
p_partner_attribute | p_valid_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | A date when this attribute is valid from. | |
p_partner_attribute | p_valid_to_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When this attribute value is valid until. | |
p_partner_attribute | p_value_c | varchar | 400 | The value of the attribute. | |||
p_partner_attribute | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_attribute | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute_type | p_code_c | varchar | 24 | Attribute Type. This can be anything really: Mobile Number, Email Addresses, etc. | |||
p_partner_attribute_type | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag to indicate whether this attribute deletable by a user or not. | |
p_partner_attribute_type | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Some description of what this attribute type is all about. | |
p_partner_attribute_type | p_is_contact_detail_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Flag to indicate whether this attribute is a contact detail attrib or not. | |
p_partner_attribute_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_attribute_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_attribute_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_banking_details | p_banking_details_key_i | int4 | 10 | The banking details to link with | |||
p_partner_banking_details | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | The partner to link with | |||
p_partner_banking_details | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_banking_details | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_banking_details | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_banking_details | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_banking_details | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_classes | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_classes | p_partner_class_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_partner_classes | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_classes | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_classes | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_classes | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_classes | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_comment | p_comment_c | varchar | 10000 | √ | null | Comment | |
p_partner_comment | p_comment_type_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Comment Type | |
p_partner_comment | p_index_i | int4 | 10 | Record Index that enables multiple comments per Partner | |||
p_partner_comment | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | |||
p_partner_comment | p_sequence_i | int4 | 10 | Sequence number (is necessary to concatenate records to one comment) | |||
p_partner_comment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_comment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_comment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_comment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_comment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact | p_contact_code_c | varchar | 16 | Contact code | |||
p_partner_contact | p_contact_comment_c | varchar | 30000 | √ | null | Contact Comment (also used to hold contents of emails) | |
p_partner_contact | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifying key for p_partner_contact | ||
p_partner_contact | p_contact_location_c | varchar | 8000 | √ | null | Location of contact | |
p_partner_contact | p_contact_message_id_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | The Message ID (only applies if the type of contact is an email); this helps to identify the email and to interface with the EMail application | |
p_partner_contact | p_contactor_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | User who made the contact | |
p_partner_contact | p_mailing_code_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The mailing code associated with the contact | |
p_partner_contact | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_contact | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the contact has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_partner_contact | |
p_partner_contact | s_contact_date_d | date | 13 | Date of contact | |||
p_partner_contact | s_contact_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Time of contact | ||
p_partner_contact | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_contact | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Identifies a module. A module is any part of aprogram which is related to each menu entry or to the sub-system. Eg, partner administration, AP, AR etc. | |
p_partner_contact | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | If set, this contact is restricted to one user. | |
p_partner_contact_attribute | p_contact_attr_detail_code_c | varchar | 32 | code for attribute detail | |||
p_partner_contact_attribute | p_contact_attribute_code_c | varchar | 32 | Contact Attribute Code | |||
p_partner_contact_attribute | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifying key for p_partner_contact | ||
p_partner_contact_attribute | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_attribute | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_contact_attribute | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_attribute | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_attribute | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_file | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | identifying key for Partner Contact | |||
p_partner_contact_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_partner_contact_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with (needed for performance reasons) | |||
p_partner_contact_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_contact_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_contact_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_field_of_service | p_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is the field assignment currently valid | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_comment_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Any comments relating to this field assignment | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_commitment_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Needed if this field assignment relates to a specific commitment | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_commitment_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Needed if this field assignment relates to a specific commitment | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_date_effective_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which field assignment is valid | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_date_expires_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date on which field assignment expires | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_default_gift_destination_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this field the default gift destination? | |
p_partner_field_of_service | p_field_key_n | numeric | 10 | Field to which Partner is assigned | |||
p_partner_field_of_service | p_key_i | int4 | 10 | Surrogate Primary Key | |||
p_partner_field_of_service | p_partner_class_c | varchar | 24 | Is this the field for a person or a family? | |||
p_partner_field_of_service | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which the field is assigned | |||
p_partner_field_of_service | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_field_of_service | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_field_of_service | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_field_of_service | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_field_of_service | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_partner_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with (needed for performance reasons) | |||
p_partner_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_graphic | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_partner_graphic | p_graphic_label_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The label for the graphic related to the partner. | |
p_partner_graphic | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_graphic | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_graphic | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_graphic | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_graphic | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_graphic | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_interest | p_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_interest | p_country_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | The Country the Partner is interested in | |
p_partner_interest | p_field_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Field the Partner is interested in | |
p_partner_interest | p_interest_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The Interest the Partner is interested in | |
p_partner_interest | p_interest_number_i | int4 | 10 | Sequence number per Partner (required to make PK) | |||
p_partner_interest | p_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The level of interest | |
p_partner_interest | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
p_partner_interest | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_interest | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_interest | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_interest | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_interest | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_ledger | p_last_partner_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_partner_ledger | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_ledger | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_ledger | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_ledger | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_ledger | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_ledger | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_alternate_telephone_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_date_effective_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_date_good_until_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_email_address_c | varchar | 120 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_extension_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_partner_location | p_fax_extension_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_partner_location | p_fax_number_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_location_detail_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_location_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_partner_location | p_location_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_mobile_number_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_location | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the partner location has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_partner_location. | |
p_partner_location | p_send_mail_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_partner_location | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created the linked location | ||
p_partner_location | p_telephone_number_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | p_telex_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_partner_location | p_url_c | varchar | 128 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_location | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_location | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_merge | p_merge_from_n | numeric | 10 | The partner that was merged. | |||
p_partner_merge | p_merge_to_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The partner they were merged into. | |
p_partner_merge | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_merge | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_merge | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_merge | s_merge_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of merge. | |
p_partner_merge | s_merged_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The user who did the merge. | |
p_partner_merge | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_merge | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_relationship | p_comment_c | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_relationship | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_relationship | p_relation_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_relationship | p_relation_name_c | varchar | 20 | This code identifies the relation | |||
p_partner_relationship | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_relationship | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_relationship | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_relationship | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_relationship | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_reminder | p_action_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Type of action to take on getting the reminder (eg. Email etc) | |
p_partner_reminder | p_category_code_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is a category, by which reminders can be grouped. | |
p_partner_reminder | p_comment_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | Additional Comments | |
p_partner_reminder | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | ID of Contact to which reminder relates. Null means that reminder relates just to a Partner | |||
p_partner_reminder | p_email_address_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Email address to which reminder should be sent | |
p_partner_reminder | p_event_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of event that reminder is about (if the reminder relates to a specific event like a birthday). | |
p_partner_reminder | p_first_reminder_date_d | date | 13 | Date on which to send/display first reminder. | |||
p_partner_reminder | p_last_reminder_sent_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date on which the last reminder was sent | |
p_partner_reminder | p_next_reminder_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date on which the next reminder will be sent | |
p_partner_reminder | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which the reminder is related | |||
p_partner_reminder | p_reminder_active_l | bool | 1 | true | Is this reminder still active? | ||
p_partner_reminder | p_reminder_frequency_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Frequency (in days) with which re-reminders should be sent. | |
p_partner_reminder | p_reminder_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | ID of this reminder (only unique per Partner/Contact) | ||
p_partner_reminder | p_reminder_reason_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | Reason for the reminder (eg. birthday, etc.) | |
p_partner_reminder | p_restricted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether or not the contact has restricted access. If it does then the access will be controlled by s_group_partner_reminder | |
p_partner_reminder | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_reminder | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_reminder | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_reminder | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_reminder | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_reminder | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Identifies a module. A module is any part of aprogram which is related to each menu entry or to the sub-system. Eg, partner administration, AP, AR etc. | |
p_partner_reminder | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The user that requires this reminder | |
p_partner_reminder | s_user_restriction_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | If set, this contact is restricted to one user. | |
p_partner_set | p_partner_set_id_c | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the Partner Set | |||
p_partner_set | p_partner_set_name_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Name of the Partner set | |
p_partner_set | p_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the Partner Set relates to | ||
p_partner_set | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_set | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set_partner | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner Key | |||
p_partner_set_partner | p_partner_set_id_c | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the Partner Set | |||
p_partner_set_partner | p_partner_set_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the Partner Set relates to | ||
p_partner_set_partner | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set_partner | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_set_partner | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set_partner | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_set_partner | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_short_code | p_donor_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this a short code to identify a donor? | |
p_partner_short_code | p_field_key_n | numeric | 10 | Field to which Partner is assigned | |||
p_partner_short_code | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which short code applies | |||
p_partner_short_code | p_partner_short_code_c | varchar | 30 | The short code which applies to the Partner | |||
p_partner_short_code | p_recipient_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this a short code to identify a recipient? | |
p_partner_short_code | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_short_code | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_short_code | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_short_code | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_short_code | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_state | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which state applies | |||
p_partner_state | p_process_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Process that the state applies to | |
p_partner_state | p_state_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | State of the Partner within the process | |
p_partner_state | p_state_complete_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Has the Partner left this state? | |
p_partner_state | p_state_end_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When will/did the Partner exit this state? | |
p_partner_state | p_state_freeform_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | State of the Partner (freetext) | |
p_partner_state | p_state_index_i | int4 | 10 | Unique identifier of this state for this partner | |||
p_partner_state | p_state_start_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When did the Partner enter this state? | |
p_partner_state | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_state | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_state | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_state | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_state | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_status | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the partner status code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. At the risk of serious operational integrity. Default to Yes | ||
p_partner_status | p_include_partner_on_report_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
p_partner_status | p_partner_is_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | If set to yes, then Partners with this status are considered as active Partners | |
p_partner_status | p_partner_status_description_c | varchar | 120 | ||||
p_partner_status | p_status_code_c | varchar | 16 | This code describes the status of a partner. Eg, Active, Deceased etc | |||
p_partner_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | p_date_valid_from_d | date | 13 | The date from which this percentage is valid | |||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner Key of recipient to which this percentage applies | |||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | p_percentage_tax_deductible_n | numeric | 5,2 | The percentage of incoming gifts to this recipient that should be considered tax deductible | |||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_tax_deductible_pct | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_type | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_partner_type | p_type_code_c | varchar | 20 | This code identifies the type | |||
p_partner_type | p_valid_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the special type is valid from. Can be NULL if there is no relevant start date. | |
p_partner_type | p_valid_until_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the special type is valid to. Can be NULL if there is no end date. | |
p_partner_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_partner_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_partner_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_academic_title_c | varchar | 48 | √ | null | A person's academic title such as BSc(Hons) or Prof. (eg. Herr Prof. Klaus Shmitt) | |
p_person | p_believer_since_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comment about the year or how the person became a believer | |
p_person | p_believer_since_year_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | This is the year the person became a Believer. | |
p_person | p_date_of_birth_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the rthe person was born | |
p_person | p_decorations_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_family_id_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field indicates the family id of the individual. ID's 0 and 1 are used for parents; 2, 3, 4 ... 9 are used for children. | |
p_person | p_family_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | A cross reference to the family record of this person. It should be set to ? (not 0 because such a record does not exist!) when there is no family record. | |
p_person | p_family_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_field_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | This is the partner key of the field in which the partner (should be a Worker or ExWorker) is serving. | |
p_person | p_first_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_gender_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'Unknown'::character varying | ||
p_person | p_marital_status_c | varchar | 4 | √ | 'U'::character varying | ||
p_person | p_marital_status_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_marital_status_since_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_middle_name_1_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_middle_name_2_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_middle_name_3_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_occupation_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_person | p_prefered_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | p_title_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
p_person | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_person | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_person | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_person | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_person | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_range | p_from_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Start of postcode range | |
p_postcode_range | p_range_c | varchar | 64 | Name of the postcode range | |||
p_postcode_range | p_to_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | End of postcode range | |
p_postcode_range | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_range | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_postcode_range | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_range | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_range | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_region | p_range_c | varchar | 64 | A range for a postcode region | |||
p_postcode_region | p_region_c | varchar | 64 | Name of a postcode region | |||
p_postcode_region | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_region | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_postcode_region | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_region | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_postcode_region | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_process | p_process_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for the process | |||
p_process | p_process_descr_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Description of the process | |
p_process | p_process_partner_classes_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Comma separated list of Partner Classes for which this process is valid. Null implies all Classes | |
p_process | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_process | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_process | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_process | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_process | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | p_submission_type_code_c | varchar | 30 | ||||
p_proposal_submission_type | p_submission_type_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_proposal_submission_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_publication | a_frequency_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_publication | p_number_of_issues_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_publication | p_number_of_reminders_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | The number of free issues and reminders to send out. | |
p_publication | p_publication_code_c | varchar | 20 | This is the key to the publication table | |||
p_publication | p_publication_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | A short description of the publication | |
p_publication | p_publication_label_code_c | varchar | 6 | √ | null | The publication short code that is used on an address label | |
p_publication | p_publication_language_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_publication | p_valid_publication_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
p_publication | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_publication | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_publication | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_publication | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_publication | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_publication_cost | p_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
p_publication_cost | p_date_effective_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | |||
p_publication_cost | p_postage_cost_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The cost of posting each item | |
p_publication_cost | p_publication_code_c | varchar | 20 | The is the key to the publication table | |||
p_publication_cost | p_publication_cost_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is a number of currency units | ||
p_publication_cost | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_publication_cost | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_publication_cost | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_publication_cost | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_publication_cost | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | p_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | p_description_c | varchar | 160 | ||||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_cancelled | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_given | p_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_reason_subscription_given | p_description_c | varchar | 160 | ||||
p_reason_subscription_given | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_given | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_reason_subscription_given | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_given | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_reason_subscription_given | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | What partner is it about? | |||
p_recent_partners | p_when_d | date | 13 | √ | null | When was this partner edited by this user? | |
p_recent_partners | p_when_t | int4 | 10 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_recent_partners | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_recent_partners | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | Who is this for | |||
p_relation | p_deletable_l | bool | 1 | true | This defines if the relation name can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. It default to Yes. | ||
p_relation | p_reciprocal_description_c | varchar | 100 | This describes the relation in the reverse direction, eg Husband and Wife. | |||
p_relation | p_relation_category_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is a category, by which relations can be grouped. | |
p_relation | p_relation_description_c | varchar | 100 | This describes the relation. | |||
p_relation | p_relation_name_c | varchar | 20 | This code identifies the relation | |||
p_relation | p_valid_relation_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Determines whether the record is still assignable | |
p_relation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_relation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_relation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_relation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_relation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_relation_category | p_code_c | varchar | 40 | This code indicates the category of a relation. | |||
p_relation_category | p_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
p_relation_category | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This describes the relation category. | |
p_relation_category | p_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
p_relation_category | p_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
p_relation_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_relation_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_relation_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_relation_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_relation_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reminder_category | p_code_c | varchar | 40 | This code indicates the category of a reminder | |||
p_reminder_category | p_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
p_reminder_category | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This describes the reminder category. | |
p_reminder_category | p_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
p_reminder_category | p_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
p_reminder_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reminder_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_reminder_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_reminder_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_reminder_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reports | p_report_description_c | varchar | 510 | √ | null | ||
p_reports | p_report_name_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_reports | p_report_program_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
p_reports | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_reports | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_reports | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_reports | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_reports | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_state | p_active_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this a currently active state? | |
p_state | p_process_code_c | varchar | 60 | Process that this state belongs to | |||
p_state | p_state_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for the state | |||
p_state | p_state_descr_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Description of the state | |
p_state | p_system_state_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is this a system defined state (as opposed to a user defined one)? | |
p_state | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_state | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_state | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_state | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_state | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_date_cancelled_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_date_notice_sent_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_expiry_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the subscription expires | |
p_subscription | p_first_issue_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_gift_from_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
p_subscription | p_gratis_subscription_l | bool | 1 | true | |||
p_subscription | p_last_issue_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_number_complimentary_i | int4 | 10 | 1 | The number of issues sent after a subscription has ceased | ||
p_subscription | p_number_issues_received_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
p_subscription | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_subscription | p_provisional_expiry_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Provisional date on which the subscription may expire | |
p_subscription | p_publication_code_c | varchar | 20 | The is the key to the publication table | |||
p_subscription | p_publication_copies_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | ||
p_subscription | p_reason_subs_cancelled_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_reason_subs_given_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
p_subscription | p_start_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | |||
p_subscription | p_subscription_renewal_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | p_subscription_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'PERMANENT'::character varying | ||
p_subscription | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_subscription | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_subscription | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | p_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
p_tax | p_tax_ref_c | varchar | 100 | Tax Reference | |||
p_tax | p_tax_type_c | varchar | 16 | Tax or VAT | |||
p_tax | p_valid_from_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_tax | p_valid_until_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_tax | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_tax | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_title | p_common_title_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | This defines if the title is a common one to be used more often in this system | |
p_title | p_default_addressee_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Default addressee type code to be used for this title | |
p_title | p_title_c | varchar | 64 | Title | |||
p_title | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_title | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_title | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_title | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_title | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_type | p_category_code_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is a category, by which partner types can be grouped. | |
p_type | p_type_code_c | varchar | 20 | This code identifies the type | |||
p_type | p_type_deletable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | This defines if the type code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. | |
p_type | p_type_description_c | varchar | 120 | This describes the method of aquisition. | |||
p_type | p_type_motivation_detail_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This Mot Detail will be selected by default when entering gifts for Partners with this Special Type | |
p_type | p_type_motivation_group_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This Mot Group will be selected by default when entering gifts for Partners with this Special Type | |
p_type | p_valid_type_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Defines if the type code is still for use | |
p_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_type_category | p_code_c | varchar | 40 | This code indicates the category of a type. | |||
p_type_category | p_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
p_type_category | p_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This describes the type category. | |
p_type_category | p_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
p_type_category | p_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
p_type_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_type_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_type_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_type_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_type_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | '99'::character varying | This is a code which identifies a country. It is the ISO code | |
p_unit | p_description_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | p_outreach_code_c | varchar | 26 | √ | null | todo | |
p_unit | p_outreach_cost_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is the currency that is used for the outreach cost. | |
p_unit | p_outreach_cost_n | numeric | 24,10 | 0 | This is the cost of the outreach/Event | ||
p_unit | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
p_unit | p_primary_office_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The partner key of the office that will be this field's primary office.. | ||
p_unit | p_unit_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_unit | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | u_unit_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | ||
p_unit | um_maximum_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the maximum number of staff required. (Computed from um_jobs.) | |
p_unit | um_minimum_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the minimum number of staff required. (Computed from um_jobs.) | |
p_unit | um_part_timers_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of part-timers acceptable. (Computed from um_jobs.) | |
p_unit | um_present_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the present number on staff. (Computed from um_jobs.) | |
p_venue | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is the currency that is used for the venue. | |
p_venue | p_contact_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Generally the contact person for the unit who will be addressed in any correspondence | |
p_venue | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
p_venue | p_venue_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
p_venue | p_venue_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
p_venue | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
p_venue | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
p_venue | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
p_venue | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
p_venue | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_attendee | pc_actual_arr_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_actual_dep_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_arrival_group_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_badge_print_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_comments_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_attendee | pc_departure_group_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_details_print_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_discovery_group_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_home_office_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_attendee | pc_outreach_type_c | varchar | 12 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_registered_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | pc_work_group_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_attendee | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_attendee | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_building | p_venue_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pc_building | pc_building_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_building | pc_building_desc_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | This is a long description and is 80 characters long. | |
pc_building | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_building | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_building | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_building | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_building | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines which currency is being used | |||
pc_conference | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_conference | pc_end_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | pc_outreach_prefix_c | varchar | 10 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | pc_start_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_conference | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_cost | pc_charge_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_conference_cost | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_conference_cost | pc_option_days_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | 9999999999 | ||
pc_conference_cost | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_cost | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_conference_cost | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_cost | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_cost | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_conference_option | pc_option_set_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Description of the option type | |
pc_conference_option | pc_option_type_code_c | varchar | 32 | Unique name of the cost type | |||
pc_conference_option | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_conference_option | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option_type | pc_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pc_conference_option_type | pc_option_type_code_c | varchar | 32 | Unique name of the cost type | |||
pc_conference_option_type | pc_option_type_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option_type | pc_option_type_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Description of the option type | |
pc_conference_option_type | pc_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pc_conference_option_type | pc_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this option type be assigned? | ||
pc_conference_option_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_conference_option_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_option_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_venue | p_venue_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_conference_venue | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_conference_venue | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_venue | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_conference_venue | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_venue | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_conference_venue | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_cost_type | pc_cost_type_code_c | varchar | 32 | Unique name of the cost type | |||
pc_cost_type | pc_cost_type_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Description of the cost type | |
pc_cost_type | pc_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pc_cost_type | pc_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pc_cost_type | pc_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this cost type be assigned? | ||
pc_cost_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_cost_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_cost_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_cost_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_cost_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_discount | pc_cost_type_code_c | varchar | 32 | Unique name of the cost type | |||
pc_discount | pc_discount_criteria_code_c | varchar | 16 | Unique name of the criteria that a person has to meet to get the discount | |||
pc_discount | pc_discount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | Amount of discount (in percent or total) | |
pc_discount | pc_percentage_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Is the discount value given in percent (or total otherwise) | |
pc_discount | pc_up_to_age_i | int4 | 10 | For discounts up to a certain age (mainly child discount). If age does not matter, set to -1. | |||
pc_discount | pc_validity_c | varchar | 6 | When is this discount valid (PRE, CONF, POST, ALWAYS) | |||
pc_discount | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_discount | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount_criteria | pc_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pc_discount_criteria | pc_discount_criteria_code_c | varchar | 16 | Unique name of the discount criteria | |||
pc_discount_criteria | pc_discount_criteria_desc_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Description of the discount criteria | |
pc_discount_criteria | pc_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pc_discount_criteria | pc_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this discount criteria be assigned? | ||
pc_discount_criteria | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount_criteria | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_discount_criteria | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount_criteria | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_discount_criteria | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_early_late | pc_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_early_late | pc_amount_percent_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
pc_early_late | pc_applicable_d | date | 13 | ||||
pc_early_late | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_early_late | pc_percent_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_early_late | pc_type_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
pc_early_late | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_early_late | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_early_late | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_early_late | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_early_late | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_extra_cost | pc_authorising_field_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |
pc_extra_cost | pc_authorising_person_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Indicate who authorised the extra cost. | |
pc_extra_cost | pc_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_extra_cost | pc_cost_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | pc_cost_type_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | pc_extra_cost_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to identify the extra cost, along with conference and partner key | ||
pc_extra_cost | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_extra_cost | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_extra_cost | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_group | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_group | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | This is the partner key of the conference. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |||
pc_group | pc_group_name_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
pc_group | pc_group_type_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
pc_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | p_venue_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pc_room | pc_bed_charge_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_room | pc_bed_cost_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_room | pc_beds_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_room | pc_building_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room | pc_gender_preference_c | varchar | 6 | √ | null | Gender that is preferred to use that room | |
pc_room | pc_layout_height_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Height for the room layout designer in pixels | |
pc_room | pc_layout_width_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Width for the room layout designer in pixels | |
pc_room | pc_layout_xpos_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | X Position for the room layout designer in pixels | |
pc_room | pc_layout_ypos_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Y Position for the room layout designer in pixels | |
pc_room | pc_max_occupancy_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_room | pc_room_name_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | pc_room_number_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room | pc_usage_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_room | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_room | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_alloc | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | The partner key of the guest, can be null if group booking (see ph_booking for p_charged_key_n to find who is booking the room) | |
pc_room_alloc | p_venue_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pc_room_alloc | pc_building_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room_alloc | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The room can be reserved for a conference | |
pc_room_alloc | pc_in_d | date | 13 | ||||
pc_room_alloc | pc_key_i | int4 | 10 | Surrogate Primary Key; required because there can be several bookings per room, and not all guests might be linked to a partner | |||
pc_room_alloc | pc_out_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_alloc | pc_room_number_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room_alloc | ph_book_whole_room_l | bool | 1 | true | This makes the room unavailable for other guests even if not all beds are used | ||
pc_room_alloc | ph_gender_c | varchar | 40 | possible values: couple, family, male, female | |||
pc_room_alloc | ph_number_of_beds_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | number of beds required by this allocation | |
pc_room_alloc | ph_number_of_overflow_beds_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | number of additional beds (e.g. mattrass, childrens cot, etc) required by this allocation | |
pc_room_alloc | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_alloc | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_room_alloc | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_alloc | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_alloc | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute | p_venue_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pc_room_attribute | pc_building_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room_attribute | pc_room_attr_type_code_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
pc_room_attribute | pc_room_number_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pc_room_attribute | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_room_attribute | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | pc_code_c | varchar | 40 | ||||
pc_room_attribute_type | pc_deletable_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | pc_desc_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | pc_valid_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_room_attribute_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_supplement | pc_apply_discounts_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Apply conference fee discounts to this supplement | |
pc_supplement | pc_conference_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pc_supplement | pc_outreach_type_c | varchar | 12 | ||||
pc_supplement | pc_supplement_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pc_supplement | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pc_supplement | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pc_supplement | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pc_supplement | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pc_supplement | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | a_ar_invoice_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | refers to an offer which will later be the invoice | |
ph_booking | a_ledger_number_for_invoice_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The ledger number that is needed for the invoice | |
ph_booking | p_contact_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | the partner key of the visitor or the partner key of the organisation or group that is visiting; each room allocation can refer to the individual guest as well; this can be different from the partner that is charged in the invoice | |
ph_booking | ph_confirmed_d | date | 13 | √ | null | this should be set to the date when the booking has been confirmed; required for early booking discounts | |
ph_booking | ph_in_d | date | 13 | ||||
ph_booking | ph_key_i | int4 | 10 | Surrogate Primary Key; required because there can be several bookings per room and per group | |||
ph_booking | ph_notes_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Add notes about the stay or special requests by the guest | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_adults_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This is a booking for n adults | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_breakfast_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The people that are part of this booking had n breakfasts; also useful for the kitchen | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_children_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This is a booking for n children | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_linen_needed_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The number of linen that have been provided for this booking | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_lunch_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The people that are part of this booking had n lunches | |
ph_booking | ph_number_of_supper_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The people that are part of this booking had n suppers | |
ph_booking | ph_out_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | ph_time_arrival_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | ph_time_departure_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
ph_booking | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
ph_booking | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
ph_room_booking | ph_booking_key_i | int4 | 10 | details of the booking | |||
ph_room_booking | ph_room_alloc_key_i | int4 | 10 | which room/beds are booked | |||
ph_room_booking | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
ph_room_booking | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
ph_room_booking | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
ph_room_booking | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
ph_room_booking | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pm_application_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with | |||
pm_application_file | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Key to uniquely identify application | |
pm_application_file | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | |
pm_application_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_application_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_application_forms | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | ||
pm_application_forms | pm_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comments | |
pm_application_forms | pm_form_delete_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field will not appear on the screen but will be updated when someone chooses to delete a record. Rather that an actual deletion, the record will be 'marked' for deletion after an agreed upon interval. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_form_edited_l | bool | 1 | false | Indicates if the form was edited. | ||
pm_application_forms | pm_form_received_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the form was received. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_form_received_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this form was received. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_form_sent_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the form was sent. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_form_sent_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the form was sent. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_reference_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This is the reference partner for this application form. | |
pm_application_forms | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | ||
pm_application_forms | pt_form_name_c | varchar | 32 | Indicates the name of the form. | |||
pm_application_forms | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_application_forms | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pm_application_forms_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with | |||
pm_application_forms_file | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Key to uniquely identify application | |
pm_application_forms_file | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | |
pm_application_forms_file | pt_form_name_c | varchar | 32 | Indicates the name of the form | |||
pm_application_forms_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_application_forms_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_forms_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_status_history | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_application_status_history | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | |
pm_application_status_history | pm_comment_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Gives further comments about application status. | |
pm_application_status_history | pm_key_n | numeric | 10 | Key to make editing these records easier | |||
pm_application_status_history | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | |||
pm_application_status_history | pm_status_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates the status of the application. | |
pm_application_status_history | pm_status_date_effective_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Effective Date of the chosen Application Status | |
pm_application_status_history | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_status_history | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_application_status_history | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_status_history | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_application_status_history | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_commitment_status | pm_code_c | varchar | 40 | Code for Status | |||
pm_commitment_status | pm_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_desc_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Description for Status | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_display_idx1_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Display Index (for sorting other than alphabetically). | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_explanation_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Detailed Explanation for the Status | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_intranet_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if the person with this status is generally supposed to have access to the worldwide intranet of the organisation | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pm_commitment_status | pm_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pm_commitment_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_commitment_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_commitment_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_commitment_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_commitment_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_document | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created this document | ||
pm_document | pm_assoc_doc_id_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ID of associated document | |
pm_document | pm_contact_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | |
pm_document | pm_date_of_expiration_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the document expires | |
pm_document | pm_date_of_issue_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the document was issued. | |
pm_document | pm_date_of_start_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the document takes effect. | |
pm_document | pm_doc_code_c | varchar | 40 | This code indicates the type of document for a person. | |||
pm_document | pm_doc_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comments and details | |
pm_document | pm_document_id_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Document ID | |
pm_document | pm_document_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Key to identify the document | ||
pm_document | pm_place_of_issue_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Place the document was issued. | |
pm_document | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_document | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_document | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_document | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_category | pm_code_c | varchar | 64 | This code indicates the category of a document type. | |||
pm_document_category | pm_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pm_document_category | pm_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | This describes the document type category. | |
pm_document_category | pm_extendable_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if document types for this category can be added on the fly | |
pm_document_category | pm_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pm_document_category | pm_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pm_document_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_document_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pm_document_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with (needed for performance reasons to find all records linked with a partner) | |||
pm_document_file | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created this document | ||
pm_document_file | pm_document_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Key to identify the document | ||
pm_document_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_document_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_type | pm_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pm_document_type | pm_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the document type. | |
pm_document_type | pm_doc_category_c | varchar | 64 | This code indicates the category of a document type. | |||
pm_document_type | pm_doc_code_c | varchar | 40 | This code indicates the type of document for a person. | |||
pm_document_type | pm_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pm_document_type | pm_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pm_document_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_document_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_document_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_formal_education | p_country_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Code of country in which the degree was obtained | |
pm_formal_education | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_formal_education | pm_comment_c | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | ||
pm_formal_education | pm_degree_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Description of degree (incl. title and subject) | |
pm_formal_education | pm_education_category_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Education Category | |
pm_formal_education | pm_formal_education_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
pm_formal_education | pm_institution_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Institution the degree was obtained from | |
pm_formal_education | pm_year_of_degree_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 99 | Year the degree was obtained. | |
pm_formal_education | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_formal_education | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_formal_education | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_formal_education | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_formal_education | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_general_application | p_imported_local_petra_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | true if the applicant has already been imported into the local database of the registration office. | |
pm_general_application | p_local_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | the person partner key of the applicant in the local database of the registration office. no foreign key since the person partner is in another database | |
pm_general_application | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_general_application | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | ||
pm_general_application | pm_closed_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This identifies the user that closed the application | |
pm_general_application | pm_closed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the application is closed. | |
pm_general_application | pm_comment_c | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Sometimes there are extra comments of preferences that are related to an application. These can be entered here. | |
pm_general_application | pm_date_closed_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the application was closed. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_cancel_reason_c | varchar | 54 | √ | null | Comment on why the application is on hold. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_cancelled_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the application was cancelled. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is the currency that is used for amounts listed in this application | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_date_d | date | 13 | Date of application. | |||
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_delete_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field will not appear on the screen but will be updated when someone chooses to delete a record. Rather that an actual deletion, the record will be 'marked' for deletion after an agreed upon interval. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_poss_srv_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This is the possible field or team of service. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_recvg_fld_accept_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the receiving field accepted the applicant. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_send_fld_accept_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the sending field accepted the applicant. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_send_fld_accept_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Describes if the applicant has been accepted by the sending field. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_srv_fld_accept_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Describes if the applicant has been accepted by the serving field. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_app_update_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Indicates the date the record was last updated. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_applicant_type_c | varchar | 30 | Describes the applicant, eg. volunteer, staff, speaker. | |||
pm_general_application | pm_gen_application_hold_reason_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Comment on why the application is on hold. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_application_on_hold_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the application is on hold. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_application_status_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates the status of the application. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_cancelled_app_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the application process has been cancelled. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_contact1_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This field indicates how they were influenced to apply with us. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_contact2_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This field indicates how they were influenced to apply with us. | |
pm_general_application | pm_gen_year_program_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | Indicates if the person may consider joining the year program. | |
pm_general_application | pm_old_link_c | varchar | 32 | TODO: this field is a combination of registration office and application number. might not be needed??? | |||
pm_general_application | pm_placement_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This is the placement person handling this application. | |
pm_general_application | pm_raw_application_data_c | varchar | 30000 | √ | null | stores the plain data received from the browser in JSON format | |
pm_general_application | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | ||
pm_general_application | pt_app_type_name_c | varchar | 32 | Describes what the application is for, eg. conference, year program. | |||
pm_general_application | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_general_application | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_general_application | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_general_application | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_general_application | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_interview | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_interview | pm_interview_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comments pertaining to the interview. | |
pm_interview | pm_interview_date_d | date | 13 | Date of the interview. | |||
pm_interview | pm_interview_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | This is the field or team the applicant was interviewed for. | |
pm_interview | pm_interviewed_for_c | varchar | 30 | Describes the program interviewed for. | |||
pm_interview | pm_interviewer_c | varchar | 70 | Name of the person conducting the interview. | |||
pm_interview | pm_intvw_action_to_take_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Describes what action to take. | |
pm_interview | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_interview | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_interview | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_interview | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_interview | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_job_assignment | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_job_assignment | pm_deleteable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicates if the record is deletable. | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_from_date_d | date | 13 | This is the date from which this job is assigned. | |||
pm_job_assignment | pm_hrd_cpy_detail_change_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicates if the hard copy details have been changed. | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_job_assignment_key_i | int4 | 10 | A number to make this unique as other wise we would need to add date from/to | |||
pm_job_assignment | pm_leaving_code_c | varchar | 4 | √ | null | This is a one character field indicating the leaving code. | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_leaving_code_updated_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This date field indicating the date the leaving code was updated. | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The office that entered this assignment | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_to_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date to which a job is expected to be filled. | |
pm_job_assignment | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit to which this person is assigned. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_job_assignment | pt_assignment_type_code_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | This defines the type of assignment. | |
pm_job_assignment | pt_assistant_to_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the assignment is in assistance to the given position. | |
pm_job_assignment | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
pm_job_assignment | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
pm_job_assignment | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_job_assignment | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_job_assignment | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_job_assignment | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_job_assignment | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_job_assignment | um_costs_changed_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Can these costs be changed? | |
pm_job_assignment | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | |||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_actual_support_figure_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_admin_grant_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_agreed_support_figure_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_agreement_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_allowance_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_childrens_education_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost1_label_c | varchar | 50 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost1_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost2_label_c | varchar | 50 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost2_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost3_label_c | varchar | 50 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_extra_cost3_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_food_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_home_assignment_holiday_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_housing_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_insurance_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_medical_dental_care_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_ministry_costs_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_other_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_pension_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_period_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_personal_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_postage_telephone_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_record_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_review_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_study_training_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_travel_conferences_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | pm_vehicle_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_long_term_support_figures | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_ownership | a_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This defines which currency is being used | |
pm_ownership | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_ownership | pm_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | This field represents the approximate value of a valuable item. | |
pm_ownership | pm_identifier_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the serial number of the item. | |
pm_ownership | pm_make_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the make of the item. | |
pm_ownership | pm_marks_of_identification_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | This field lists various physical marks that may help to identify the item. | |
pm_ownership | pm_model_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is the model of the item. | |
pm_ownership | pt_valuable_item_name_c | varchar | 40 | Name of the valuable item. | |||
pm_ownership | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_ownership | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_ownership | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_ownership | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_ownership | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_passport_details | p_country_of_issue_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Country the passport was issued. | |
pm_passport_details | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_passport_details | p_passport_nationality_code_c | varchar | 8 | √ | null | Nationality of the passport holder. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_active_flag_c | varchar | 6 | √ | null | Indicates whether the passport is active or not. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_date_of_expiration_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the passport expires | |
pm_passport_details | pm_date_of_issue_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the passport was issued. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_full_passport_name_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Full passport name. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_main_passport_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this the main passport? | |
pm_passport_details | pm_passport_details_type_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Details the type of passport, e.g. Residence, Diplomatic, etc. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_passport_dob_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of Birth | |
pm_passport_details | pm_passport_number_c | varchar | 40 | Passport Number | |||
pm_passport_details | pm_place_of_birth_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Location of birth, eg. Cleveland, Ohio, USA, or Oswestry,Shropshire, England. | |
pm_passport_details | pm_place_of_issue_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Place the passport was issued. | |
pm_passport_details | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_passport_details | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_passport_details | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_passport_details | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_passport_details | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_past_experience | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_past_experience | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The connection to the site | ||
pm_past_experience | pm_category_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Category/area of previous work | |
pm_past_experience | pm_end_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | End date of previous experience. | |
pm_past_experience | pm_key_n | numeric | 10 | Key to make editing these records easier | |||
pm_past_experience | pm_other_organisation_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Worked with which organisation before (if other than our organisation). | |
pm_past_experience | pm_past_exp_comments_c | varchar | 640 | √ | null | Comments on previous experience. | |
pm_past_experience | pm_prev_location_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Location of previous work . | |
pm_past_experience | pm_prev_role_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Describes role played in previous work. | |
pm_past_experience | pm_prev_work_here_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if past experience was with this organisation. | |
pm_past_experience | pm_prev_work_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the individual has previous worked with similar organisations. | |
pm_past_experience | pm_start_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Start date of previous experience. | |
pm_past_experience | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_past_experience | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_past_experience | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_past_experience | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_past_experience | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld1 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-1 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld10 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-10 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld2 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-2 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld3 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-3 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld4 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-4 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld5 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-5 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld6 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-6 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld7 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-7 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld8 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-8 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | pm_pers_office_specific_fld9 | varchar | 100 | √ | null | User defined field-9 for office specific information. | |
pm_pers_office_specific_data | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_pers_office_specific_data | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_ability | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_ability | pm_bringing_instrument_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether the applicant is bringing his instrument. | |
pm_person_ability | pm_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_ability | pm_years_of_experience_as_of_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the years of experience were up to date. | |
pm_person_ability | pm_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience this person has had this ability. | ||
pm_person_ability | pt_ability_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of ability | |||
pm_person_ability | pt_ability_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of ability. | ||
pm_person_ability | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_ability | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_ability | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_ability | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_ability | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_absence | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_absence | pm_absence_days_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Total number of working days absent | |
pm_person_absence | pm_absence_from_d | date | 13 | √ | null | First day of abscence | |
pm_person_absence | pm_absence_to_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Last day of abscence | |
pm_person_absence | pm_absence_type_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Type of Absence | |
pm_person_absence | pm_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_absence | pm_person_absence_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
pm_person_absence | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_absence | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_absence | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_absence | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_absence | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | pm_status_code_c | varchar | 40 | Code for Status | |||
pm_person_commitment_status | pm_status_since_d | date | 13 | This is the date since the status is valid | |||
pm_person_commitment_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_commitment_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_evaluation | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_evaluation | pm_evaluation_comments_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comments on the progress report. | |
pm_person_evaluation | pm_evaluation_date_d | date | 13 | The date the evaluation was conducted. | |||
pm_person_evaluation | pm_evaluation_type_c | varchar | 24 | This field describes the timing of the progress report, eg. Semi-Annual, Annual, or Leaving. | |||
pm_person_evaluation | pm_evaluator_c | varchar | 60 | Describes the person who conducted the progress report. | |||
pm_person_evaluation | pm_next_evaluation_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of next evaluation. | |
pm_person_evaluation | pm_person_eval_action_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Describe possible actions to take. | |
pm_person_evaluation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_evaluation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_evaluation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_evaluation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_evaluation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_file | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
pm_person_file | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key that the file is linked with (needed for performance reasons) | |||
pm_person_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_language | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | Name of the language(s) spoken. | |||
pm_person_language | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_language | pm_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_language | pm_translate_into_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicate if the person is willing to translate into this language. | |
pm_person_language | pm_translate_out_of_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicate if the person is willing to translate out of this language. | |
pm_person_language | pm_willing_to_translate_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the person is willing to translate into or out of this language. | |
pm_person_language | pm_years_of_experience_as_of_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the years of experience were up to date. | |
pm_person_language | pm_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience this person has spoken this language. | ||
pm_person_language | pt_language_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of language. | ||
pm_person_language | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_language | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_language | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_language | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_language | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_qualification | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_qualification | pm_comment_c | varchar | 512 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_qualification | pm_informal_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | This field indicate whether the qualifications are the result of informal training. | ||
pm_person_qualification | pm_qualification_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the person qualified. | |
pm_person_qualification | pm_qualification_expiry_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the qualification expires. | |
pm_person_qualification | pm_years_of_experience_as_of_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the years of experience were up to date. | |
pm_person_qualification | pm_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience this person has had this qualification. | ||
pm_person_qualification | pt_qualification_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of qualification. | |||
pm_person_qualification | pt_qualification_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of qualification. | ||
pm_person_qualification | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_qualification | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_qualification | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_qualification | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_qualification | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_skill | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_person_skill | pm_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_skill | pm_current_occupation_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this is the person's current occupation | |
pm_person_skill | pm_degree_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Degree that is linked with the skill (if applicable) | |
pm_person_skill | pm_description_english_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Description of skill in english language | |
pm_person_skill | pm_description_language_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Language that is used in field pm_description_local_c | |
pm_person_skill | pm_description_local_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Description of skill in local language | |
pm_person_skill | pm_person_skill_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
pm_person_skill | pm_professional_skill_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this is a professional skill | |
pm_person_skill | pm_skill_category_code_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Skill Category | |
pm_person_skill | pm_skill_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of skill. | |
pm_person_skill | pm_year_of_degree_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Year the degree was obtained. | |
pm_person_skill | pm_years_of_experience_as_of_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the years of experience were up to date. | |
pm_person_skill | pm_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 99 | Years of experience this person has had this skill. | |
pm_person_skill | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_skill | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_skill | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_skill | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_skill | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_vision | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | |||
pm_person_vision | pm_vision_comment_c | varchar | 250 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_vision | pt_vision_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | ||||
pm_person_vision | pt_vision_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
pm_person_vision | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_vision | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_person_vision | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_vision | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_person_vision | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_personal_data | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Name of the person's first language. | |
pm_personal_data | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_personal_data | pm_blood_type_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The person's blood type | |
pm_personal_data | pm_driver_status_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates the level of driving ability. | |
pm_personal_data | pm_driving_license_number_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Driving Licence Number | |
pm_personal_data | pm_ethnic_origin_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Ethnic Origin | |
pm_personal_data | pm_eye_colour_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The person's eye colour | |
pm_personal_data | pm_facial_hair_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Information about the person's facial hair, e.g. beard, mustache | |
pm_personal_data | pm_gen_driver_license_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicates if the person is a licensed driver. | |
pm_personal_data | pm_hair_colour_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | The person's hair colour | |
pm_personal_data | pm_height_cm_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | The person's height in cm | |
pm_personal_data | pm_internal_driver_license_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicates if the person has approval to drive for us. | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_answer_1_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Answer to proof of life question 1 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_answer_2_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Answer to proof of life question 2 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_answer_3_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Answer to proof of life question 3 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_answer_4_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Answer to proof of life question 4 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_question_1_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Proof of life question 1 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_question_2_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Proof of life question 2 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_question_3_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Proof of life question 3 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_life_question_4_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Proof of life question 4 | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld1_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-1 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld2_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-2 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld3_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-3 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld4_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-4 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld5_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-5 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_personal_fld6_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | User defined field-6 for personal information (not in use any longer, replaced by p_data_label_value_partner) | |
pm_personal_data | pm_physical_desc_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Further physical information about the person like tatoos, piercings, scars or marks | |
pm_personal_data | pm_weight_kg_n | numeric | 5,2 | √ | null | The person's weight in kg | |
pm_personal_data | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_personal_data | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_personal_data | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_personal_data | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_personal_data | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_short_term_application | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_short_term_application | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | ||
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_comments_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Gives further comments on arrival information. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of arrival at the conference. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_details_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'no'::character varying | Indicates the status of given arrival details (not known, being planned,...). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_exp_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of expected arrival at the conference (if no transport from arrival point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_exp_hour_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The hour of expected arrival (if no transport from arrival point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_exp_minute_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The minutes of expected arrival (if no transport from arrival point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_hour_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The hour of arrival. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_minute_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The minutes of arrival. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_arrival_transport_needed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if transport from arrival point to congress needs to be arranged by Registrar. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_confirmed_option_code_c | varchar | 26 | √ | null | Indicates the outreach code of the confirmed option. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_contact_number_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Gives a phone number/email where the applicant (or registering person) can be contacted. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_comments_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Gives further comments on departure information. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of departure from the conference. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_details_status_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'no'::character varying | Indicates the status of given departure details (undetermined, being planned,...). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_exp_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date of expected departure from the conference (if no transport to departure point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_exp_hour_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The hour of expected departure (if no transport to departure point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_exp_minute_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The minutes of expected departure (if no transport to departure point is needed). | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_hour_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The hour of departure. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_minute_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The minutes of departure. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_departure_transport_needed_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if transport from congress to departure point needs to be arranged by Registrar. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_from_cong_travel_info_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Information concerning flight or bus numbers. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_option1_code_c | varchar | 26 | √ | null | Indicates the outreach code of the first outreach choice. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_option2_code_c | varchar | 26 | √ | null | Indicates the outreach code of the second outreach choice. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_outreach_role_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | The role a participant has during a outreach | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | ||
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_activity_pref_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | Indicates how important the activity preference is. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_app_date_d | date | 13 | Date of application | |||
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_application_hold_reason_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Comment on why the application is on hold. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_application_on_hold_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the application is on hold. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_application_type_c | varchar | 32 | ||||
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_basic_delete_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field will not appear on the screen but will be updated when someone chooses to delete a record. Rather that an actual deletion, the record will be 'marked' for deletion after an agreed upon interval. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_basic_outreach_id_c | varchar | 32 | TODO: this field is a combination of registration office and application number. might not be needed??? | |||
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_booking_fee_received_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the booking fee has been paid. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_cngrss_special_cost_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Special Costs related to the congress. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_comment_c | varchar | 148 | √ | null | Comments pertaining to the outreach. (Made obsolete: use pm_general_application.pm_comment_c) | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_confirmed_option_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Indicates the confirmed outreach option. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_congress_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates the role for the Congress. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_congress_language_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This is the language spoken by the applicant at the Congress. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_country_pref_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | Indicates how important the country preference is. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_current_field_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Indicates the current field. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_fg_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | A free form field for group codes. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_fg_leader_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the person is a leader of a fellowship group. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_field_charged_n | numeric | 10 | This field idenifies the field to be charged for the costs. | |||
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_leadership_rating_c | varchar | 2 | √ | null | Indicates the leadership rating of the applicant. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_option1_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Indicates the first outreach choice. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_option2_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Indicates the second outreach choice. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_outreach_only_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if for outreach only. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_outreach_special_cost_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Special Costs related to the outreach. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_party_contact_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This field is the partner key of the party contact person. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_party_together_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates what parts of the outreach the party stays together. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_pre_congress_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This code indicates what role they have during pre-congress. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_program_fee_received_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the program fee has been paid. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_recruit_efforts_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is the efforts that recruited the applicant for the event. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_scholarship_amount_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Enter the amount of the scholarship. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_scholarship_approved_by_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Indicate who authorized the scholarship. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_scholarship_period_c | varchar | 18 | √ | null | Length of time the scholarship period covers. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_scholarship_review_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Indicates the date of the review of the scholarship. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_st_special_applicant_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Indicates any special information about the applicant. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_to_cong_travel_info_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | Information concerning flight or bus numbers. | |
pm_short_term_application | pm_transport_interest_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Applicant is interested if there would be a transport possibility from/to arrival/departure point. | |
pm_short_term_application | pt_arrival_point_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This code indicates the arrival point of the congress attendee. | |
pm_short_term_application | pt_departure_point_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This code indicates the departure point of the congress attendee. | |
pm_short_term_application | pt_travel_type_from_cong_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This code indicates the type of travel from the congress. | |
pm_short_term_application | pt_travel_type_to_cong_code_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This code indicates the type of travel to the congress.. | |
pm_short_term_application | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_short_term_application | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_short_term_application | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_short_term_application | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_short_term_application | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_special_need | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_special_need | pm_contact_home_office_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
pm_special_need | pm_dietary_comment_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Contains special dietary information if needed. | |
pm_special_need | pm_medical_comment_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Contains special medical information if needed. | |
pm_special_need | pm_other_special_need_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | Contains any other special need that may be applicable. | |
pm_special_need | pm_vegetarian_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if there are vegetarian needs. | |
pm_special_need | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_special_need | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_special_need | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_special_need | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_special_need | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_staff_data | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_staff_data | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | The connection to the site | ||
pm_staff_data | pm_end_of_commitment_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the expected date their committment ends. | |
pm_staff_data | pm_home_office_n | numeric | 10 | The home office of the person. This is a unit of type field, not of type office. | |||
pm_staff_data | pm_job_title_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | A free text field for a job title for a person. This is not the same as the person's role, however it may be auto generated from the roles. | |
pm_staff_data | pm_key_n | numeric | 10 | Key to make editing these records easier | |||
pm_staff_data | pm_office_phone_ext_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Phone extension of the person at this office | |
pm_staff_data | pm_office_recruited_by_n | numeric | 10 | The office that recruited the partner. This is a unit of type field, not of type office. | |||
pm_staff_data | pm_receiving_field_n | numeric | 10 | The person's is serving for that field. | |||
pm_staff_data | pm_receiving_field_office_n | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The office they work at in the receiving field. | |
pm_staff_data | pm_staff_data_comments_c | varchar | 640 | √ | null | Comments on commitment record. | |
pm_staff_data | pm_start_date_approx_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is the commitment start date an approximate date? | |
pm_staff_data | pm_start_of_commitment_d | date | 13 | This is the expected date their committment starts. | |||
pm_staff_data | pm_status_code_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | This is a field indicating the status of the commitment | |
pm_staff_data | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_staff_data | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_staff_data | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_staff_data | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_staff_data | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_year_program_application | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
pm_year_program_application | pm_application_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Key to uniquely identify application | ||
pm_year_program_application | pm_end_of_commitment_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the expected date their commitment ends. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_ho_orient_conf_booking_key_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Indicates booking at an orientation session. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_intended_com_length_months_i | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Indicates how long the applicant intends to stay with us | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_registration_office_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Partner key of office by which application was entered. | ||
pm_year_program_application | pm_start_of_commitment_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the expected date their commitment starts. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_agreed_joining_charge_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the agreed upon joining charge for the conference and / or the summer outreach. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_agreed_support_figure_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | The agreed support figure. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_app_date_d | date | 13 | Date of application | |||
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_app_fee_received_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the application fee has been paid. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_basic_app_type_c | varchar | 32 | Describes what the application is for, eg. conference, year program. | |||
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_basic_delete_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field will not appear on the screen but will be updated when someone chooses to delete a record. Rather that an actual deletion, the record will be 'marked' for deletion after an agreed upon interval. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_joining_conf_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | Indicates which New Recruits Conference the applicant plans to attend. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_athrized_by_c | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Indicate who authorized the scholarship. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_begin_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Indicates the begin date for the scholarship. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_end_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Indicates the end date for the scholarship. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Enter the amount of the scholarship. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_period_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Length of time the scholarship period covers. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_scholarship_review_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Indicates the date of the review of the scholarship. | |
pm_year_program_application | pm_yp_support_period_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Period of time the support covers.. | |
pm_year_program_application | pt_assistant_to_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if the assignment is in assistance to the given position. | |
pm_year_program_application | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the position. | |
pm_year_program_application | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | √ | null | Scope of this position. | |
pm_year_program_application | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pm_year_program_application | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pm_year_program_application | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pm_year_program_application | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pm_year_program_application | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_area | pt_ability_area_descr_c | varchar | 90 | Describes the area of ability. | |||
pt_ability_area | pt_ability_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of ability | |||
pt_ability_area | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_ability_area | pt_requirement_area_descr_c | varchar | 90 | Describes the area of ability | |||
pt_ability_area | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_ability_area | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this ability be assigned? | ||
pt_ability_area | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_area | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_ability_area | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_area | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_area | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_level | pt_ability_level_descr_c | varchar | 90 | Describes the level of ability. | |||
pt_ability_level | pt_ability_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of ability. | ||
pt_ability_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_ability_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_ability_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this ability level be assigned? | ||
pt_ability_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_ability_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_ability_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_app_form_types | pt_app_used_by_c | varchar | 20 | Indicates if this form is used by either the long application, short application, or both. | |||
pt_app_form_types | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_app_form_types | pt_form_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the form type, e.g. Medical, Referral. | |||
pt_app_form_types | pt_form_received_indicator_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this a form that is received from an applicant? | |
pt_app_form_types | pt_form_sent_indicator_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this a form that is sent out to an applicant? | |
pt_app_form_types | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_app_form_types | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_app_form_types | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_app_form_types | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_app_form_types | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_applicant_status | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the status of an applicant. | |||
pt_applicant_status | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_applicant_status | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the applicant status code. | |
pt_applicant_status | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_applicant_status | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_applicant_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_applicant_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_applicant_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_applicant_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_applicant_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_application_type | pt_app_form_type_c | varchar | 32 | √ | null | This field lists the different forms that are used for the various application types. | |
pt_application_type | pt_app_type_descr_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Describes the application type. | |
pt_application_type | pt_app_type_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the application type, e.g. Short-Term, Long-Term. | |||
pt_application_type | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_application_type | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_application_type | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Can this application type be assigned? | |
pt_application_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_application_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_application_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_application_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_application_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_arrival_point | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the arrival point of the congress attendee. | |||
pt_arrival_point | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_arrival_point | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the arrival point. | |
pt_arrival_point | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_arrival_point | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_arrival_point | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_arrival_point | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_arrival_point | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_arrival_point | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_arrival_point | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_assignment_type | pt_assignment_code_descr_c | varchar | 70 | This describes the one-letter assignment code. | |||
pt_assignment_type | pt_assignment_type_code_c | varchar | 2 | Indicates the type of assignment . | |||
pt_assignment_type | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_assignment_type | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_assignment_type | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this qualification level be assigned? | ||
pt_assignment_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_assignment_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_assignment_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_assignment_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_assignment_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_congress_code | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the role of the event attendee. | |||
pt_congress_code | pt_conference_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this is valid Conference Role. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the Event Role. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_discounted_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
pt_congress_code | pt_outreach_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this is a valid role during a outreach. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_participant_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this role is considered as a normal participant (e.g. in reports) | |
pt_congress_code | pt_pre_congress_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this is valid pre-Conference Role. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this role was made unassignable. | |
pt_congress_code | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this role can still be assigned? | |
pt_congress_code | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_congress_code | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_congress_code | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_congress_code | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_congress_code | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_contact | pt_contact_descr_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Describes the contact. | |
pt_contact | pt_contact_name_c | varchar | 40 | Name of the contact, e.g. Friend, Program, Church. | |||
pt_contact | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_contact | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_contact | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this position be assigned? | ||
pt_contact | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_contact | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_contact | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_contact | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_contact | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_driver_status | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the driver status of a person. | |||
pt_driver_status | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_driver_status | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the driver status. | |
pt_driver_status | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_driver_status | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_driver_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_driver_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_driver_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_driver_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_driver_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_language_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_language_level | pt_language_comment_c | varchar | 800 | √ | null | Exhaustive explanation of the Language Level. | |
pt_language_level | pt_language_level_descr_c | varchar | 70 | Describes the level of fluency in a language. | |||
pt_language_level | pt_language_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of language. | ||
pt_language_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date from which this contact can no longer be assigned. | |
pt_language_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Can this contact still be listed? | |
pt_language_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_language_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_language_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_language_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_language_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_leadership_rating | pt_code_c | varchar | 2 | This code indicates the leadership rating of an applicant. | |||
pt_leadership_rating | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_leadership_rating | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the Leadership Rating code. | |
pt_leadership_rating | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_leadership_rating | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_leadership_rating | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_leadership_rating | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_leadership_rating | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_leadership_rating | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_leadership_rating | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_leaving_code | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_leaving_code | pt_leaving_code_descr_c | varchar | 70 | This describes the one letter leaving code. | |||
pt_leaving_code | pt_leaving_code_ind_c | varchar | 4 | This is the one letter code that indicates why a person left a particular position. | |||
pt_leaving_code | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_leaving_code | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this qualification level be assigned? | ||
pt_leaving_code | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_leaving_code | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_leaving_code | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_leaving_code | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_leaving_code | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_marital_status | pt_assignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_marital_status | pt_assignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | ||
pt_marital_status | pt_code_c | varchar | 4 | This code indicates the different marital statuses. | |||
pt_marital_status | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | ||
pt_marital_status | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | This describes the marital statuses. | |||
pt_marital_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_marital_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_marital_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_marital_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_marital_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label10_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-10. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label1_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-1. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label2_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-2. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label3_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-3. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label4_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-4. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label5_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-5. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label6_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-6. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label7_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-7. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label8_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-8. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | pt_off_specific_label9_c | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-9. | |
pt_office_specific_data_labels | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_office_specific_data_labels | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_office_specific_data_labels | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_office_specific_data_labels | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_office_specific_data_labels | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_outreach_preference_level | pt_code_c | varchar | 2 | This code indicates the level of importance of the country and activity choice on outreachs. | |||
pt_outreach_preference_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_outreach_preference_level | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the preference level code. | |
pt_outreach_preference_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_outreach_preference_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_outreach_preference_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_outreach_preference_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_outreach_preference_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_outreach_preference_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_outreach_preference_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_party_type | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the instructions for handling groups. | |||
pt_party_type | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_party_type | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the party types codes.. | |
pt_party_type | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_party_type | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_party_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_party_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_party_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_party_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_party_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_passport_type | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the type of passport a person holds. | |||
pt_passport_type | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_passport_type | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the passport type. | |
pt_passport_type | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_passport_type | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_passport_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_passport_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_passport_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_passport_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_passport_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_1_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_2_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_3_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_4_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_5_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_6_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_help_7_c | varchar | 96 | √ | null | Help text | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label1_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-1. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label2_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-2. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label3_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-3. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label4_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-4. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label5_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-5. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label6_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-6. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | pt_pers_data_label7_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Label for user defined data field-7. | |
pt_personal_data_labels | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_personal_data_labels | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_personal_data_labels | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_personal_data_labels | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_personal_data_labels | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_position | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_position | pt_position_descr_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Describes the position. | |
pt_position | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
pt_position | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of this position. | |||
pt_position | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_position | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this position be assigned? | ||
pt_position | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_position | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_position | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_position | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_position | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_area | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_qualification_area | pt_qualification_area_descr_c | varchar | 80 | Describes the area of qualification. | |||
pt_qualification_area | pt_qualification_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of qualification. | |||
pt_qualification_area | pt_qualification_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_qualification_area | pt_qualification_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this qualification be assigned? | ||
pt_qualification_area | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_area | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_qualification_area | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_area | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_area | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_qualification_level | pt_qualification_level_descr_c | varchar | 80 | Describes the level of qualification. | |||
pt_qualification_level | pt_qualification_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of qualification. | ||
pt_qualification_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_qualification_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this qualification level be assigned? | ||
pt_qualification_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_qualification_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_qualification_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | pt_report_description_c | varchar | 510 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | pt_report_name_c | varchar | 16 | ||||
pt_reports | pt_report_program_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_reports | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_reports | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_category | pt_code_c | varchar | 60 | Code for the Skill Category | |||
pt_skill_category | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_skill_category | pt_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Describes the Category used for skills | |
pt_skill_category | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_skill_category | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this category be assigned? | ||
pt_skill_category | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_category | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_skill_category | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_category | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_category | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_skill_level | pt_description_c | varchar | 100 | Describes the level of skill. | |||
pt_skill_level | pt_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of skill. | ||
pt_skill_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_skill_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this skill level be assigned? | ||
pt_skill_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_skill_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_skill_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_special_applicant | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates a special status an applicant could have. | |||
pt_special_applicant | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_special_applicant | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the special applicant status code. | |
pt_special_applicant | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_special_applicant | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_special_applicant | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_special_applicant | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_special_applicant | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_special_applicant | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_special_applicant | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_travel_type | pt_code_c | varchar | 32 | This code indicates the different types of travel. | |||
pt_travel_type | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_travel_type | pt_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | This describes the types of travel . | |
pt_travel_type | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from which this code was made unassignable. | |
pt_travel_type | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if this code can still be assigned? | |
pt_travel_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_travel_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_travel_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_travel_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_travel_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_valuable_item | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_valuable_item | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_valuable_item | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this valuable item be assigned? | ||
pt_valuable_item | pt_valuable_item_descr_c | varchar | 80 | Describes the valuable item. | |||
pt_valuable_item | pt_valuable_item_name_c | varchar | 40 | Name of the valuable item. | |||
pt_valuable_item | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_valuable_item | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_valuable_item | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_valuable_item | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_valuable_item | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_area | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_vision_area | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_vision_area | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this vision be assigned? | ||
pt_vision_area | pt_vision_area_descr_c | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Describes the area of vision. | |
pt_vision_area | pt_vision_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of vision | |||
pt_vision_area | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_area | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_vision_area | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_area | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_area | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_level | pt_deletable_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Indicates if a record can be deleted. | |
pt_vision_level | pt_unassignable_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | This is the date the record was last updated. | |
pt_vision_level | pt_unassignable_flag_l | bool | 1 | false | Can this vision level be assigned? | ||
pt_vision_level | pt_vision_level_descr_c | varchar | 80 | Describes the level of vision. | |||
pt_vision_level | pt_vision_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of vision. | ||
pt_vision_level | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_level | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
pt_vision_level | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_level | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
pt_vision_level | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_batch_job | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_batch_job | s_data_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Data passed to a process. | |
s_batch_job | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_batch_job | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_batch_job | s_date_submitted_d | date | 13 | The date the batch job was submitted. | |||
s_batch_job | s_day_of_month_c | varchar | 16 | √ | '*'::character varying | Pattern that stores the day of the month. Pattern can be all * or a string of days 1,15 (ie the 1st and 15th each month) | |
s_batch_job | s_day_of_week_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Pattern that stores the day of the week. Pattern can be all * or a string of days 0,1 (ie Sunday and Monday). | |
s_batch_job | s_file_name_c | varchar | 80 | This is the name of the file | |||
s_batch_job | s_hours_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_batch_job | s_job_type_c | varchar | 16 | √ | 'Process'::character varying | ||
s_batch_job | s_minutes_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_batch_job | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_batch_job | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_batch_job | s_month_of_year_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Pattern that stores the month of the year. Pattern can be all * or a string of months 1,4,8,12 (ie quarterly). | |
s_batch_job | s_parameters_used_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Used to flag if parameters are passed to a process | |
s_batch_job | s_remove_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Flag to remove this s_batch_job after running | |
s_batch_job | s_time_submitted_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The time the batch job was submitted. | ||
s_batch_job | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_change_event | s_change_type_c | varchar | 2 | Type of event (I, U or D - Insert, Update, Delete) | |||
s_change_event | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_change_event | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_change_event | s_date_d | date | 13 | Date on which the event took place | |||
s_change_event | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_change_event | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_change_event | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_change_event | s_natural_key_c | varchar | 2000 | Concatenation of the natural key values for the affected record (the primary key is not enough where a surrogate key is used as this is not meaningful across sites) | |||
s_change_event | s_rowid_c | varchar | 40 | Rowid of the record that the event applied to | |||
s_change_event | s_table_name_c | varchar | 64 | Name of the database table where the event occurred | |||
s_change_event | s_time_i | int4 | 10 | Time at which event took place | |||
s_default_file_volume | s_area_c | varchar | 60 | Area this default volume applies to (e.g. Partner, Application, Contacts, ...) | |||
s_default_file_volume | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_default_file_volume | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_default_file_volume | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_default_file_volume | s_group_name_c | varchar | 60 | Group Name this default volume applies to | |||
s_default_file_volume | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_default_file_volume | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_default_file_volume | s_volume_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Default Volume for combination of group and area | |
s_error_log | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_error_log | s_date_d | date | 13 | ('now'::text)::date | |||
s_error_log | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_error_code_c | varchar | 12 | ||||
s_error_log | s_file_name_c | varchar | 80 | ||||
s_error_log | s_message_line_1_c | varchar | 120 | ||||
s_error_log | s_message_line_2_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_message_line_3_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_process_id_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | ||
s_error_log | s_release_number_c | varchar | 24 | This is the software release number | |||
s_error_log | s_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
s_error_log | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_error_message | s_alert_type_c | varchar | 24 | √ | 'Warning'::character varying | ||
s_error_message | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_error_message | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_error_code_c | varchar | 12 | ||||
s_error_message | s_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | '99'::character varying | |||
s_error_message | s_log_error_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Determines whether to log the error in the s_error_log table | |
s_error_message | s_message_line_1_c | varchar | 100 | ||||
s_error_message | s_message_line_2_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_message_line_3_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_response_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | ||
s_error_message | s_title_c | varchar | 48 | √ | 'Invalid Data Entered'::character varying | ||
s_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_file | s_file_description_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | A description of the file | |
s_file | s_file_name_c | varchar | 80 | This is the name of the file | |||
s_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_bottom_margin_n | numeric | 6,3 | √ | 0 | Bottom margin | |
s_form | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_form | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_default_cpi_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Number of characters per unit of measure | ||
s_form | s_default_font_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_default_font_size_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Default font size (points) | ||
s_form | s_default_lpi_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Number of lines per unit of measure | ||
s_form | s_form_description_c | varchar | 80 | This is a description of the form | |||
s_form | s_form_length_n | numeric | 6,3 | 0 | Height of the page | ||
s_form | s_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies the form | |||
s_form | s_form_orientation_c | varchar | 2 | √ | 'P'::character varying | ||
s_form | s_form_width_n | numeric | 6,3 | 0 | Width of the page | ||
s_form | s_left_margin_n | numeric | 6,3 | √ | 0 | Left margin | |
s_form | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_form | s_right_margin_n | numeric | 6,3 | √ | 0 | Right margin | |
s_form | s_top_margin_n | numeric | 6,3 | √ | 0 | Top margin | |
s_form | s_unit_of_measure_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Unit of measure for the form. True if inches, false if centimeters. | |
s_function | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_function | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_function | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_function | s_filename_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Filename associated with the function | |
s_function | s_function_id_c | varchar | 30 | Identifier for the particular function | |||
s_function | s_function_name_c | varchar | 200 | Function name | |||
s_function | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_function | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_function | s_module_name_c | varchar | 200 | Petra Module which contains the function | |||
s_function | s_sub_module_name_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Petra Sub-Module which contains the function | |
s_function_relationship | s_code_to_run_c | varchar | 400 | √ | null | Code to run if a workflow contains function_1 and function_2 as adjacent steps. This code will provide the glue to connect the two steps. | |
s_function_relationship | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_function_relationship | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_function_relationship | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_function_relationship | s_function_1_c | varchar | 30 | Identifier for one particular function | |||
s_function_relationship | s_function_2_c | varchar | 30 | Identifier for related function | |||
s_function_relationship | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_function_relationship | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group | s_can_modify_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | This defines if the code can be modified | |
s_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group | s_group_name_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Describes a group | |
s_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group | s_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_cost_centre | a_cost_centre_code_c | varchar | 24 | Cost Centre | |||
s_group_cost_centre | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Ledger Number | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_cost_centre | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_cost_centre | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_data_label | p_data_label_key_i | int4 | 10 | Identifying key for p_data_label | |||
s_group_data_label | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_data_label | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_data_label | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_data_label | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the data label | |
s_group_data_label | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_data_label | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_data_label | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_data_label | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_data_label | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the data label | |
s_group_data_label | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the data label | |
s_group_extract | m_extract_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifier for the extract | ||
s_group_extract | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_extract | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_extract | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_extract | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the extract | |
s_group_extract | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_extract | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_extract | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_extract | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_extract | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the extract | |
s_group_extract | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the extract | |
s_group_file_info | p_file_info_key_n | numeric | 10 | ||||
s_group_file_info | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_file_info | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_file_info | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_file_info | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the file information | |
s_group_file_info | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_file_info | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_file_info | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_file_info | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_file_info | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the file information | |
s_group_file_info | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the file information | |
s_group_function | s_can_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Does the group have access to this function? | |
s_group_function | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_function | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_function | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_function | s_function_id_c | varchar | 30 | Identifier for the particular function | |||
s_group_function | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_function | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_function | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_function | s_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_gift | a_batch_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifes which batch a transaction belongs to | ||
s_group_gift | a_gift_transaction_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Identifies a transaction within a journal within a batch within a ledger | ||
s_group_gift | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Ledger Number | ||
s_group_gift | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_gift | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_gift | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_gift | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the gift | |
s_group_gift | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_gift | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_gift | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_gift | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_gift | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the gift | |
s_group_gift | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the gift | |
s_group_ledger | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Ledger Number | ||
s_group_ledger | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_ledger | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_ledger | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_ledger | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_ledger | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_ledger | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_ledger | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_location | p_location_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
s_group_location | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created this location, it will help to merge addresses when doing imports | ||
s_group_location | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_location | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_location | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_location | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the location | |
s_group_location | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_location | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_location | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_location | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_location | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the location | |
s_group_location | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the location | |
s_group_module_access_permission | s_can_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to access this module | |
s_group_module_access_permission | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_module_access_permission | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_group_motivation | a_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Ledger Number | ||
s_group_motivation | a_motivation_detail_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines the motivation detail within a motivation group. | |||
s_group_motivation | a_motivation_group_code_c | varchar | 16 | This defines a motivation group. | |||
s_group_motivation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_motivation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_motivation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_motivation | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to gifts with this motivation | |
s_group_motivation | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_motivation | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_motivation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_motivation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_motivation | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to gifts with this motivation | |
s_group_motivation | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to gifts with this motivation | |
s_group_partner_contact | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifying key for p_partner_contact | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the contact | |
s_group_partner_contact | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_partner_contact | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_contact | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the contact | |
s_group_partner_contact | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the contact | |
s_group_partner_location | p_location_key_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | |||
s_group_partner_location | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which the location is related | |||
s_group_partner_location | p_site_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the key that tell what site created this location, it will help to merge addresses when doing imports | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the partner location | |
s_group_partner_location | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_partner_location | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_location | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the partner location | |
s_group_partner_location | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the partner location | |
s_group_partner_reminder | p_contact_id_i | int4 | 10 | ID of Contact to which reminder relates. Null means that reminder relates just to a Partner | |||
s_group_partner_reminder | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key of Partner to which the reminder is related | |||
s_group_partner_reminder | p_reminder_id_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | identifying key for p_partner_reminder | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control delete access to the reminder | |
s_group_partner_reminder | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_reminder | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control read access to the reminder | |
s_group_partner_reminder | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Control write access to the reminder | |
s_group_partner_set | p_partner_set_id_c | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the Partner Set | |||
s_group_partner_set | p_partner_set_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the Partner Set relates to | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_delete_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | If the association is inclusive this will grant delete access to the Partners, otherwise it will deny delete access to the Partners | |
s_group_partner_set | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_group_partner_set | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_inclusive_or_exclusive_l | bool | 1 | Is the association between the Group and Partner Set inclusive or exclusive | |||
s_group_partner_set | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_partner_set | s_read_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | If the association is inclusive this will grant read access to the Partners, otherwise it will deny read access to the Partners | |
s_group_partner_set | s_write_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | If the association is inclusive this will grant write access to the Partners, otherwise it will deny write access to the Partners | |
s_group_table_access_permission | s_can_create_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow creation. | |
s_group_table_access_permission | s_can_delete_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow deletion. | |
s_group_table_access_permission | s_can_inquire_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow inquiry. | |
s_group_table_access_permission | s_can_modify_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow modification. | |
s_group_table_access_permission | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies the system group | |||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_group_table_access_permission | s_table_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
s_job_group | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
s_job_group | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
s_job_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_job_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_job_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_job_group | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies a system group | |||
s_job_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_job_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_job_group | s_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that this role/group assignment relates to | ||
s_job_group | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | Position record identifier | |||
s_label | p_label_name_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_label | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_label | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_label | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_label | s_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | The form the label is designed for | |||
s_label | s_horizontal_pitch_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The distance from the left edge of the first label to the left edge of the next label. | ||
s_label | s_label_description_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
s_label | s_label_height_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The height of each label. | ||
s_label | s_label_width_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The width of each label. | ||
s_label | s_labels_across_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The number of labels across a page. | ||
s_label | s_labels_down_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The number of labels down a page. | ||
s_label | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_label | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_label | s_side_margin_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The distance from the left edge of the page to the left edge of the first label. | ||
s_label | s_top_margin_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The disance from the top of the page to the top of the first label. | ||
s_label | s_vertical_pitch_n | numeric | 6,2 | 0 | The distance from the top of the first label to the top of the next label. | ||
s_language_specific | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_language_specific | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_language_specific | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_language_specific | s_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | '99'::character varying | This is the code used to identify a language. | ||
s_language_specific | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_language_specific | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_1 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 1. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_10 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 10. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_11 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 11. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_12 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 12. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_2 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 2. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_3 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 3. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_4 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 4. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_5 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 5. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_6 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 6. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_7 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 7. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_8 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 8. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_c_9 | varchar | 40 | The language specific month name 9. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_1 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 1. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_10 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 10. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_11 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 11. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_12 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 12. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_2 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 2. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_3 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 3. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_4 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 4. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_5 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 5. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_6 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 6. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_7 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 7. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_8 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 8. | |||
s_language_specific | s_month_name_short_c_9 | varchar | 6 | The language specific short month name 9. | |||
s_login | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_login | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_login | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_login | s_login_date_d | date | 13 | The date a user logged in. | |||
s_login | s_login_process_id_r | int4 | 10 | Petra process ID; this is a unique key | |||
s_login | s_login_status_c | varchar | 50 | √ | null | Description of the login attempt. | |
s_login | s_login_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | The time a user logged in. | ||
s_login | s_login_tty_line_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This is the tty line on which the terminal is located on computer. | |
s_login | s_logout_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date a user logged out. | |
s_login | s_logout_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The time a user logged out. | |
s_login | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_login | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_login | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one. | |
s_logon_message | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_logon_message | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_logon_message | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_logon_message | s_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | '99'::character varying | This is the code used to identify a language. | ||
s_logon_message | s_logon_message_c | varchar | 300 | √ | null | Message displayed when a user logs onto to the system | |
s_logon_message | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_logon_message | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_module | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_module | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_module | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_module | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_module | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_module | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | Identifies a module. A module is any part of aprogram which is related to each menu entry or to the sub-system. Eg, partner administration, AP, AR etc. | |||
s_module | s_module_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | This is the name of the module | |
s_module_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_module_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_module_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_module_file | s_file_name_c | varchar | 80 | This is the name of the file | |||
s_module_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_module_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_module_file | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | Identifies a module | |||
s_patch_log | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_patch_log | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_patch_log | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_patch_log | s_date_run_d | date | 13 | The date the patch was run. | |||
s_patch_log | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_patch_log | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_patch_log | s_patch_name_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
s_patch_log | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The user who ran the patch | |
s_report_file | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_report_file | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_report_file | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_report_file | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_report_file | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_report_file | s_report_date_d | date | 13 | Date the report was generated | |||
s_report_file | s_report_file_name_c | varchar | 24 | Name of the report text file | |||
s_report_file | s_report_time_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | Time the report was generated. | ||
s_report_file | s_report_title_c | varchar | 100 | Title of the Report | |||
s_report_file | s_rpg_c | varchar | 80 | Name of the report generating program | |||
s_report_file | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_report_options | s_copies_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 1 | Number of copies | |
s_report_options | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_report_options | s_data_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | ||
s_report_options | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_report_options | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_report_options | s_from_page_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | From page number | |
s_report_options | s_interactive_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Denotes if the report is produced in batch (s_interactive_c = FALSE) or interactively (s_interactive_l = TRUE) | |
s_report_options | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_report_options | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_report_options | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | identifies the module | |||
s_report_options | s_report_file_name_c | varchar | 24 | Name of the report text file | |||
s_report_options | s_report_title_c | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Title of the Report | |
s_report_options | s_rpg_c | varchar | 80 | Name of the the report generating program | |||
s_report_options | s_to_page_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_report_options | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_reports_to_archive | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_reports_to_archive | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_reports_to_archive | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_reports_to_archive | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_reports_to_archive | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_reports_to_archive | s_report_title_c | varchar | 100 | Title of the Report | |||
s_selected_output_destination | s_batch_job_id_r | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Recid of the corresponding batch job. This field is set to ? if the job is running interactive. | |
s_selected_output_destination | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_selected_output_destination | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_selected_output_destination | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_selected_output_destination | s_form_name_c | varchar | 636 | √ | null | Identifies a form. Also used for email addresses. | |
s_selected_output_destination | s_login_process_id_r | int4 | 10 | √ | null | Petra process ID | |
s_selected_output_destination | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_selected_output_destination | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_selected_output_destination | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | Identifies a module | |||
s_selected_output_destination | s_paper_source_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Printer tray number to take the form from | |
s_selected_output_destination | s_printer_name_c | varchar | 64 | Identifies a printer | |||
s_selected_output_destination | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_system_defaults | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_defaults | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_system_defaults | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_defaults | s_default_code_c | varchar | 100 | ||||
s_system_defaults | s_default_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
s_system_defaults | s_default_value_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | ||
s_system_defaults | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_system_defaults | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_system_status | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_system_available_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_system_available_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_system_status | s_system_disabled_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_system_disabled_reason_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status | s_system_disabled_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_system_status | s_system_login_status_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | The log in status of the system. | |
s_system_status | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_system_status_log | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_system_status_log | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_system_disabled_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_system_disabled_reason_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_system_disabled_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_system_status_log | s_system_enabled_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_system_status_log | s_system_enabled_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_system_status_log | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_user | a_default_ledger_number_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This is used as a key field in most of the accounting system files | |
s_user | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | If the user has a Partner record this is the key to it | |
s_user | s_acquisition_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | This code identifies the method of aquisition. | |
s_user | s_can_modify_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | This defines if the code can be modified | |
s_user | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_user | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_failed_login_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The last date a user failed to log in. | |
s_user | s_failed_login_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | The last time a user failed to log in | |
s_user | s_failed_logins_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_user | s_first_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | √ | '99'::character varying | This is the code used to identify a language. | |
s_user | s_last_login_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | The date the user last logged in. | |
s_user | s_last_login_time_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | ||
s_user | s_last_name_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user | s_password_hash_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The .NET hash value of the user's salted password | |
s_user | s_password_needs_change_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Forces change of password at next login. Set by either Petra 2.2 installation or if the SYSADMIN changes a password for a user (not yet implemented) | |
s_user | s_password_salt_c | varchar | 64 | √ | null | The salt value used to hide the password even more (cannot recognise 2 same passwords) | |
s_user | s_record_delete_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
s_user | s_retired_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | ||
s_user | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_user_defaults | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_defaults | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_user_defaults | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_user_defaults | s_default_code_c | varchar | 100 | The name of the default | |||
s_user_defaults | s_default_value_c | varchar | 500 | √ | null | The value of the default | |
s_user_defaults | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_user_defaults | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_defaults | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This identifies who the current user is | |||
s_user_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_user_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_user_group | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_user_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_user_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_group | s_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_user_group | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_can_access_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to access this module | |
s_user_module_access_permission | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_user_module_access_permission | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_can_create_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow creation. | |
s_user_table_access_permission | s_can_delete_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow deletion. | |
s_user_table_access_permission | s_can_inquire_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow inquiry. | |
s_user_table_access_permission | s_can_modify_l | bool | 1 | √ | true | Permission to allow modification. | |
s_user_table_access_permission | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_table_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
s_user_table_access_permission | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | This is the system user id. Each user of the system is allocated one | |||
s_valid_output_form | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_valid_output_form | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_valid_output_form | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_valid_output_form | s_form_name_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_valid_output_form | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_valid_output_form | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_valid_output_form | s_module_id_c | varchar | 20 | ||||
s_volume | s_comment_c | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Comment for the user | |
s_volume | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_volume | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_volume | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_volume | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_volume | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_volume | s_name_c | varchar | 160 | Name (Identifier) for the volume | |||
s_volume | s_parent_volume_name_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Name of the parent volume (use either Path or Parent Volume) | |
s_volume | s_path_c | varchar | 4096 | √ | null | Path information (use either Path or Parent Volume) | |
s_volume_partner_group | s_comment_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | Comment field | |
s_volume_partner_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_volume_partner_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group | s_description_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Description | |
s_volume_partner_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group | s_name_c | varchar | 60 | Group Name this default volume applies to | |||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | Partner key (one partner can be in several groups) | |||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_group_name_c | varchar | 60 | Group Name this default volume applies to | |||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_volume_partner_group_partner | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_description_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_definition | s_module_list_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | List of all modules within which workflow should be available | |
s_workflow_definition | s_name_c | varchar | 60 | ||||
s_workflow_definition | s_type_of_shared_data_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | If workflow is dependent on a particular data item what sort of data item is it (eg. partner key, application, extract). | |
s_workflow_definition | s_workflow_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow ID | |||
s_workflow_group | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_group | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_group | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_group | s_group_id_c | varchar | 20 | The group that has access to the workflow | |||
s_workflow_group | s_group_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | Field that the group belongs to | ||
s_workflow_group | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_group | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_group | s_workflow_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow ID | |||
s_workflow_instance | s_complete_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Has the workflow been completed | |
s_workflow_instance | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_instance | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance | s_key_data_item_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | If there is a particular data item required through the workflow what is it. Eg. if a Partner Key is required what is that Partner Key | |
s_workflow_instance | s_key_data_item_type_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | The type of the shared data item (eg. Partner Key) | |
s_workflow_instance | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance | s_note_c | varchar | 600 | √ | null | User entered comment or note attached to the workflow | |
s_workflow_instance | s_system_generated_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Was this instance generated by the System rather than the user | |
s_workflow_instance | s_workflow_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow ID | |||
s_workflow_instance | s_workflow_instance_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow Instance ID | |||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_complete_l | bool | 1 | √ | null | Has this step been completed | |
s_workflow_instance_step | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_output_parameters_c | varchar | 200 | √ | null | Any output parameters from this step | |
s_workflow_instance_step | s_step_number_i | int4 | 10 | Indicates current position within workflow instance | |||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | User who ran or is running this step | |||
s_workflow_instance_step | s_workflow_instance_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow Instance ID | |||
s_workflow_step | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_step | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_step | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_step | s_function_id_c | varchar | 30 | Identifier for the particular function | |||
s_workflow_step | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_step | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_step | s_step_number_i | int4 | 10 | Indicates position within workflow (ie. 1 means first step, etc) | |||
s_workflow_step | s_workflow_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow ID | |||
s_workflow_user | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_user | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
s_workflow_user | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_user | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_user | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
s_workflow_user | s_user_id_c | varchar | 20 | The user that has access to the workflow | |||
s_workflow_user | s_workflow_id_i | int4 | 10 | Workflow ID | |||
u_unit_type | p_type_deletable_l | bool | 1 | false | This defines if the type code can be deleted. This can only be updated by the system manager. | ||
u_unit_type | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
u_unit_type | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
u_unit_type | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
u_unit_type | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
u_unit_type | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
u_unit_type | u_unit_type_code_c | varchar | 24 | ||||
u_unit_type | u_unit_type_name_c | varchar | 64 | ||||
um_job | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_job | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
um_job | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
um_job | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_job | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_job | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_job | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job | um_applications_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of applications on file for this position. This field is driven from the pm_job_assignment. | |
um_job | um_commitment_period_c | varchar | 30 | 'Three months'::character varying | Length of commitment required for this position. | ||
um_job | um_from_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date from um_training_period. | |
um_job | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | To make sure we can have two jobs in difference time-frames | |||
um_job | um_job_publicity_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Describes where you want to advertise about a job opening, only within the Unit, to the whole organisation, or outside our organisation. | |
um_job | um_job_type_c | varchar | 40 | 'Short Term'::character varying | Indicates the normal length of commitment, eg. short-term. | ||
um_job | um_maximum_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the maximum number of staff required. | |
um_job | um_minimum_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the minimum number of staff required. | |
um_job | um_part_time_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates if part-timers can be accepted for this position. | |
um_job | um_part_timers_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of part-timers acceptable. | |
um_job | um_present_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the present number on staff. | |
um_job | um_previous_internal_exp_req_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Indicates whether previous experience with our organisation is required for this job. | |
um_job | um_public_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | Is this position available to other systems. | |
um_job | um_to_date_d | date | 13 | √ | null | Date the job posting is to. | |
um_job | um_training_period_c | varchar | 30 | 'One month'::character varying | Length of training required for this position. | ||
um_job_language | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | Name of the language(s) spoken. | |||
um_job_language | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit to which this person is assigned. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_job_language | pt_language_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of language. | |
um_job_language | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
um_job_language | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
um_job_language | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_language | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_job_language | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_job_language | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_job_language | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_language | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
um_job_language | um_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience required using this language. | ||
um_job_qualification | pm_informal_flag_l | bool | 1 | √ | false | This field indicate whether the qualifications can be the result of informal training. | |
um_job_qualification | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit to which this person is assigned. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_job_qualification | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
um_job_qualification | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
um_job_qualification | pt_qualification_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of qualification. | |||
um_job_qualification | pt_qualification_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of qualification. | |
um_job_qualification | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_qualification | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_job_qualification | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_job_qualification | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_job_qualification | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_qualification | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
um_job_qualification | um_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 99 | Years of experience required using this qualification. | |
um_job_requirement | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit to which this person is assigned. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_job_requirement | pt_ability_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of ability | |||
um_job_requirement | pt_ability_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of ability. | |
um_job_requirement | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
um_job_requirement | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
um_job_requirement | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_requirement | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_job_requirement | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_job_requirement | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_job_requirement | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_requirement | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
um_job_requirement | um_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience required for this position.. | ||
um_job_vision | pm_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key of the unit to which this person is assigned. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_job_vision | pt_position_name_c | varchar | 60 | Name of the position. | |||
um_job_vision | pt_position_scope_c | varchar | 24 | Scope of the position. | |||
um_job_vision | pt_vision_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of vision | |||
um_job_vision | pt_vision_level_i | int4 | 10 | √ | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of vision. | |
um_job_vision | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_vision | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_job_vision | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_job_vision | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_job_vision | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_job_vision | um_job_key_i | int4 | 10 | ||||
um_unit_ability | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_ability | pt_ability_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of ability | |||
um_unit_ability | pt_ability_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of ability. | ||
um_unit_ability | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_ability | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_ability | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_ability | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_ability | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_ability | um_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience this required for this ability. | ||
um_unit_cost | a_local_currency_code_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Indicates the local currency. | |
um_unit_cost | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_cost | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_cost | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_cost | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_cost | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_cost | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_cost | um_adult_joining_charge_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for adults. | |
um_unit_cost | um_adult_joining_charge_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for adults. | |
um_unit_cost | um_charge_period_c | varchar | 24 | The charge period for the unit, eg. monthly, quarterly. | |||
um_unit_cost | um_child1_costs_period_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child1_costs_period_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child2_costs_period_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child2_costs_period_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child3_costs_period_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child3_costs_period_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a child to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child_joining_charge_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for a child. | |
um_unit_cost | um_child_joining_charge_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for a child. | |
um_unit_cost | um_couple_costs_period_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a couple to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_couple_costs_period_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a couple to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_couple_joining_charge_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for couples. | |
um_unit_cost | um_couple_joining_charge_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates the joining charge for couples. | |
um_unit_cost | um_single_costs_period_base_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a single to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_single_costs_period_intl_n | numeric | 24,10 | √ | 0 | Indicates amount it costs a single to be on the team. | |
um_unit_cost | um_valid_from_date_d | date | 13 | Date from which these costs are applicable. | |||
um_unit_evaluation | p_evaluator_home_country_c | varchar | 40 | The name of the evaluator's home country. | |||
um_unit_evaluation | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_evaluation | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_evaluation | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_evaluation | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_evaluation | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_evaluation | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_evaluation | um_date_of_evaluation_d | date | 13 | Indicates the date of the evaluation. | |||
um_unit_evaluation | um_evaluation_number_n | numeric | 14 | 0 | The evaluation number is generated from a database sequence | ||
um_unit_evaluation | um_evaluator_age_n | numeric | 4 | 0 | Age of the person conduction the unit evaluation. | ||
um_unit_evaluation | um_evaluator_family_status_c | varchar | 40 | Indicates whether the evaluator is married, single, etc. | |||
um_unit_evaluation | um_evaluator_sex_c | varchar | 2 | ||||
um_unit_evaluation | um_unit_evaluation_data_c | varchar | 160 | √ | null | Data regarding the unit evaluation. | |
um_unit_language | p_language_code_c | varchar | 20 | Name of the language(s) spoken. | |||
um_unit_language | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_language | pt_language_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of language. | ||
um_unit_language | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_language | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_language | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_language | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_language | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_language | um_unit_lang_comment_c | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Contains comments pertaining to the language of the unit. | |
um_unit_language | um_unit_language_req_c | varchar | 16 | √ | null | Lists whether the languare is required or desired. | |
um_unit_language | um_years_of_experience_i | int4 | 10 | 99 | Years of experience required using this language. | ||
um_unit_structure | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_structure | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_structure | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_structure | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_structure | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_structure | um_child_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is an alias of the partner key. This is used to identify parent-child relationships. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_structure | um_parent_unit_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is an alias of the partner key. This is used to identify parent-child relationships. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_vision | p_partner_key_n | numeric | 10 | 0 | This is the partner key assigned to each partner. It consists of the fund id followed by a computer generated six digit number. | ||
um_unit_vision | pt_vision_area_name_c | varchar | 32 | Name of the area of vision | |||
um_unit_vision | pt_vision_level_i | int4 | 10 | 0 | This field is a numeric representation of level of vision. | ||
um_unit_vision | s_created_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_vision | s_date_created_d | date | 13 | √ | ('now'::text)::date | ||
um_unit_vision | s_date_modified_d | date | 13 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_vision | s_modification_id_c | varchar | 150 | √ | null | ||
um_unit_vision | s_modified_by_c | varchar | 20 | √ | null |